Friday 16 September 2011

Is the scene of this world changing, has is changed in your lifetime?

I am 72. The things children see today you would never see when I was a child. They only see evil things theses days. i feel sorry for them. The world scene has changed, changed for the worse. It is getting worse every minute. And I am a bible reader. Bible readers know that Satans time is short, and as his days get shorter, he'll wreak more havoc.
Is the scene of this world changing, has is changed in your lifetime?
I just got back the other day and everything is way different. First thing I did was trade 50,000 souls for a motorcycle. The religious people won't catch me this time...
Is the scene of this world changing, has is changed in your lifetime?
there are 400,000 churches in the USA,

there are 6000 1st run movie houses in the USA.

Guess which one has more influence on young people.
I'm 50 years old and yes, the world has changed a lot in my lifetime. The government and media have an agenda to frighten people into doing what %26quot;they%26quot; want us to do, by telling us there is a terrorist around every corner, and that every product you buy and everywhere you go, someone is out to get you. What a sad, sick, paranoid world it's become.

it was changing before i was conceived and will continue to change after I pass.

The only constant is change.
Yeah, people have really lost faith in my lifetime. Theyve also become more complacent and just accept anything thats thrown at them, AND try to push the same like its gospel.
Depends on your view.
The answer depends upon how one interprets your question.

There have been many great and significant scientific advances that have made our lives easier and our ability to communicate with each other faster and more flexible. Space flight (and limited life in space) has been achieved.

But, outside of the advances of science, the world has changed very little. We still 'rape' and pillage the earth in our greed. We still kill each other. We still use religion as an excuse to go to war. We still do many bad things to each other. We still claim that God is on our side when we clearly disobey his commandments.

Nothing has changed with respect to our behavior for many thousands of years.

Add: LOL. We still become jaded when we grow old and think things have gotten worse.
Yes, indeed.

Hopety hope hope, changitty change changey changey change change.

Climate change, too....although the only constant with climate is the fact that it's going to change.

I stood out on the corner with a US Flag on September 11th...I actually got cursed at a few times, exclusively by stupid teens who were probably on their way to party it up on a Friday night. The vast majority honked, waved, thumbsed-up...but the hecklers stuck with me, because that's not something that would have happened when I was a kid. (I'm 32.)

Some are getting cynical, but some are getting strong. Which one will you be?
As it always has done, the universe conspires to be our teacher. Conditions are making it clear that in order save ourselves, we will need to act in ways that will benefit all beings, as opposed to acting in ways that serve only the individual. We can make this change as a conscious choice, which will save us a lot of pain, or we can choose to experience the full lesson.

What say you?
Yes it has, it's changed for the worse. If you are a bible reader you will understand why.
Yup--world taking shape for events just like the KJB predicted.