Friday 16 September 2011

Is it possible to change the world by changing your self?

which is better, trying to change others or trying to change yourself? can one know all they need to know about the world by looking within instead of outside themselves?
Is it possible to change the world by changing your self?
Definitely, it's always good to lead by example. The change always begins in you. If there's something wrong in the world that you'd like to change, find that change within you and at the same time meet that inner prosperity that good change brings. You'll find that people would be more inspired by you, because you'd be living proof that the change you propose IS for the better of everyone. Start with yourself and you'll find people following you with your views for the world. Be the change you want to see in the world, someone once said.

Michael Jackson sang a song about that too, Man in the Mirror, and I quote: %26quot;I'm starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been any clearer; if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself then make a change.%26quot; No matter how whacked up Michael Jackson is now, this song really has a strong and truthful meaning and it has moved others like myself. Inspirational.

Here's to hoping you're successful in what you wish to do. Hope I helped!
Is it possible to change the world by changing your self?
It depends. We must always aim higher and try to be better, but we can't just change everytime we don't fit in. Then we wouldn't be ourselves anymore, we'd be chameleons. And trying to change others is a very dangerous bussiness which can easily backfire and make a lot of people miserable. Rather than trying to change the world, I suggest you start by trying to understand it and see why it works the way it works and why people act the way they do. There might be a few surprises there which might take your mind off rushing in and rearranging...
Changing yourself will change YOUR personal world but if you give a good example others might follow!
You can certainly change your VIEW of the world around you by changing yourself, perhaps to be more tolerant and open to new ideas. Blend, chill and above all.....listen.
You can't easily change the world, but you can change yourself, and through that at least you will change a small part of the world. I think that's the logic behind it - focus on yourself rather than obsessing on what you see on TV and in the papers - it's all mostly irrelevant to our lives anyway!

Plus, people can change the world given the right circumstances and determination. Look at Ghandi, Winston Churchill, Einstein, Kennedy...
is it possible to change the world by changing your self?

changing yourself makes no difference. you change the world by contributing, helping etc. I don't see why changing yourself would make you do these things?!

which is better, trying to change others or trying to change yourself?

don't try change other people, you can't, and no body has the right to do so. don't bother %26quot;changing%26quot; yourself but try to improve rather than fully changing.

can one know all they need to know about the world by looking within instead of outside themselves?

well we have the intelligence to %26quot;figure%26quot; things out in our minds, but to truely knowledgable about the world it is better to observe the world around you.
Well, I think you need to change yourself for the better and then you can help others to make the world a better place.
you cant change others but you can change yourself. Every little helps and by you being the best you can be, you know you have done your bit. You will never know all because there is so much to know but your certainly more likely to find the answers within you with help from others.
It really is the only way. It takes 2 to dance, in others words others react to you %26amp; you to them, change your reaction they will change their reaction. The only person you have any ability to change is yourself, trying to change others will only make you tired %26amp; bitter. You can learn all about yourself by looking within, %26amp; more about the world %26amp; others by practicing being an observer. Imagine if everyone took responsibility %26amp; changed what they could about themselves, all would change. As far as trying to change others, has all the wars made this a better place?
yeah... but it'll only be possible if all of us would think the same and be better person living in a better world.. but i guess thats not even near to possible.. there's just too much crap going on.. pretty hard to live in a better world eh??
you can never change the world you can only change what you can control which is how the world sees and is affected by you and that which you have changed.The easiest and most common thing we have the power to change is the mind and the world has many minds changing
I think that the only way to change the world is to change ourselves. You can really only control yourself. Hopefully you being a better person will rub off on others and they will in turn be better and keep the cycle going. Changing the world has to start somewhere in some small way and as time goes it will expand into something huge. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Whatever the current face of world is, it is a reflection of our views %26amp; it is very simple to change the world by changing ourselves i.e. our views abt other persons, atmosphere, animals whatever it may be rather than trying to change others. So.... hurry start changing yourself........ I'm hopeful that if u start changing yrself, u'll be able to give a better world to yr next generation.... whatever u want not only for yrself but even for yr next generation.......ALL THE BEST TO U ALL....