Friday 16 September 2011

My main goal in life is to help people. How can I make this world a better place?

I've already decided I want to be a psychologist or a counselor. I think the best way to start changing the world is if the people in this world change themselves so I could help them by getting their minds right. I also have ideas for a couple of organizations that I would like to start.

What are some issues going on in your community?

What are some social issues you can think of?
My main goal in life is to help people. How can I make this world a better place?
i think that's a good idea, but you can't focus TOO much on helping people...i guess i mean, if you become so concentrated on that, you won't notice the simple things you can do. you don't have to go out and change everyone's mindsets and stop world hunger and can start by giving simple smiles or sacrificing something to help brighten someone else's day.
My main goal in life is to help people. How can I make this world a better place?
you can never go wrong with helping the homeless. Giving them a place to stay for a night and breakfast is one thing. Then they go out and just survive till it's night time. If one gave them an opportunity to go to class, just to learn who to read, give them something to live for other than a bottle of booze, or another hit. Something to break a vicious cycle.

work of the saying, %26quot;give a man fish, feed him for a day. Teach him who to fish, feed him for a life time.%26quot;
On the local level create easier access to things people need. Create abundance. Help people start their own gardens. Help people take advantage of things already offered by the community. Help spread the word of common causes.
yourself .

you are a temple and all around you adore . the Q is what do you want out of it all . do you want a financial status to be your quo .鈥?/a>

or do you want to burn out or fade away .

best stars in the sky are the ones that burned out . it didnt linger it didnt care it ment nothing to any . and every thing was made for he . and your life leads you on a road to something . some wear. out there . and maby just maby you will find something that is better than home .

and man shall live in tents for the rest of time .

dont remember where that is . but it says to read the word and carry it in your heart . most people forget that .

our tents just got better . we pretend to own and rule the land . but man has a sad awakening . she will fight back . they ask where did god come from ..he / it came from its mother through reproduction . the main goal in any situation is how can i safeguard myself . or how can i safeguard the word .

remember the best way to change the world is to start with you and where you are . remember . not enough soil and it will wither away .

the way man treats man . this is the biggest poison we have today .

man is in shackles . once upon a time if a man attacks you . you could defend yourself to the death . but now if you hurt your attacker you are guilty .

know what is in your land ..

i dont know about you but i dont see the farming doing well . the land suffers and so shall we .

teach them what mother needs them to know .

how many butter flies have you seen lately .

sound like you in the right mix on you job choice . you will never be out of work . we are all crazy know..

droven mad by means of stupidity in thinking man is special in a gods eye that said . adam take the field and prosper.

and again teaching the children the truth . not just one god . there is several . and one is good and one is bad . choice is made by the one that doesnt turn its back on .

its not just the teen and under bracket that needs lifting .

couples . it sucks going to bars and shingle factory .

life beats on . but it fallows another.
The first place to start is within yourself. Once (and only once) you yourself are whole can you help another human being on their path to wholeness. Also, it matters not which counseling discipline you follow. Statistics have shown that it is the therapist/counselor that determines the success or failure of a treatment regimen, not the methodology.

Your very life can be an inspiration for change and your presence a centering influence if you yourself are whole and complete.

If I may suggest some reading towards your goal, I'd read...

%26quot;The Primal Wound: A Transpersonal View of Trauma, Addiction, and Growth. by John Firman and Ann Gila%26quot;. That one is to move towards greater personal wholeness. The second one I'd read is... %26quot;How can I help!%26quot; by Ramm Dass. That may give you ideas on your pathway to making this world a better place.

Good luck and Namaste!
Make a lot of money. Bill Gates is making much more of a difference than some silly counselor. Oprah is able to make substantive changes in people lives, the more money you have the more you can do.

1. Nobody can change anybody

2. Psychologists and counselors HURT people for a living.

3. If you aren't selfish enough to take care of yourself you have NOTHING to give anyone else.

4. If YOU aren't SELFISH enough to take care of yourself you have NOTHING to give anyone else.

5. The best way to help someone is by EXAMPLE.

6. The world can only get better from the INSIDE OUT.
One must first realize that, nothingness is the enivability of life. And with that in mind it's futile to try and change the world, to give everyone a bed, or have everyone's dreams come true. But what can be done, is to understand. When we understand one another we connect, we don't play into social stigmas, we are free. I know it is impossible to every truly know another person, but we must strive to understand and create a sense of belonging.
If your goal is to be a counselor, how many people would you be able to help?

If your goal is to help people what is the best way to help the highest number of people?

Starving people do not need counseling more than food.

Homeless people need homes more than counseling.

Is your goal to be a counselor or to help the greatest number of people that you can?

To make this world a better place, do not stop helping people. There is more need than for merely counselors can provide.