Friday 16 September 2011

Is the world changing for the better ?

is it brighter then anyone has ever contemplated for the future since the world wars?...Give as many examples as you could , please.
Is the world changing for the better ?
I do think it is getting better and better.

I see people being more generous, volunteering and reaching out to help people like never before. People are more tolerant of other races, religions, genders. Countries around the world are more prosperous.

If people could only embrace the love that's going on all around them and shake the thoughts of doom and gloom. Life is good now. We should all work to make it better.
Is the world changing for the better ?
If only that were true :(

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not with righty americans around
The world is going downhill, sorry.


Gun Control

%26quot;Islamo%26quot; fascism


It's all leading up to a global pandemic.
Yes! The moral progress of society is unquestionable. A century ago no one cared about civil liberties or human rights. Women's rights were limited and gays had no rights whatsoever. The KKK was not only legal but very respected and influential. The number of democratic countries was very small. Most of humanity lived under dictatorships.
Not at this time, Virginia Tech. Really sad, Foreigner, given a great chance, murders 32 innocent peole. No Way...
Yes, but not without the usual challenges and crap. The next World War will involve nukes. More and more nations are trying real hard to get them. First India and Pakistan (sworn enemies) now N. Korea and Iran (both high on the list of nations 'most likely to murder people they don't like'.). Who's next? Congo? Columbia? Indonesia? Cuba? Panama?

Everything has stayed equal, between 'good' and 'bad', but both have been taken up a few notches.
It's going downhill a lot actually. We have mutilated and destroyed our environment. Tolerance and discrimination is as big a problem as ever. People are getting shot everywhere, a woman is raped every four minutes. Huge social and political problems have created situations like Bosnia and Darfur. AIDS is the biggest problem it's ever been and it seems like no one cares!

It's so easy to prevent these kinds of things and instead we throw our money away. We could be helping these people. In Africa, governments allow $2-$27 per YEAR per person for health care!

And our own country! We are aiding countries who are modernized enough to give aid to other countries, but leaving our homeless without any assistance. We deny jobs to people based on disease, disability and race and then LIE about it! We leave the poor without healthcare, and we leave children in the worst conditions possible.

No, our world is not changing for the better. It's a constant downward spiral into mass chaos.

democracy is spreading... along with it comes improved education, health care and less poverty.

even though wars are still fought, they are fought in a much more humane way.

communism has been surpressed and will, hopefully, soon be eliminated.

terrorism is being defeated.

it's a golden age.
look what happened the other day, school shootings, war , yes it sure is getting better !!! , come on!
Hun all I am going to say is that the world is going to Hell in a handbasket. I believe firmly in what the bible says about the end times and Lord knows its happening. You have had the world wars and now its looking like we are entering the 3rd world and what for oil, money, greed, and power. There are more killings now than it was 20 years ago. You are having more people establishing lifestyles now that weren't spoken about hardly 15 years ago and there have been people getting sicker from illnesses and diseases than it was 20 years ago and I tell you what with the recent killings up in Virginia this world needs a revival and I tell you what if you don't know who God is you better get to know him soon. Because its time to get it right, because tomorrow isn't promised to no one and that's a fact.
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