Friday 16 September 2011

Environments all over the world are changing as a result of global warming.?

could this influence natural selection?

A. yes. traits that help individuals produce more offspring in warmer environments will increase in frequency.

B. Yes. mutations occur more frequently in hot environments.

C. No. the environment is always changing. global warming is nothing new.

D. No. the only change will be that species from hot environments will expand their ranges.
Environments all over the world are changing as a result of global warming.?
Ans: A;

Sure, It is the environment which selects the best fit organisms. The organisms which have survival traits will survive the hot condition and other may adopt to the conditions, failing which results in the extinction of species
Environments all over the world are changing as a result of global warming.?
Actually, E. None of the above. Environments are changing, but it's not as simple as %26quot;they're getting warmer%26quot;. C is partially right, but I would drop the second sentence and change the 'no' to a 'yes'. Global warming and cooling have happened before in the Earth's history; the question about the present period of warming is whether the driving forces behind it can overwhelm the normal, natural processes that affect global climate patterns, and push the Earth into a new and undetermined pattern (at least in the geologic short term of the next few million years or so). In terms of natural selection, though, the causes of the change are less important than the changes themselves. What really counts is the rate of change - If the changes are gradual enough to allow a population to adjust over the normal life and breeding cycles, then fine; if the changes are faster than the organisms in a population can react to, then natural selection becomes simply a %26quot;yes/no%26quot; thing rather than a %26quot;bad/good/better/best%26quot; thing. Organisms that presently can handle a wider range of conditions are more likely to manage, while more specialized organisms that are finely tuned to only certain sorts of conditions will probably become extinct if they aren't mobile enough to move from refuge to refuge.