Friday 16 September 2011

What major non-western inventors changed the world?

You know how Edison brought the world the light bulb, Graham Bell brought us the phone, Ford and Benz brought us the car, the Wright brothers brought us the airplane, Kalashnikov brought us the AK-47, Guthenberg brought us the printing press etc. What are some inventors names who brought us world changing inventions from China, India, the African Continent etc?

I can't think of any off the top of my head. I just realized that almost all our history and science glorification is of the west. We never give other cultures credit.
What major non-western inventors changed the world?
the suicide vest/belt.
What major non-western inventors changed the world?
Ancient Indians in 3000 BC could predict accurately solar eclipse and had nuclear weapons.

But a war between cousines namely the PANDAVAS %26amp; KOURAVAS brought India back to stone age.

Some phylosophers say that greatest achievements of human beings is discovery of nuclear weapons.

But still greater achivement must be NOT to use nuclear weapons to distroy the world.

NOW WE ARE IN SUCH A STAGE, for second time after the big bang..