Wednesday 21 September 2011

In an ever changing world, what is the one thing you can rely on?

Feeling philosophical today
In an ever changing world, what is the one thing you can rely on?
My cats making me smile....
In an ever changing world, what is the one thing you can rely on?
Obviously, change would be the answer.

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that you WILL die, morbid but true.
Nothing, ourselves are partial to being changed by this world and its influences, theres nothing to trust nowadays.
Change itself - it is the only constant - things are always changing. There didn't use to be computers, or space ships, or the Internet, or genetic engineering... change is ALWAYS there.
nothing i guess... and hence the need to believe, religion, hope, philosophy, arts, and all culture... seem to have developed from there on...
That there are no gods.

One god in particular was said to have made the world in six days, then rested on the 7th.

How idiotic!

The writer of that story couldn`t think of something for day seven, so he gave his god the day off.

It`s been like that ever since.
change is inevitable so i can rely on myself
My immediate family, especially my sister :)
You can rely on the fact that it is not as bad as you imagine.

Meaning is all a question of perception.
something static
the simple fact that change is inevitable
water, its there always on tap. he he
If the ever changing world is the one in which we live in, then surely its 'live and let die%26quot;
Rely on for what, security, stability, survival, entertainment, support or an immutable truth?

Not even death is certain, yet highly probable. Nothing is certain. Just because our experience of reality has settled repeated patterns through its ostensibly recurring and repetitive nature, does not logically make our reality a stable or fixed one. For all I know, tomorrow never comes, or I will find gravity to have vanished, or my entire experience of reality to be completely altered.

The chance of this happening seems infinitesimal in a world seemingly repetitive and constant in its manner of transformation, yet the future remains an unknown, for now and the present our prison, for now. Maybe that you can hold unto, for now.
my husband :) He's always been there for me.
The only constant in the universe is change!

(and if you believe....God)

or the miracle of life.......sorry that's more than one.

God, the same yesterday today and forever. The absolutes he has set.
You can rely on the fact that changes will continue to happen. You should also be able to rely on yourself, but only if you think you can. And hopefully you can rely on your hope.