Saturday 24 September 2011

What will u do to put yourself in a position to be successfull in the ever changing world?

explain ur position on the us direction in regards to the economy and how it may effect u in the next couple of year
What will u do to put yourself in a position to be successfull in the ever changing world?
okay i've been looking for this kind of reasonable question and its about time too. I personal opinion politically speaking is that the us diction at present is in decline for example take congress they didn't even read the health care reform bill and the president tried to speed up the democratic republic processes there is a saying i would like to quote %26quot;there are three things you can get out of life but you can only choose two of them fast cheap and good if you choose fast and cheap it wont be good; if you choose fast and good it wont be cheap, and finally if you choose good and cheap it sure as hell ain't going to be fast. secondly i would like religion back in schools its the freedom of religion not the freedom from religion. Quote:%26quot; My greatest fear is to see what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if they went through congress%26quot; Ronald Reagan. That is how perverted the Senate is today too much bi-partisanship and to little reasoning. After 9/11 we felt the greatest fear of our lives but out of those ashes arose a feeling of unification i've never felt before and i was proud to declare! myself an American! But then political correctness set in with the ACLU and far left liberals we need people in the middle of the curve blue collar people that have SENSE and not the white collar hypocrites dictating to us what we need and how we should live that my fellow americans is not the american way. No radicals should be in office when we are at war with them in Iraq and Afghanistan!!! Come hell or high water there should be a single one of those idiots in office that didnt read that bill come next year!!! I pray that day comes when they dont get reelected because then i will have restored faith in america and our way of life. But if they day does not see the light then it will be the bane of my existence as an american citizen and i will depart for saner pastures in neutral switzerland after all Einstein the genius that he was left there after germany He first spoke about a unified government without squabbling amongst ourselves but he never saw that day of reasoning now known as the United Nations.