Saturday 24 September 2011

How would the world change if all the men died?

OK so yes it is my biggest fantasy, but lets make this real, what would happen if a virus wiped out all of MANkind (not females), and only 100 men survied. Misanthropists and Nymphomaniacs feel free.
How would the world change if all the men died?
those men would stay VERY busy trying to re-populate the planet ... lol. Sounds like fun
How would the world change if all the men died?
Interestingly, there was a science fiction book written about that - but it was about all the WOMEN, not all the MEN being killed off.

It is called %26quot;THE WHITE PLAGUE%26quot; and I believe it was written by Frank Herbert.

As to YOUR question, though. I'm with %26quot;Kim S%26quot; on that one - I happen to LIKE men!

Since the two people I have loved most in this life were men and they have both died, I guess I can look at your question from the standpoint of personal experience and respond that it would be about the saddest and most completely heart-breaking thing I could imagine!
If all men died, we probably wouldn't have so many silly questions to answer on Yahoo Answers. The fewer number of men we have, the less spousal abuse and child abuse? There would almost certainly be fewer wars and less violence.

And it is likely the world population would reduce significantly.

But men do have a purpose, I suppose.

Have a nice day.
ha ha, i wanna be a survivor. With the risk of sounding sexist, I think you'd get women who become butch and do all the man jobs that involve manual labour, and then the other type of women who do jobs that don't involve manual labour. Eventually the manual labour women will evolve penises and become men? Just an idea :P who knows?
this is your biggest fantasy? i am guessing you are one of the 100 men lol. well, i would say (much to your liking i think) that those 100 men would be nailing a bunch of women trying to reproduce. society would allow it and it would be like normal because its for a good cause-to repopulate males.
Well, of course the population will deplete, the world would be not easy because heavy things that women can't do would be not in order. The women would fight over 100 men.

Or maybe Women would evolve into a new specie, a specie that can self produce it's own kind. :D
The toilet seats would stay down.

There would be far fewer trolls on Y!A.

The men would be taken into custody, and women would apply for a license to enter the stud farm.

There would be a large increase in the number of strap-ons manufactured.

Maybe there would finally be world peace?
The gene pool would be severely reduced. Most likely humanity would die out within a few generations.
im part of the 100 and it be the best time ever 100 men to like 3 billion women that like 3 million women to 1 man that would be so good but the men wouldnt get a break
you know what would happen... you just want to be sick lol.......鈥?/a>
well more than likley most of the women would die either of old age or desease from all the dead men lol and in all reality the women would probably just force the remaining men into slavery lol
nothing would change, except there will be free food and the world will get cleaner. the animals will survive.

.. first off men have done allot in this world weather you like it or not! if there wore no men in this world then you girls would have a hard;hard time fixing it!

Then most of the women would die fighting and scrapping over the few left men...THE WORLD WOULD SUCK WITHOUT MEN!!!

Why leave 100? We have Artificial Insemination. (I agree with the Gaia thing too.)
I wouldnt want to find out...
humanity IQ level would drop
Personally, I think Gaia would heave a big sigh of relief.
I think there would be a lot more lesbian movies made.
* you have to be at least 18 to see this answer *
The world would be squeaky clean.

i think that would be the most horrific virus ive ever heard of!
all the women would kill each other trying to approach those 100 men. wouldn't be a very pretty thing
Well...the kama sutra wouldn't have much use anymore...
human kind would eventualy die off and there would be a lot of happy girls out there
I would be in line fighting for a man!and very weary of the ones with ****!!!!LOL
there would be no more children, or wars
we would all die, cus we couldnt keep the human race running