Wednesday 21 September 2011

In this changing world, would you try eating rabbit meat?

If the bird flu does hit - would you be open to adding rabbit meat to your diet to replace chicken and turkey?
In this changing world, would you try eating rabbit meat?
I've had it before. It's good. Like chicken, but a bit more tender and a tad sweeter. It's not unheard of, even in America or Europe.

I'd draw the line at eating cats, dogs, or horses, though.....
In this changing world, would you try eating rabbit meat?
NO! poor bunny....
you can't do that to peter cotten tail
only if i really have to.
its good for my appetite.
no they are to cute to eat,
I've already tried rabbit meat because my niece used to be big into Little House on the Prairie, and she had a cookbook and a neighbor of hers was nice enough to donate a hunted rabbit so they could make rabbit stew. It really wasn't that bad.
Rabbit is actually very good. An authentic Italian restaraunt here used to offer half a rabbit over linguini for $18.95. The leg meat is a little gamey, but the breast meat is very good.
Sure. My Mom fed it to me once when I was a kid and it tasted okay.
just another one of those things that %26quot;tastes like chicken%26quot;
Yeah I would try rabbit. I guess Elmer Fudd finally did him in.
Rabbit,possum,squirrel any roadkill is good eaten
People have been eating rabbit since there have been people! It isn't a new thing, we raised them when I was a kid to eat. It is pretty good but some people will have to get over the idea of eating a cute little bunny. But then have you ever thought much about where veal comes from?
safer to be a vegetarian. We will never run out of veges and fruits
a lot of people already eat it. I have never tried it but I was going to Florida once and we stopped at a little cafe in Alabama and they had it on the menu.
No, but I have a friend who eats ostrich fillets (I know it's a bird just not the usual kind). I can't remember the restaurant chain that she goes to, but it serves wild game.
No I'm not into wierd meats like that. My brothers' go to game dinners where they eat venison %26amp; all kinds of wierd meats. YUK! I'd rather eat pasta , beans, tuna %26amp; stuff like that if it comes down to the bird flu.
I've eaten rabbit meat--it's quite good, being all dark meat, and I'd eat it even without the so-called bird flu %26quot;threat.%26quot; (By the way, I think the whole thing is just another media hoax.)
Actually rabbit has been eaten for many years even in Chicago but it went out of style and our generation never saw it in the grocery store. My parents always had rabbit dishes as children but I don't think I am ready to eat it yet.
A very long time ago, as a very young new wife, my mother in law would arrive at our home with a rabbit that i was to cook for my very new husband. A little bunny was all I could ever think - pretty stupiud I know, but NO, I could never eat Rabbit for this reason alone. Yes, you're right - I had a mother in law from hell. But forgive me - I am now myself a mother in law.
It is true that rabbits are nice, but this should not be a criteria, because other animals deserve the same consideration. It's like killing humans would be OK just if they are ugly or not so nice as some other creature of the universe.

So, either you become a vegetarian or not.

From the other point of view, rabbits are clean animals, so their meat is just fine and eatable. Enjoy !
been there, done that.
Rabbit or Hare have been consumed by most cultures throughout time, and indeed still is currently, as it is considered game in the same vain as venison, wild boar, pheasant etc...... more flavousome than chicken, but tough if not aged. Personally I miss rabbit, once referred to as poor man's chicken, back when chicken and Turkey were considered delicacies.
I ate rabbit meat about 40 years ago. It was good. As I recall, it tasted like chicken. I don't know if I could get over how cute and cuddly they are and eat rabbit instead of chicken. I might consider it if the poultry supply becomes contaminated with the bird flu.
In my country people eat rabbits, but a have never try it, I wouldnt try a dog eather or a rat, but people eat all kinds of animals and thats disgusting!