Saturday 24 September 2011

Do you believe that everyone has a world changing potential? If so, how do you reconcile the lack of change?

I believe everyone has the potential to have a profound impact on the world. To make life easier for everyone around them and to improve their own well-being simultaneously.

Why do you think people put up walls to block themselves from achieving the simple life they deserve? Do you think they are deceived? Or do they know the tricks which are played on them and accept them? If so, why do they allow themselves to be led by the blind?

I believe that people are purposely put down and that people think that it is okay to strip people of their self-esteem for the %26quot;benefit of society%26quot;. I think people know that it isn't for the benefit of society, so why do people allow it to happen? Do people think that if they accept that methodology then they won't be the targets of %26quot;as blunt of attacks%26quot;; they accept the ideals of their attackers in an attempt to avoid being attacked as much. What do you think an effective support system would have to propagate to defend against the malicious trend?
Do you believe that everyone has a world changing potential? If so, how do you reconcile the lack of change?
You make some good points, but I disagree with some of your statements.

For example, I don't believe that everyone has the potential that you seem to anoint them with. We all have a maximum potential which limits most of us from achieving at the highest levels in any discipline. Sports is a good example of this. Only a few have the potential of a Michael Jordan or a Tiger Woods. These two were able to parlay their natural talents and their immense potential into greatness. Unfortunately, most of us cannot even dream of performing at their level, no matter how hard we practice or how motivated and dedicated we are.

And, I don't believe that we are limited by others. We tend to innately know our potential and will strive toward that potential no matter how others feel or what others say. The problem is that we can also discern an ordinary potential level and tend to accept that level of achievement too easily.

Do you believe that everyone has a world changing potential? If so, how do you reconcile the lack of change?
Each question one by one:

'Do you believe that everyone has a world changing potential? If so, how do you reconcile the lack of change? '

Everyone does have potential, collectively and individually and do have great impact in world self transformation, unfortunately it is much of the time great negativity that is expressed and realized.

'To make life easier for everyone around them and to improve their own well-being simultaneously.'

Yes, that is the natural logic when the self for other concept is realized at about five to eight years of age if _________.

'Why do you think people put up walls to block themselves from achieving the simple life they deserve?'

Billions of humans on this world 'achieve' that simple condition with no conscious effort.

' Do you think they are deceived? Or do they know the tricks which are played on them and accept them? If so, why do they allow themselves to be led by the blind?'

Which has the greater mathematical probability for being true in a human, ruthlessness or incompetence.

Every negative consequence in each stage in individual human growth progression is preceded by an other negative condition as consequence, but the notions and competence each individual may acquire is not determinedly identical; the contingent conditions for each differ.

'What do you think an effective support system would have to propagate to defend against the malicious trend?'

A) Level one and two of humans needs, in the least need guarantee for satisfaction.

'The base of the pyramid is formed by the physiological needs, including the biological requirements for food, water, air, and sleep.

Once the physiological needs are met, an individual can concentrate on the second level, the need for safety and security. Included here are the needs for structure, order, security, and predictability.

The third level is the need for love and belonging. Included here are the needs for friends and companions, a supportive family, identification with a group, and an intimate relationship.

The fourth level is the esteem needs. This group of needs requires both recognition from other people that results in feelings of prestige, acceptance, and status, and self-esteem that results in feelings of adequacy, competence, and confidence. Lack of satisfaction of the esteem needs results in discouragement and feelings of inferiority.

Finally, self-actualization sits at the apex of the original pyramid.'…

B) Human peace needs be understood as the positive expression and/or correction to the positive expression at each stage of individual ego development.

' Stage (age), Psychosocial crisis, Significant relations, Psychosocial modalities, Psychosocial virtues, Maladaptations %26amp; malignancies

I (0-1) --

infant, trust vs mistrust, mother, to get, to give in return, hope, faith, sensory distortion -- withdrawal

II (2-3) --

toddler, autonomy vs shame and doubt, parents to hold on, to let go, will, determination, impulsivity -- compulsion

III (3-6) --

preschooler, initiative vs guilt, family, to go after, to play, purpose, courage, ruthlessness -- inhibition

IV (7-12 or so) --

school-age child, industry vs inferiority, neighborhood and school, to complete, to make things together, competence, narrow virtuosity -- inertia

V (12-18 or so) --

adolescence, ego-identity vs role-confusion, peer groups, role models, to be oneself, to share oneself, fidelity, loyalty, fanaticism -- repudiation

VI (the 20’s) --

young adult, intimacy vs isolation, partners, friends to lose and find oneself in a

another, love, promiscuity -- exclusivity

VII (late 20’s to 50’s) -- middle adult, generativity vs self-absorption, household, workmates, to make be, to take care of, care, overextension -- rejectivity

VIII (50’s and beyond) -- old adult, integrity vs despair, mankind or “my kind”, to be, through having been, to face not being, wisdom, presumption -- despair

Chart adapted from Erikson's 1959 Identity and the Life Cycle (Psychological Issues vol 1, #1)'…

What are the impediments to acquiring and maintaining competency and what competencies are required? Potential is not the reality for competency, it is the hope for competency that changes a society to the better. Ruthlessness is a symptom for a kind incompetency.