Wednesday 21 September 2011

Every thing in the world is changing can you American feel it?

We have high rate of economical growth in Asia,

China more than %8 ,India more than %7,....,Although Iran is Under American Ban is going to have %6 economical growth.

Europe,US,Japan are having slower economical growth.

Do You Feel These Events?
Every thing in the world is changing can you American feel it?
Every thing in the world is changing can you American feel it?
China's economic growth is on the back of its poor workers in sweatshops. I have nothing against the Chinese but refuse to buy Chinese goods. Why would I support sweatshop labour? Why would I support brutality and lack of human rights under a Communist government? Why would I want my country to do business with a country that maintains an illegal occupation of Tibet and forces its own people to live there to work in copper mines against their will in camps designed to flood the region with an artificial Chinese majority? I feel for all these people and yet, our leaders deal with China. Granted I am not against Chinese refugees and immigrants but I don't think we should be signing trade deals with China, travelling there and conducting business with them. Am I worried about it?

Think of the environment along with a new harsh class structure and worker exploitation. If one country has more power than another, it doesn't mean it's taking something away from us. Canada is a prosperous country. The problem isn't money here.