Wednesday 21 September 2011

In this Constantly Changing World, What is your best ever weapon in dealing with your Lifes' Journey?

prayer to God as i believe that God sees me through my trials....and the love of my makes me stronger to know that my loved ones are behind me 100% whatever it is that i have to do....
In this Constantly Changing World, What is your best ever weapon in dealing with your Lifes' Journey?
God. Whatever name you happen to use for Him, He loves you.
In this Constantly Changing World, What is your best ever weapon in dealing with your Lifes' Journey?
The belief that there is God who actually is in control of things is the best weapon. Why not steal, destroy, kill each other, and kill ourselves if there is no god?
Knowledge and experience.
Education is the best weapon.

oh yeah, and always keep a small can of pepper spray in your back pocket!!
Optimism, love, and just being happy.

Taoism in a word
Remember always respect others views even if you do agree...Be open to change for as the global world changes one much learn to adapt and when confronted with adversity face it head on but with dignity. We have to be strong but able to blend into this global world. But above it all remember to smile. Respect, adaptability , dignity and a smile will in my opinion take one pretty far....It's worked for me...
My best weapon is knowledge..
The intellects ability to abstract the immanent forms from the chagning particulars.
faith in god.

being able to roll with the punches and having a safe place and a good support system. but for my personal weapon it is my indifference to what is going on and i just follow my dreams and just keep on trucking towards my dream of a house and a home. my way doesn't work so well with a lot of people and can be considered a mental illness but as i have always been this way it cannot be classified as such.
Here I am - I am Life's Journey (please look at my avatar and name)

What can I do for you?