Saturday 24 September 2011

What is five world changing events?


Below are 10 world changing events from 10-1 from a BBC Poll in the UK.

10. The Iranian Revolution 16th Jan 1979

The Iranian revolution is credited by many historians as launching an era of Islamic radicalism, with subsequent Islamic movements such as Hezbollah and Al Qaeda seen as influenced by the notion of a %26quot;revolution%26quot; to bring about a pure Islamic state.

9. The Election of Margaret Thatcher 4th May 1979

Admired and revered, hated and despised in equal measure, Margaret Thatcher will, surely, never be forgotten. The first, and to date only, female British Prime Minister, she quickly gained the moniker The Iron Lady for good reason

8. The Cuban Missile Crisis 14th - 18th Oct 1962

Armageddon never came closer than one bright Saturday afternoon in October 1962. A stand-off between the USA and the Soviet Union over the locating of nuclear missiles on the island of Cuba left the future of the planet, quite literally on a knife-edge.

7. Establishment of the State of Israel 14th May 1948

Antagonism between cultures has caused many a conflict. But this particular conflict has divided the world for the past sixty years and shows no sign of ending. The partitioning of Palestine to create a new Zionist state would cause a series of clashes that persists now.

6. Martin Luther King's Speech 28th Aug 1963

He had a dream, that one day his children would live in a nation where they'd be judged, not by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character. His speech, in front of a vast crowd in Washington, would lead, eventually, to the end of racial segregation in the USA.

5. Fall of the Berlin Wall 9th Nov 1989

The cold war was effectively ended in November of 1989 with the collapse of communism, symbolised by the fall of The Berlin Wall. This wall had, for 28 years, separated the Soviet Bloc from the west.

4. Invention of the WWW 6th Aug 1991

Invented by Tim Berners-Lee, the World Wide Web has transformed global communication and has entered every-day life in homes across the planet. Berners-Lee, an Oxford physics graduate made no money from his invention, he is now a campaigner for freedom of information.

3. The First Moon Landing 21st Jul 1969

At 13:32 GMT on July 16th 1969, Apollo 11 took off from Cape Kennedy in Florida carrying three American astronauts into the annals of history. They were about to take a small step for man, but a giant leap for mankind.

2. September 11 2001

On the day known, universally as 9/11 two American airliners were flown into the World Trade Center towers by Islamic Fundamentalist hijackers. Similar attacks would follow in Washington and Pennsylvania.

1. Discovery of the Structure of DNA 28th Feb 1953

Two British Scientists published an article in which they claim to have answered the question about how living creatures reproduce themselves. What they've actually done is to unravel the structure of DNA and with it, the secret of life.