Wednesday 21 September 2011

The world is changing.Why are religios and republicans so resistant to it?

Some of us are not communists is why.
The world is changing.Why are religios and republicans so resistant to it?
I'm not sure they ARE resistant to it...

Aren't the people coming from the far left the one's that want to act like 9/11 never happened and there are no threats to our security anywhere in the world?
The world is changing.Why are religios and republicans so resistant to it?
Because they're conservative and by definition are resistant to change. Conservatives opposed civil rights, they opposed giving women the right to vote, they opposed child labor laws, they opposed worker safety laws, back in 1775 they were called Tories and opposed fighting against Great Britain, in 1860 conservatives tried to leave the Union to maintain their slavocracy in the South. Basically, they've opposed every progressive move ever made throughout all of human history, they represent the status quo and stand for a past that exists only in their imaginations.
They want to maintain control of economic resources. Money fuels Republicans and churches.
really? Yes it is changing but for the better is the question. Religons are just a means of power. Its ok to be spiritual but you have to realise that the churches (not just cathloics) and religous leaders at the very top do the most unholy, godless things and expect you to worship them.

Then there is the government which is funded by a rediclously corrupt banking system that also controls pretty much the entire media. I don't buy that change for the better is going to come if people don't eduate themselves. I don't really buy that the democrats are much better then the replubicans because in the end its the same people pulling the strings.

Obama hasn't provided enough substance to how he wants government to change. Hillary Clinton is just bad for the world. You have to realise saying you support change is a common tatic to get elected. The only canidate that I could actually see changing things for the better is Ron Paul but I don't see him winning with everything against him.

If you have time to look into it I would recomend watching this


and look into Ron Paul. So he is replubican, voting for one party because you hate the other is another is a way of divirsion.

If you want more info I would be glad to provide it.
we consider the preservation of morals and family values

worth fighting for!
They can't handle it. It's a threat to their overzealous comfort zone of 'plausible deniability'.
Why isn't the radical muslims changing? They are the most resistant to a changing world.

BTW, answer mw this

What is your take on Christians

What is your feelings about America

What country are you a subject/citizen of?
First - don't mix church and state here. There are too many stupid people out there that might think religion is a political option. It isn't. It's a freedom of choice and the reason why there even is a United States. Pick up a history book.

I have a stark raving Democrat lunatic with Kerry/Edwards sticker still on his Volvo, that lives next door. He is bent out of shape (literally) because the exercise room in our building was shut down permanently and the construction that has been going on around Ballys doesn't allow him to park where he used to. He was laid-off from an it job that he thought he'd have forever I guess, and is now job hunting like the rest of the Republicans. He can't go to the other Ballys because he says the gas is killing him. He told me this morning that he hates the way things are going. He's going to write to his Congress representative. I'd wish he'd just go with the flow of change.