Wednesday 21 September 2011

What are the steps to changing the world?

If you were to change the world, what and how many steps would you have to take What is the most necessary step?
What are the steps to changing the world?
There would be many steps depending on the person and what their idea of 'change' consists of. For example, you can impact the world negatively and you may also change the world for the better.

The most necessary step is to start with yourself. Once you see who you truly are and realize what you truly want and what the world means to you, you will be able to better judge what the world needs.

You would then need to speak out about your views and personal opinions on changing the world with others. Explain to them your proposal and suggest how you go about doing it. Start a website, put out fliers for a 'clean-up the city' day, reduce emissions one day a week by encouraging your friends and people in your city to ride a bike or take a walk...little things like this can make a huge difference when groups come together.

If you're talking about something else, such as changing society and teaching people real morals and values, you're going to have to start by giving them all an education. In order to do that, you will need money. And I mean a lot of it's better to start with yourself and rub off on the rest of the world. =]
What are the steps to changing the world?
1. Murder Money.

2. Extort Time

3. Expose color for what it really is.

4. Make everyone smoke weed.
you probably have to take a lot of drugs to have the imagination to even think about it
It would be a multi-dimensional-step process.

Basically, I would start by immediately establishing democracies all around the world, in every country. Then I would ins
just change yourself ,the world will be changed automatically .
if you want changers to happen to the world, it should starts within yourself. Know your faults and misconceptions about life.

Change little by little..
Well the most necessary step would be to stamp out evil, then indifference. those two go hand in hand in creating the problems we have in the world today.

I know it may sound %26quot;cliche' %26quot; and maybe even %26quot;corny%26quot; but love really does conquer a multitude of sin. It's just hard for people to realize this because so much of our vision is filtered by the experiences we have in life, many which are painful....usually stemming from...of course...evil and indifference! Wars, violent crimes, neglect, pollution, greed, selfishness, these are the things which destroy . We have to pray more and believe that God is in control. We have to remain faithful or our spirits and bodies will wear out and there will be no one to fight this battle. We have to be strong soldiers...literally.

~~Stranger In My Heart~~(:.)
Agree with Paramjeet and AceR...

Change yourself...the world will change by itself
Hold the phone! You might be changing something that I don't want changed.

It is presumptuous and arrogant to know what is best for others and to do so without their consent.
start with myself.
What colossal arrogance makes you think that you, or ten million of you, can much change Nature, who's power is what we can't explain, so we come up with Jesus-es. Even if you could 'change the world', why would you think your way would be any better? What exactly is it about the earth you feel you could change for the better, not for the sake of change?

The most necessary step is to realize your own insignificance in the scheme, the best you can hope for is a footnote. Chill some, have pizza.