Friday 16 September 2011

Do McCain/Palin know that the world is changing or are they too st***d?

The world is changing. It no longer makes economic or social sense to hate anyone because of the colour of their skin. That is the real reason for panic in the GOP - the world is changing from a war-based, conflict driven, greed obsessed, what's in it for me, to something new. All things change. We are in the midst of a new and wonderful era. The GOP is in the last throes of the dinosaur of hate mongering and race baiting. And Jesus smiled.
Do McCain/Palin know that the world is changing or are they too st***d?
Get off the Leftists Blogs.

It's the Dumbocrats that play the race card!

It's Leftists that promote hatred of our free enterprise system!
Do McCain/Palin know that the world is changing or are they too st***d?
yeah, the world is changing.... to a communist state of world.

Yeah terrorist sure care for people....

Yeah, France sure has a low unemployment raTE

Yeah, Venezuela sure is a role model for the world

Yeah, Putin and Russia are SOOO Peacdeful

Yeah, China sure is caring for all Humans
they're too stupid.
First off let me start this by saying I am voting for Barack Obama.

Now to the point, I've always respected John McCain for his great deal of service to this great country we live in. Our beliefs in how America need to be led has just been different.

Last week I saw despicable ads aimed against Obama as I will continue to see.

Sarah Palin %26quot;who is a complete moron%26quot; launched even more despicable remarks in order to avoid the real issues of this election. WHICH ARE THE ISSUES!!!!!

BUT......The other day John McCain at his own rally facing a booing crowd of redneck idiots who wouldn't know there a** from a hole in the ground DEFENDED Barack Obama the person.

I found that to be a selfless act which entitles us as Democrats or Independents, maybe even a few Republicans voting for Barack to take notice as to the true, honest, and respectful man John McCain is.

The scare tactics need to stop.

The circus shows need to end with a greater focus on the American people and this great country. But know this BOTH candidates are better than we had in 2000 or 2004 and this is not an election of the lesser of 2 evils.

I will as a TRUE American support (not blindly as the Bush administration would like) the next President of the United States of America. Whether it be Obama or McCain.
How can you support Obama, and use Jesus's name in your Question. If you were a christian, you would never support that monster. Everything Obama does, is in the name of Allah. What will happen to America, when Allah becomes bigger then God? And Jesus cried.