Saturday 24 September 2011

What is unchanging in this changing world?

God's love.
What is unchanging in this changing world?
We are. Blinded by our own definitions of the world, what's in it, and how is it going to get better. Actions speak louder than words. And we are all at a standstill.
What is unchanging in this changing world?
the people
The sin in this world, that is the only thing that is not changing. People are finding better ways to cheat, lie, steal, etc. It's a crisis in disguise.

The people are changing, technology is changing, but not the falls and failures in the people's lives.
Birth and DEATH are the ones that do not change.
Greed of the people.
Life! Only the %26quot;ideas%26quot; about It change......
change in 'the' change is unchanging!!
A true believer in God
I would have to say that it is God. God is immutable or unchanging, constant. We can be so thankful that He is. What if God decided one day to change the gravitational pull of the earth, or destroy the earth altogether without warning, or change the plan of salvation from a free gift of His grace to us having to earn it .... can you be as perfect as God? No, I'm so thankful that He remains the one person in my life that I can truly depend upon.

Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.

Anil, great question!
God. God is, was and always will be, unchanging, forever and ever...
the low of changing.


My everlasting love to the most wonderful gentleman above me....(smiles..).

%26amp; All the amazing and mysterious nature existing,

With the blessings of a powerful God.
God's unconditional and everlasting love, hope, grace, beauty, joy, mercy, and wisdom! God bless.


P.S. God bless you, Miss Glow Wings. %26lt;3
All that has a beginning must have an end and the process that moves towards the same is change, constant change and adaptation, growth in one manner or another.

Yet the basis of all matter is energy and energy never ends being always energy.

As such is the essence of all that is, then the essence of each is endless as it moves from the source of its basis and, when the cycle of birth, death and re-birth are brought to an end, it will return to the source from whence it arose in the cause and effect manner of interdependence.

All that is part of the cycle change. Thoughts come and go. Emotions ebb and flow, wax and wane. One's physical nature crawls, walks, run and then crawls again. Even memories fade, dim and change. Only that which is eternal, one's essence, its basis of energy as the manifestation of the energy of the universe is changeless.

Do not cling to that which has no substance and can not last.

Know that which does last and in so knowing, be one with all that is.

Blessings, God, He remains the same from Everlasting to Everlasting He never change and never fail.God’s love for man is same and will not change.....nice.
People, we are the same at heart. We still have wars, and still cheat. We might think we've learned lessons from the past but we haven't. There will still be disagreements and lies. Human nature is the same and probably always will be.
Jesus (God).

Romans 10
That's simple. Change itself.
People fighting instead of living in harmony.