Saturday 24 September 2011

I have been contemplating world changing idea's and do not know how to promote them- government? rockstars?

I think I may have solutions to some problems that effect countries like Africa and Australia and literally started my train of thought on the basis of making myself richer but as my thoughts progressed - I realised that if my idea's hold water(so to speak) they may benefit millions of people and if it was to only build better society on the whole- I may not be any richer but at least I wouldn't regret not speaking up.

I need to get other people thinking- ones with proffessional aptitude in geography, meteorology, engineering and so forth - but I really don't know where to start as politics can be a hazard that might just close these idea's down before they began- HAS ANYONE GOT INFO I CAN USE?

Please don't anyone joke or mislead as this is very -very SERIOUS. thankyou to you all- even if you can't help.
I have been contemplating world changing idea's and do not know how to promote them- government? rockstars?
EVERYBODY wants to change the world. Good luck with that!
I have been contemplating world changing idea's and do not know how to promote them- government? rockstars?
Wait until Bono has a new LP to promote and he will help you. Remeber, it is not multimillionaires who have contacts in all sectors who can change the world, it is people like you and me, with no money or influence. Bono said so so it must be right.
Very interesting question. As the saying goes from little acorns mighty oaks will grow (something like that not sure of the exact wording).

I agree someone like Bono would be interested. The music business has loads of cash floating around and there must be someone who could provide finance plus he is someone who would have contacts with expertise in the various skills you are looking for.

I would say famous names in the conservation area would be a good idea to look into. You are talking about a worldwide problem of water and climate change. Unfortunately the climate change route is very political apart from closing your ideas down you will probably find some Politician will suddenly a few months later come up with a 'bright idea', so watch out and keep away from government.

My suggestions to start would be to make sure that your ideas cannot be plagiarised. Investigate all avenues on finance and skills but protect your idea at all costs. If it is some kind of machinery get in touch with the Patent Office. If it is that good and could make a lot of money you have a lot of hard work ahead of you and remember the golden rule trust no-one. Good Luck