Saturday 24 September 2011

Is the world changing for the good or bad?

One of them, that's for sure !
Is the world changing for the good or bad?
Technology is getting better of course, but peoples morals arent what they use to be.
Is the world changing for the good or bad?
probably bad, but we may as well make the most of it while we can :)
hellooooooooooooooo? for bad. moral values are down. and people do not care
When All the Trees have been Cut down.

When all the Animals have been Hunted.

When all the Waters are Polluted.

When all the Air is unsafe to Breathe.

Only then will you discover you cannot eat MONEY!!!


I think This Said's it All!!!
It runs in cycles, but I believe it's changing for the bad. Too many people competing for resources ultimately leads to chaos and unrest. Look at what's happening with oil and food prices? The media has alot to do with it too. You can't turn on the TV without seeing nothing but gloom and doom. I guess we need to enjoy our time here while we can. Mankind's technology will ultimately lead to its own self-destruction as well as the destruction of the planet. On that note, enjoy your day!!
peoples morales???? gemme a break. as far d world iz concerned .........who cares.
Bad--people become more and more selfish, cruel, and violent. Oh, and SHALLOW as well
A little bit of both. Still a long way to go to achieve the optimum condition.
It Seems on a downward trend (Bad)...!!
As most people think, yes, it's changing for the bad. There was a time that you didn't need to lock your doors at night. You can safely walking down the street without worry about someone would mug you. Technologies are better and more convenience but make people less personable. Everyone wants everything yesterday and have less patience than ever before. The world gets smaller and some people try to understand others' culture while others are ignorant enough not to care. People can easily travel to other country and kill innocent people more than in 1800. There are some good things come out of high tech but then again, sometimes I wonder does it help or it hurt human beings even more?.
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