Saturday 24 September 2011

How are YOU changing the world?

How is it that you're making a difference in our world? Keep in mind, taking small actions (such as changing lightbulbs, recycling etc...) count.
How are YOU changing the world?
No one know's how they change the world but we can venture a guess.

One's decisions decide the future, but changing the world is difficult to predict.

For example, you decide to buy a solar panel to save electricity and coal consumption. You hand the clerk some money and a coin that is old and costs $100,000 but you didn't realize it (You thought it was a penny). The clerk gets the $100,000 from a banker, but the banker who exchanged it took the coin and sold it to the black market. The mobsters look at it, realize it's part of a collection, and then goes on a mission to collect all of it, because for some reason the entire set is $100 million. They go around the world and killing people to track down the coins.

So, from buying a solar panel to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, you release a crime wave that swepts the world.

This is due to the butterfly effect.

This situtation is not likely, but it is probable. Which is why, with all due respect, that one cannot know how one is changing the world.

All intentions have unintended consequences.
How are YOU changing the world?
Everybody's trying to change the world, and that's why it's so messed up.
Not spitting gum in the floor.
stop the black on white hate
We Are Just All Destroying The World And They Is No Way In Really Stopping People =[
carpooling and voting
Sitting on my @$$!
i do volunteer work at a soup kitchen every other weekend if that counts?
i can tell u a shortcut way ..

just support bush .. he sure will change world and u will get your share.


Hopefully, by making the least impact.
Great question! I don't shop at Walmart because they hurt people worldwide. Many people call me silly, but hey change starts with one person.
by minding my own business, and living from day to day to do what i can to survive
I'm planning on taking a course in Thailand in the next few months about how to work with children who are orphans, child soldiers, kids with AIDS, child prostitutes, etc. And I am going to work in an orphanage after kids a second chance at life.
Spending crazy amounts of time on YA
recycling, composting, turning off the tap/lights, shortening my showers, carpooling and using cloth bags instead of plastic. i am also interested in becoming a member of free the children. I want to help design a more fuel conserving air plane or space ship and travel and research in space if i can become an astronaut or aerospace engineer.

lets just say.. i got plans! :D
i recycle and dont litter or by anything that hurts animals and %26quot;ruins%26quot; our economy or rainforest =]
I still need to change all the light bulbs in my house =x.... But i don't use nearly as much electricity as i used to. I always use my re-usable totes for shopping, try to carpool as much as i can. I don't let the water fun. And i try to inform everyone. I recycle everything i can too...
eat more candy so that it doesnt clog up the stores or cause car accidents so that there would be less bad drivers
I've change the light bulbs at home, I recycle, I bring my cloth bag when I go shopping so I don't have to get a bag from the store, I filled up a bottle with water and placed it in the toilet tank so it will use less water when we flush, I also turn off the water when I am applying shampoo and soap to myself (yeah, it feels cold!!) I belong to big brothers big sisters, volunteer at a nursing home, and I am also going to vote a smart way to change the world.
first hang racist people, then recycle, get rid of nuclear bomb, stop bombing contries, never vote for any who looks like bush, eat fresh vegi, love all, practice peace, that all
i am doing my recylcling and compost being local police an picking up rubbish on joking not local police but do pickup rubbicsh
im doing more excercise

i duno how that changes the world but soon we will encouter an ice age just not in my life time
I am in a drug and hooker infested neighborhood that has seen better days. We have put up fencing and cameras to stop the bad guys from ruining the family unit in our area. The biggest victory to date is we have broken the intimidation barrier. that was used to ply their trade. I am tired of seeing 12 and 14 year old hookers.
being nice to one another donating helping the elders

respecting one another picking up trash when seen no pollution etc....
Teaching people something! This may effect their future and consequently may change the world!
i absolutely support the whole %26quot;Go Green%26quot; campaign! i have energy saving light bulbs, i do beach clean-ups for school, i preserve water, and i recycle (i hate when people dont)! today in class we had to buy our own car for drivers ed. and everyone is choosing bmw's, corvettes, etc. and what do i choose, a hybrid. i really care about my environment, and i am not afraid to tell the world! i always wear my %26quot;green%26quot; shirts. i love the earth, and we need to treat it with respect, before its to late.
I'm really sad because I just realized that I'm not.....
Feed the hungary
Tryin to love more, u no, less fightin' and more f@#*^ng :)
I am recycling. My job at my college i recycle stuff all the time.
well i have a HUGE farm, and it has no trees for heaps long away, so i am spending heaps to make it a forest for all of my birds and also i use a shower bucket so the water i use it the shower goes into the water bucket so i put that on my lemons, apples and oranges