Friday 16 September 2011

What is permanent and unchanging in this changing world?

Theist gullibility.
What is permanent and unchanging in this changing world?
Being born, and dying.
What is permanent and unchanging in this changing world?
Jesus Christ is unchangeable. He will always love everybody. Listen to the song. It is great
%26quot;Change%26quot; is the only permanent and unchanging thing in this changing world
The only thing that never changes is the fact that everything changes...kinda a paradox but it's the truth.
Death and taxes
allah(S.W.T) and his mercy
That change will happen.
...death and taxes.....

Didn't Benjamin Franklin establish that a long time ago?
Malachi 3:6 %26quot;I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.
God + His Laws.
nothing, all the things other people have proposed are changing and not permanent. For instance death. when everone is death when alll life has gone, death doesnt exist anymore. the statement that change itself is the only thing that is permanent and unchanging is also not true. it is possible that one day nothing , absolutely nothing in this world can change anymore, because there is nothing left. because everything has gone. then there is nothing that can change anymore , but nothing is not the same as something that has characteristics that are immume to change so %26quot;change%26quot; it is not an answer to your question.
God is everlasting and unchangeable
There is nothing here like any pearmanent but there is execpt Allah. Every single entity has to die or Change. the earth, sky, stars and all living things will die or will change one day. But only the Allah(God) will alive forever. Because, he does'nt need to drink, eat or sleep and nor he has kids and not any parents. He is alone and the only superpower of all things.
Change itself.

And, of course, Love. Infinite and abundant Love.
Blessings, God never change .He is the God that is every where and His Spirit will live for ever in all who believes.Changing Times - Unchanging God

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Everywhere you look, things are changing. People seem to be in a hurry wherever they are going, or whatever they are doing. What we want, we wanted yesterday. We don't want to wait for anything.

The churches have changed over the years since I've been born. No matter how much people change, or the church changes, or the music goes beyond what we want, GOD never changes. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, because He said so in His Word. He's there, ready to take us under his wings, whenever we need consoling. His Word and the Holy Spirit is our link with him in our lives, constantly. His Word is our guide, and the Holy Spirit is our teacher. He always answers prayers; perhaps he doesn't answer them the way we want or in our time frame, but as someone said today, He always answers, and He is never, ever late!

Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty All Powerful .I'm the God of all flesh I never change.......Nice Question, Thank you Anil for your upliftings words of courage it realy blessed my soul I'm talking about your Question you asked about if people are loosing their courage in Yahoo R%26amp;S Question you already know my answer to that. Thanks again , Blessed Be.
Nothing is Permanent.

Change is Permanent.

If you ve felt SOUL, then you ll understand it is the permanent and unchanging..

If you ve not felt that, Its hard to describe on it..

All the Best..
i m permanent than mind but i will also die.
Love. (Love is not to be confused with romance.)
Christ Jesus

Hebrews 13:8 (New International Version)

8Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.