Friday 16 September 2011

What kind of a personality should I adopt to atleast 'survive' in this ever changing world?

I know I should have a maximum endurance level.I know I should include lots of confidence,faith and self esteem.But should I include love,kindness,honesty, faithfullness and love for others?Aren't those the things that actually make you a loser,decapitated?That hold you back binding you in shackles of slavery of love and kindness.How can I cope in this world being a philanthropist?Alternatively how can I laugh with others when I know I'm not at all laughing with my soul but with my teeth.

I've tried to change my personality so many times,that I don't even exist anymore!Should I be a joker,cracking jokes and making others laugh?Or should I be an a**hole,never caring about anyone else but myself?Should I be someone who will help others,making sacrifices for others and never progressing from my 'square one' position?Or should I be someone who'll consider his own interests to be fulfilled first to fulfull others' from this higher position?

Can any one of you please please, pretty please suggest or find me a website that'll spoon feed me on developing myself.Else I'm pretty sure that I'll go insane in just about 2 weeks and 2 seconds!!!
What kind of a personality should I adopt to atleast 'survive' in this ever changing world?
you cant just 'adopt' a personality, your personality evolves from experiences you have and what you go through in life, it will grow and change with time, just let it - you're trying too hard!
What kind of a personality should I adopt to atleast 'survive' in this ever changing world?
You try WAYY to hard. Just be yourself! Turning youself into someone.. that means your fake.. Please just act whatever comes naturally to you. Whoever you are naturally pulled to be friends with, not regarding their %26quot;social stance.%26quot; Just be yourself!
Hi. First of all........ your feelings seem to point to what is called %26quot; borderline personality disorder%26quot;........ one of the symptoms is the feeling of needing to change yourself to fit in and be liked. I'm not saying this is what you have, it is just a possiblity..... there is a book called The Angry Heart, that is a self help book, and if you choose to follow it, you must be very dedicated to the exercises..........that being said.... I think you should just be yourself and not care at all what other think, or if you %26quot;fit in%26quot;. This world is a very unfair world......and as you say , we must %26quot;survive %26quot; it. If you can keep standing through the battles, eventually you will get your reward. Personally, I don't ever expect things to be just and fair..... and no matter how you %26quot;act%26quot; , there is no way to please everyone. So, it's better to just be yourself. Why not ? No one takes care of you except yourself, so why try to please others ?
Simple; the world is forever changing, especially due to economy that comes from Technological advancement which pushes the boundaries of business, commerce, and this affects everyone around the world. As the saying goes, %26quot;you either control change or change will control you.%26quot; So that means, there needs to be also a constant learning curve on self development and this can come from books but one must also associate with successful people.

So the first step is, to NOT survive because survival is an instinct anyway. What one needs to do, is associate with those who are successful, in the area you want to be. I would choose associating with successful entrepreneurs because we have what we call the 95% and 5% rule.

The 5% will always control the 95% because the 5% are Time and Money free. They have their hands on economic power, and they will know first what changes are happening because they will be at the forefront of change. Why?

They are the creators of wealth. They are always inventing, producing, expanding and with their money, they exert influence within government leglisation. Many fund Politicians.

So the best advice is, to associate with the most successful. Read what they read.

You don't go and change your personality. You work to change your THOUGHTS. Your thoughts are what makes who you are. So work towards reading books on self development, which have practical steps to changing the negative patterns.

If the world, the universe is consistent with electrical waves, and waves attract whatever it gives out, and works on a universal law, then isn't it common sense, to follow that universal law by creating positive waves within your mind. Because you will attract what your THOUGHTS are, what you SPEAK too.

The mind, the brain does 23 trillion calculations per second. It has 23 billion cells. It has these little cells that create waves. It gives out waves. The way when you sit down with people and they create this relaxing mood, or the %26quot;man, I hate being here,%26quot; but they're still smiling. Yeah, they're still smiling but people can feel the negativity coming from this guy, and if it is not universal to whoever is sitting with them, they will feel unease to sit with the person. Why? They too have a brain, that does 23 calculations per second, and has 23 billion cells, and their mind also create waves and recieves what you are giving out.

There are many books I suggest but pm me if you're serious to learn and develop.
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