Wednesday 21 September 2011

How does one go about changing the world?

I want to ask again because I didn't realize that selecting a %26quot;best answer%26quot; would close the question to new answers. So, how does one go about changing the world? After one's self has been changed, what comes next? Or How does make a positive impact on the world? What do you think?
How does one go about changing the world?
The world changes.

We change.

We change.

The world changes.

So what really changes what?

We can subtly alter the world,

and the world can subtly alter us.

Your %26quot;self%26quot; is forever changing, day to day...minute to minute...

As a response to the environment you live in.....and by just EXISTING in %26quot;an%26quot; environment; you change.

So in that milieu, both change - each other, going through this cycle of unbalance..balance鈥?br>

鈥溾€?after the self has been changes what comes next?鈥濃€?br>
~The preparation for the next change.. The learning, of all that changed before; committed to an experience.

A positive impact on the world鈥︹€?hummmm鈥?br>

Well鈥?. to be in harmony with your environment鈥?

And *ALL* that your environment entails. (You, people, animals, plants..etc鈥?

When everyone can accomplish that for themselves, then EVERYONE will be able to make a positive impact on the world, and a positive impact on everyone鈥檚 personal reality as well!!

How does one go about changing the world?
After learning to love yourself, you can start with helping others, one person at a time...but remember you can't always be superman=)
Change your world by bettering yourself, and in doing that educate someone else, help them with their schooling.

Take a CPR class, maybe one day you will save a life.

Give a pint of blood every two months

Don't throw out old clothes, give them to GoodWill

Smile at the next person to frown at you, and nod a hello to them or better yet say hello.

The easiest ways to change the world (or at least your corner of it) are to write a book and to lead by example.
the world is in a constant state of continual change. Change your thoughts, change and be the person that you want the world to be. Concentrate on looking within, instead of out. Ones self is also in a state of constant continual change, so why ask what's next? More is obviously next, that is more of the 'change', because you really cannot measure success within a change, when it really depends on what the thought was that prompted the change?.. On this journey, %26quot;what's next%26quot;, is usually answered in a blink of a second in time. That's just what I think.
Look in the mirror and start there...........Im with you babe!!!! Lets change it together!!!!
Once each individual purifies his mind of trivialities, then the collective will of all such individuals enables the atmosphere to get purified. Human thoughts alone is the cause of all the calamities of the world and Nature. When the atmosphere get purified thus nature will be amiable to human life. There won't be any more calamities. There will be seasonal rains. There won't be any more hunger etc. Earth will be turned heaven.
One, as a whole can change the World, but One, as an Individual cannot. If Ones Self has been changed for the good of themselves and for others? Then, We, as One, can change the World and have a positive impact.
To every action there is a reaction, for every positive there is a negative, and for every good there is an evil.
listening to others
oni-chan, after one has changed the self by awaking to their unity with God in unconditional love, they serve God and all that he has created. Doing Gods will. Accepting all desire as Gods will. performing all actions in thought,word,%26amp; deed in service to God.It seems that we take one day at a time, We do the actions but it is God within that creates all fruit of action,if the world changes it is because he changed it.. It seems that from Gods perspective the world is perfect now though still in the process of manifestion. Some call this process evolution.Life is all about spiritual Growth.
By following %26quot; GOD'S %26quot; word,in the bible. Living the ten commandments,truly. Teaching others about %26quot; JESUS CHRIST %26quot;, who do not know him as our Lord and Savior. To tell people that %26quot; GOD%26quot; tell us to love one another.
One does not change the world. No single person has done it without the help of others. You need to have support to change the world. And that only comes if there are enough to fight with you.
love unconditionally
one way to change the world, would be to change one person at a time, and influence them to change others, eventually, becuase of you, the world would be changed
This all depends on how you want to change the world. You can never change it for the better, because no matter what you do someone out there is going to get hurt by it, offended, or just disapprove of it. But if you just want to change it as in have people remember who you are-there are multiple ways to do this. You could change the world by doing harm to it, too. That's a big change.
Preaching GOD's Word changes actions
If every single person on Earth would just live by The Golden Rule, there would be a profound change. For the betterment of everybody. Then there would be true Peace On Earth To All Mankind.
Easy. Figure out what you do not like about it, then figure out what the opposite is, then imagine that you have a magic wand, swish it around a few times, then visualize that you have just implemented that change, and rejoice at your success. When you picture that great feeling, milk it for all you can. Time is a factor. Remember that little movie in your head as often as possible and keep adding more and more details as you think about them. That`s it!

If you don`t believe me try it on something small that you would never expect to happen but that you would really like it to happen and tag a detail on it so that you will surely recognize when it does pop. Then do it with something else and get on a roll.

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