Saturday 24 September 2011

Is Your Work World Environment Changing?

1) For Better?

2) For Worse?

3) What changes would you make in your job?

4) What changes do you rate as good?

5) Are you likely to change jobs because of the changes?

6) Will you continue working there because of the changes?
Is Your Work World Environment Changing?
1,2 ) For worse.

3) I would make it more fair and acknowledgeable of our efforts and not to depend on the friendships that are made inside and outside of work.

4) our boss doesn't bother us as much as the last one.

5,6) nope, need the money.
Is Your Work World Environment Changing?
#1 work world is worse than ever---new management could make it better

#2 Moral is the worst I've seen in the 4 years I've worked for these jerks

#3 changes would be to have updated computer equipment and printers and throw these antiquated Windows 95 systems in the Garbage!

#4 There have not been any changes that could even be considered a rate

#5 I wouldn't leave a JOB because of change

#6 I would continue to work out my working years at this place because I have no motivation at this point to leave. It's just a paycheck!

What is your first memory of terrorism? When if ever did your view of the world change?

My first memory of terrorism was in 72 when the Israeli atheletes were killed. Later in 79 I saw all the Iranian students chanting death to America while Americans were being held hostage. Although this was one of the reasons why I joined the milirary I didn't really grasp the threat. My worldview changed in Sept. 11, 2001. I was at work and kept seeing people walking to the breakroom for long periods. I finally got curious about what was going on and walked into the breakroom just in time to see the 2nd tower fall. At that moment I knew terrorism could no longer continue unchallenged.

Please share your stories I am curious about how others have been effected.
What is your first memory of terrorism? When if ever did your view of the world change?
My first memory was the first World Trade Center bombing back in what was it, the late 80's early 90's? We lived in upstate NY and my parents were going to take me to NYC for the first time that weekend... until the first bombing. I didn't understand what was going on, or what terrorism was, but only that bad people had tried to do bad things.

Of course, I didn't fully understand terrorism until 9/11 like many others. I was at work, in the %26quot;Happiest Place on Earth%26quot; (down in Orlando) and I was having breakfast with a co-worker when we watched the first plane hit live. We stayed there and watched the whole thing unfold. We had the horrible jobs of breaking the news to our employees, several who were from NY and one who's father worked in the 2nd tower. Telling her what had happened, and bringing her to my office to call her family was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
What is your first memory of terrorism? When if ever did your view of the world change?
1st grade , by a girl named mary beth *********she terrorized everybody in class , because she was bigger and older than everybody else
My first experience with terrorists was when George Bush senior was instrumental in assassinating John F. Kennedy and thus the chance for world peace was diminished.
I guess my first memory of a terrorist attack was from the 16th Street Babtist Church bombing in Birmingham Alabama back in 1963.

They did not call it terrorism then, but it is considered that today.

It is all about fear. Those that are afraid are doing things to spread fear. Now that does seem odd, but it is true.

When you think your culture or your lifestyle are threatened some think it is OK to go bomb something. Now that just does not make sense.

These same people probably were not registered voters or they did not vote regularly.

If you don't like something register to vote then do that - go vote. Write your lawmakers. Let them know what you want. If that fails use the court system to make change. It might be slow, but it works.
My first memory is the same as yours, the Israeli athletes at the Olympics. In 1979 when the hostages were taken, I was in high school. One of my teachers asked for a show of hands as to how many of us would consider entering the armed service. Mine was the only hand that went up. I think that my view of the world (at least my own little world) changed quite a bit that day.

The day of the Oklahoma City bombings, and the subsequent trials of those involved made me realize that there are threats in our own country.

Then the Columbine school shootings really scared me, because this was children killing children. What was our world coming to?

However, Sept. 11, 2001 was definitely the big day my views changed. Like many people, I will never forget where I was and how I felt on that day.

It has made me more cautious and suspicious of others.
My first memory was 9/11, i don't know what I thought about the bombings earlier in history...maybe I didn't think anything of them because I was to young, but when 9/11 happened I had just had a baby so I think I was starting to be more aware of what was going on around me becasue I had to protect her, I don't know. But the one thing that changed my perception of the US was when I saw people (not sure where they were from) holding big banners saying, %26quot;Don't you ever wonder why everyboday hates Americans%26quot;, and things similar to that. Could that be true? Why would people say that?
Mi friend, its really gonna take much of mi memory for there are so many of them.

I have started wondering about the World when I was a child. Terrorism did not exist then...what a beautiful World did we inherit from our elders! Then there were plenty of them, i think starting end '60s when assasinations started taking front page of the print media, then hijackings all over the World, then kidnappings, threats to blow up Embassies, and did they. Oh mi God! It continued in my youth and still continue after 20 years. Sets me wonder what and how unsafe World are we giving to our children to live and play on ? Believe me their toys have been replaced by toy bombs and pistols that they point at me when I come home from work and wife is talking about thefts in the neighbourhood, the newspaper..every page has at least one such incident and the visual of them on every hour. When i am thinking of the gory details, i am already picturising about the 20-odd pix of limbs and heads or half-torsoes strewn on the tracks in the recent Mumbai train blasts. Why is it that humanity is suffering like this? Do'nt we all deserve a peaceful World to stay happily? My heart says we still have a long way to go. But one thing is very clear which is that all these acts of violence only goes to show the human resolve and with each passing hour it becomes stronger and stronger..till such time that we wipe it finally from our planet.
I think that Sept. 11, was my first real vivid memory of terrorism. I was too young to pay attention to any of the others there were. I personally was in my living room on my day off flipping through channels and I thought it was a movie promo at first until I realized it was for real. I was in shock for a very long time. Then I became very fearful for the people in this country of any kind of Middle Eastern decent.

Having been discriminated against myself, I realized that a lot of innocent people would get lopped in with the terrorists that caused the horror that we saw on TV. Because the one physically responsible were dead and couldn't be put on trial or put to death. I was also very angry because it seemed as though the world cheered and clapped at our misfortune. I couldn't understand why it was that countries that less than a year ago had their hands out asking us for help would now be joyous because thousands of non military people, who aren't a threat to world domination and who were simply working in a financial institution (who were just trying to provide for their families and working jobs they probably didn't even want to be at anyway) had just been blown up and crushed! My view of the world before had been pretty tolerable I think but after that, I don't think I want to visit any of those countries to %26quot;enlighten or broaden%26quot; my view. Because if the display they showed and have of us today is enlightened or broad then I will stay in the dark and narrow!
for me it was the bombing of the khobar towers and the Cole. that's when I discovered islam. EVERYONE DOES REMEMBER THOSE ARE THE SAME F-ERS (Hezbollah) THAT KILLED AMERICAN TROOPS in SAUDI ARABIA!

my first memory of domestic terrorism was learning of the bell tower sniper in austin texas in the mid 60's before i was born. I still think about it when I go to austin.
My first memory was of the truck bomb in the world trade center.

but like you said, 9/11 was the defining moment for terrorists.
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  • What is your favorite quote about changing the world?

    Particulary quotes about small things or actions which have a big impact or create change. Thanks everyone!
    What is your favorite quote about changing the world?
    This quote is not exactly about changing the world, but I think it could change the world if enough people paid attention to it:


    Go placidly amid the noise and haste,

    and remember what peace there may be in silence.

    As far as possible without surrender

    be on good terms with all persons.

    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;

    and listen to others,

    even the dull and the ignorant;

    they too have their story.

    Avoid loud and aggressive persons,

    they are vexations to the spirit.

    If you compare yourself with others,

    you may become vain and bitter;

    for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

    Keep interested in your own career, however humble;

    it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

    Exercise caution in your business affairs;

    for the world is full of trickery.

    But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;

    many persons strive for high ideals;

    and everywhere life is full of heroism.

    Be yourself.

    Especially, do not feign affection.

    Neither be cynical about love;

    for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment

    it is as perennial as the grass.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years,

    gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.

    But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.

    Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Beyond a wholesome discipline,

    be gentle with yourself.

    You are a child of the universe,

    no less than the trees and the stars;

    you have a right to be here.

    And whether or not it is clear to you,

    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

    Therefore be at peace with God,

    whatever you conceive Him to be,

    and whatever your labors and aspirations,

    in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,

    it is still a beautiful world.

    Be cheerful.

    Strive to be happy.

    Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.
    What is your favorite quote about changing the world?
    You can change the world by just being yourself, so then there is less %26quot;fake people%26quot; and more %26quot;real%26quot; ones.
    it's a poem by james w. foley

    Drop a Pebble in the Water

    Drop a pebble in the water: just a splash, and it is gone;

    But there's half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on,

    Spreading, spreading from the center, flowing on out to the sea.

    And there is no way of telling where the end is going to be.

    Drop a pebble in the water: in a minute you forget,

    But there's little waves a-flowing, and there's ripples circling yet,

    And those little waves a-flowing to a great big wave have grown;

    You've disturbed a mighty river just by dropping in a stone.

    Drop an unkind word, or careless: in a minute it is gone;

    But there's half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on.

    They keep spreading, spreading, spreading from the center as they go,

    And there is no way to stop them, once you've started them to flow.

    Drop an unkind word, or careless: in a minute you forget;

    But there's little waves a-flowing, and there's ripples circling yet,

    And perhaps in some sad heart a mighty wave of tears you've stirred,

    And disturbed a life was happy ere you dropped that unkind word.

    Drop a word of cheer and kindness: just a flash and it is gone;

    But there's half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on,

    Bearing hope and joy and comfort on each splashing, dashing wave

    Till you wouldn't believe the volume of the one kind word you gave.

    Drop a word of cheer and kindness: in a minute you forget;

    But there's gladness still a-swelling, and there's joy acircling yet,

    And you've rolled a wave of comfort whose sweet music can be heard

    Over miles and miles of water just by dropping one kind word.
    %26quot;Be the change that you wish to see in the world%26quot; - Mohandas Gandi
    %26quot;history will be kind to me for I intend to write it%26quot;
    %26quot;You must be the change that you wish to see in the world%26quot; - Mahatma Gandhi

    %26quot;Big things come in small packages%26quot;

    “Every man has a different idea of what's beautiful, and it's best to take the gesture, the shadow of the branch, and let the mind create the tree” - William Faulkner
    %26quot;Larry [King] was not a second-class citizen. I am not a second-class citizen. It's OK if you're gay. I don't care what people say. I don't care what people think. And I know that there are entire groups of people who face discrimination every single day and we're a long way from treating each other equally. All of it is unacceptable. All of it.%26quot;

    -Ellen DeGeneres
    %26quot;...Every day, in the morning when arising you should compare today with yesterday and see in what condition you are. If you see your belief is stronger and your heart more occupied with God and your love increased and your freedom from the world greater then thank God and ask for the increase of these qualities. You must begin to pray and repent for all that you have done which is wrong and you must implore and ask for help and assistance that you may become better than yesterday so that you may continue to make progress.

    ('Abdu'l-Bahá: Star of the West, vol 6, p.68)

    Is the World changing its culture to this extreme... IS this true about Islam?

    ***-PLEASE WATCH THIS-***鈥?/a>

    DO you know if these numbers are correct?

    is this really happening?
    Is the World changing its culture to this extreme... IS this true about Islam?
    Post the link again.
    Is the World changing its culture to this extreme... IS this true about Islam?
    it says most sexy women in your area
    Are you asking if it is true that there are sexy Islams in my area?

    I'm confused.

    Is the world changing for the better or not ??

    Depends. If you are living in Sub-Saharan Africa, then, no, not really. If you are living in Vancouver, life is pretty good. As a whole, that's a pretty broad question. It is better to the extent that modern medicine keeps people alive longer. It's worse because all those people that are living longer cost billions of dollars in tax payer money making it difficult to pay for other much need social services. It's better in that it's easier to make and distribute food. It's worse because we have 190,000,000 people in the US that you could easily call %26quot;fat%26quot;.

    It's all relative.
    Is the world changing for the better or not ??
    Is the world changing for the better or not ??
    Nope, it's NOT!!!
    very slowly for the better, very VERY slowly
    No. It's getting worse. Uncontrollable wars, morons in power, Iran getting ready to nuke, generally stupid people who can't spell or put a coherent sentence together.
    i think just science is developing
    Blame George Bush, I do for everything evil, because he is.
    Yes, the world is changing for the better, but the minimum wage for American citizens needs to be raised, and we need to have national health care as well; people would then have more ability to make a positive difference in the world.
    It is interesting to note that if you go back to the writings of ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, China, India, and so on you will find plenty of people who wrote about the decline of civilization during that time! In fact, as far as I've been able to find out, there always seems to be more negative opinions as to the state of civilization rather than positive, no matter the culture or the era. Yet, we bumble on. I do offer you the hope though, that as you age you begin to realize (even as you are complaining of the youth of today (even as you are remembering that you used to be a rebellious youth)) THAT there are more interesting things left to be done other than complain about the decrepit state of civilization.

    How has the world changed since Ellen Degeneres was born? How would it be different if she wasnt born?

    I have a school project on Ellen DeGeneres and I need to find out four reasons that the world has changed since she was born and four ways the world would be different if she wasn't born....

    Any web-site recommendations?
    How has the world changed since Ellen Degeneres was born? How would it be different if she wasnt born?
    Personally, I think that if Ellen wasn't born, the world would have less laughter. She made television history by coming out in 1997, there's another reason. One change she made is that she made the people that watches and respects her follow her beliefs on the love on animal, that's why she won her Wyler Award and part owner of the Halo Pets food company. Also, it made some people accept the fact that homosexuality is OK, and that the world would sooner or later accept that, just the segregation or the women's right to vote.
    How has the world changed since Ellen Degeneres was born? How would it be different if she wasnt born?
    Did you try By just reading about all of her accomplishments, charities, and things she has done for people would give you some great ideas.

    We all know that by changing your thinking, you can change your world. Is there any good book teaching how to?

    Is there any book that teaches how to do it?
    We all know that by changing your thinking, you can change your world. Is there any good book teaching how to?
    The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.鈥?/a>
    We all know that by changing your thinking, you can change your world. Is there any good book teaching how to?
    Dear friend,

    Great thought is the thoughtlessness and the best book is the mind that can connect to God.
    Walden is still the best primer on how to remake your life. The Bible is full of good ideas, particularly Matthew and John. Gandhi's autobiography certainly shows what one person can do.

    Seeing the world through new eyes (or in a new light) effectively changes the reality you live in, because your perspective has changed. Living in a different 'world' opens new possibilities to go with your new abilities.

    And all from practicing experiencing the present moment. Pretty good deal.
    There are books all over the place. The question is, are you ready to hear what they're saying?

    There's only one way to do away with the world when it becomes unbearable and that is to do away with the %26quot;you%26quot; that finds it so. It is correctly described as death without dying and requires letting go of things you hold very dear. Things you don't even know you possess.

    Yes, it is a great release and the most unbelievable experience a person can have but just prior to that, it is also the most terrifying experience a human being can endure. Things cease to be what you thought they were and the world turns %26quot;upside down%26quot;. You can look at that and say %26quot;no problem%26quot; but, in fact, you don't even KNOW what you think the world is until it ceases to be.

    Everything changes. EVERY thing. And that is not the end. After everything changes, you find it is what it always was - %26quot;rivers are once again rivers and mountains are once again mountains%26quot; - and if you're not careful, you can lose your new and improved perspective and find yourself back at square one. There is nothing in the new world to keep you from going back to the old world except you. There's no one to keep you from falling and nothing to hang onto. It is 100% up to you, whether or not you can live there.
    In a manner of speaking, Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology teaches you how, but only by giving you the tools. It's intent was never to teach how to change your thinking, though I'm certain the author knew it would change many minds.

    Indeed, it began a revolution in cognitive thinking, the kind of thinking that is very necessary in doing what you wish to do.鈥?/a>
  • outlook for market
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  • In view of the changing world should the phrase "doing a Paddy" be replaced with "doing a Mozzy"?

    After all its now the Muslims rather than the Irish who go mental at the slightest imagined provocation.
    In view of the changing world should the phrase %26quot;doing a Paddy%26quot; be replaced with %26quot;doing a Mozzy%26quot;?
    you are a mental a/s to even compare anyone western to a muslim.
    In view of the changing world should the phrase %26quot;doing a Paddy%26quot; be replaced with %26quot;doing a Mozzy%26quot;?
    Probably not as this would be seen as imagined
    Why replace one racist expression with another?

    Is the world changing for the better?

    Reality is no. As a whole it is not . We tend to live in our own little worlds and as a whole it just doesnt work
    Is the world changing for the better?
    ....Probably not....
    Is the world changing for the better?
    yes, my world is changing for the better
    i hope so, but i would say no.
    No the world will end in 2 weeks, when Jesus comes.


    Steven Colbert
    depends on if you beleive we are all going to die to move on to better lives or not.
    world war III will start on tuesday, so no.
    nah just going towards the book of revelations even if u dont believe it i see it /.;;;'
    Right, sure it is :D
    I'm afraid not. The only way to make it better is to act better myself. What are you doing to make the world better?

    not in america
    Do u see any better!!!? things r getting worse,in fact best days r behind
    its changing, Thats for sure. But for the better, I dont think so.
    it is changing rapidly but for the worse and i think this will irritate God to ask Jesus to come soon.
    Some of the things we hear about are for the better. New medicines and treatments for the sick are getting better. Communication is better I can't live without my cell phone these days. But the respect of others and love for each other is still a work in progress.
    differently not

    look around here on this site at the q's and a's

    for the better....only time will tell...

    I could go about the ragheads wanting to destroy us all but why bother....

    dinner is on the table, wife looking cute, kids and animals behaving.....

    worry about the rest in the mornin.....

    God Bless us all.............
    sme people are,

    some are helping others to be better,

    and some have the wrong idea of what better is.

    Why has the world changed official languages so many times?

    Latin used to be the universal language of Europe for science and all that. Old English was very popular in the 5th-12th century. There are thousands of other old languages. My question is why did they switch from old languages to new ones? What's the point?
    Why has the world changed official languages so many times?
    First, THE WORLD hasn't had ever an %26quot;official%26quot; language. And I don't see such a thing could happen in the future.

    Latin was NOT a universal language. It was the language in which all scholars used to write. But after a little while, nobody used to speak like that in their daily lives.

    Old English was popular only in England.

    lol Your %26quot;facts%26quot; are a little off :p

    Now, why do we switch from one lingua franca to another? Because the %26quot;owners%26quot; of them fall in disgrace and the owners of another one appear to be stronger (either politically, militarly or economically) and their business and relations are now held in that language.

    Has anyone noticed how much the world changes over time?

    Has anyone noticed that for the past 100 years the US has been fighting communism and now we are in league wit hone of the biggest communist nations: China? China needs us to survive and we need them to survive because we trade thousands of goods every day with each other. It seems the world is backwards today.
    Has anyone noticed how much the world changes over time?
    the world hasn't changed. we still have ignorance, corruption, never ending wars, lying politicians and the nwo agenda. communism and capitalism = same sh** different name. politics is a tool that's used to manipulate us. will people ever wake up? i doubt they want to. you are right, everything is a** backwards these days.
    Has anyone noticed how much the world changes over time?
    I hear ya.
    The only things that do not change with time is soap operas. You can go away for months, then watch again, and the people are just in different chairs. Your China example is a good one, another example is Japan - we both bombed the crap out of each other and now we are close allies. The world is a magical and wonderful thing, lots of variety and things change all the time.

    One thing that does not change is self-serving politicians. You can always trust them to be consistent and despicable people.
    Wait until all the countries unite into one thought.
    yeah, but that's because the US decided they had to **** off after they failed in Vietnam.

    What should I put on a flow chart that demonstrates ho the world was changing in the era of globalization?

    I must include disease, technological change, media, global economy, human rights, ecological change
    What should I put on a flow chart that demonstrates ho the world was changing in the era of globalization?
    Well just take a look at what's happening right now: H1N1 seems to still plague the United States, the U.S. is moving towards a much more digital-driven age, media has everything to do with everything, %26quot;spicing-up%26quot; the stories to attract attention, etc.
    What should I put on a flow chart that demonstrates ho the world was changing in the era of globalization?
    just draw an arrow that zig zags a little then plummets down into the oblivion
  • graphics animation
  • How big for a toddler quilt
  • What exactly is this recession that is apparently changing the world drastically?

    okay well i am doing a speech on this recession but i cant quite find a website that tells me what i want to know.

    i hear that alot of people are losing their jobs, some people are losing their money, and many more horrible things like that.

    I would like to know how this all started, when it started, why it started and pretty much i just want a basic understanding of this topic.

    THANK YOU :)
    What exactly is this recession that is apparently changing the world drastically?
    Will try and make a very complicated subject simple!

    Politicians are only interested in getting re-elected. Also Gordon Brown wanted to be Prime Minister after Tony Blair. He wanted a favourable economy to take over.

    When he was Chancellor of the Exchequer he and Blair did not know how to modernise the UK economy for the future. They saw an opportunity to allow the Financial Sector to grow (to 30% of the economy!) to become a World Centre - which meant he could get lots of tax from them! Much sexier than making things! Regulation was lax, the only priority was continuous growth which equalled ever increasing tax revenue!!!

    Along with excessive gambling by the Banks %26quot;easy%26quot; consumer credit was also encouraged, so the population no longer making things could be employed on the retail trade - i.e. lots of shopping centres!

    Easy credit and disasterous immigration and housing policies in the UK meant a shortage of houses. The law of supply and demand says prices rise when supply doesn't meet demand.

    So house prices rose - house owners could then remortgage their houses to get more (cheap) credit to spend on consumer items - sold in the shopping centres!

    Cheap credit in the USA allowed mortgages to be sold (so the mortgage broker made a commission) to people who could not really afford a mortgage.

    Banking is based on assets - the usual one is housing! So the US banks then started to sell the asset backed mortgages to make another commission! The UK started to do the same!

    Interest rates went up in the USA and instantly millions of USA citizens could not afford their mortgages, so their houses were repossessed. But the credit bubble had burst and the houses were worth less than the outstanding debt in both the UK and USA!

    Banks buying the sub prime mortgages were suddenly left holding semi worthless assets! Banks had however insured against bad possible debts. Historically housing was a gold standard asset so insurance premiums were cheap. When thousands of insurance policies had to be paid there was no money to pay the claim!

    The Banks and Insurance Companies were holding worthless assets and were bankrupt.

    Gordon Brown has tried to say it is a global problem - agreed - but as a result of lax regulation, and the Government encouraging us all to live above our means on credit. It had to come to an end sometime as in the 70's 80's and 90's recessions!

    Remember Governments have no money. All this money being thrown around is borrowings the population has to repay sometime!

    The Government will never admit is but the state of the economy is now:-

    Government Debt (see above)


    unfunded Public sector pension debt

    PLUS Private/Public Initiatives debt (where the Government allows private firms to build a new hospital - for example - and then pays (through the nose for 30 years!) for the use of it - we used to call it Hire Purchase!!!!

    Total about 拢3.4trillion, that is 拢3.400,000,000,000.

    Consumer Debt about 拢1.400,000,000,000

    Roughly speaking that is 拢200,000 owed by every family in the country! The only way Government debt can be repaid is by taxation!

    By the way that 拢200,000 attracts interest at about 拢10,000/year. In other words we cannot even pay off the interest, let alone the capital!

    To summarise:.

    If you are at school your parents are going to be hit by big tax rises.

    When you go to work you will pay huge tax amounts.

    Your children will continue paying high taxes.

    The country is going to be in recession for at least 10 years, and in normal common sense terms is bankrupt!

    World Changing In 2012 or ending?

    i belive it will have a big change, but if the worlds was going to end it would be on the news everyday and everybody would just quit there jobs know lol:)

    what do you think guys?
    World Changing In 2012 or ending?
    There is no actual real-world evidence that the world will end in 2012, or that there will be a %26quot;big change%26quot; in 2012.
    World Changing In 2012 or ending?
    surly we must believing of the ending world .and we must live a normal life.because the end it will be coming so every one of us should make a good things in his life and we are not sure that the end is in 2012

    Report Abuse

    2012 is the peak of the current cycle of solar activity. If a plasma emission struck earth during the equinoxes with comparable force to the 1859 Carrington event it could disable global electrical grids, causing a cascade effect that would destroy our infrastructure and require a decade to recover.

    Report Abuse

    No end and no change for us.
    No end and no big change.
    No big change and no ending! Both are total crap!

    P.S. Anyone who believes any of this is brainless. Do a research! anyone with a working logic and of course a functioning brain will know that anything related to world ending or awakening like that of September 11 can never be predicted like a clockwork!

    And please don't press baseless personal views and don't add up to the misinformation. That is enough nonsense for this section alone.
    These are actually two separate %26quot;predictions%26quot;. They are both unfounded. But the first one (world ending) is a definite hoax (a lie set up by people who know it is a lie) while the other is simply the result of an astrological-like event (just like %26quot;The Sun in Libra%26quot; could cause you to win the lottery).

    The Big 2012 Hoax is based on the fake idea that the Mayan calendar ends (invented in the 1980s and 1990s by J.A. who was selling books on HIS understanding of Mesoamerican calendars), and that this end-of-calendar means the end-of-the-world (invented by the same charlatans who had invented Planet X for the June 2003 end-or-the-world).

    The %26quot;New Age%26quot; prediction is based on two separate things, one modern, one ancient. The %26quot;modern%26quot; idea is based on the fact that the %26quot;Winter Solstice%26quot; position (a moving mathematical point on the ecliptic) is crossing the Galactic equator (a great circle in a recently-invented coordinate system, designed to be independent of the ecliptic). This crossing is what gave rise to many of the %26quot;polarity%26quot; predictions (e.g., we are crossing the plane of the Galaxy -- which is false). However, this %26quot;event%26quot; does not happen in 2012.

    The older story (about the Mayans having predicted this New Age) comes from a book written by a Spanish priest in the 16th century (around 1550). When the Conquistadors were invading Central America, the Mayan Empire had already declined (the Spaniards were fighting the Aztecs, the Incas... but not the Mayas). One priest visited mountain villages where Mayan people were living in isolation (the Mayan empire had been declining for over 5 centuries) and collected stories and legends. This original manual was lost (it was NOT a book written by the Maya people, it was written by a Spanish priest). What is left is a translation that was written by another Spanish priest. This manual (called Popol Vuh) still exists; the last time I checked, it was in Chicago.

    The strange thing is that the Popol Vuh has passages that are very similar to Biblical passages as they existed in versions of the Bible that were in use in Spain at the time.

    The %26quot;prediction%26quot; in the Popol Vuh, regarding what we call Mayan New Ages (round figures in their calendar) is that the Mayan gods visit Earth and determine if they are happy with their creation. If not, they start over again. There is no description of what that means, and it sounds a bit too much like passages in the Apocalypse (not surprising, since it was written by two Spanish priests).
    change is coming , yes we can , earth is going to change , and for the better of it, , people are so afraid that the world is going to end in 2012,
    The details behind 21 December 2012 make no sense at all. The originator of the so-called prophecy studied at the University of Chicago in Arts more than 40 years ago. He was Jose Arguelles then. He now says time is faster than light (whatever that means) and that the way we measure time is harmful to all life on Earth (how does that work?).

    He now calls himself Valum Voltan and says he is the re-incarnation of a Mayan priest and lives in New Zealand, last I heard. All this stuff was based on the fact that a Mayan count of days runs out of numbers on 21 or 23 December by our calendar. That has as much to do with the Mayan counting system as anything else. The Mayans counted by 20, then by 18s then by 20 again and so on.

    The Mayans were pretty fair naked eye astronomers for a stone age people and had enough sense not to predict anything at all, except maybe party time. I reckon they were smarter or saner than Arguelles.

    But crazy as Arguelles ideas are, he did not say the world would end on 21 December 2012. All he said was that this would be the beginning of a new era. That was about 20 years ago.

    Since then, people who are just as batty, but in a different way have grabbed his ideas and run away with them. Some of them like Terence McKenna were habitual users of magic mushrooms and wrote down their visions. He based some of his stuff on special (mis)interpretation of the I Ching, and when it didn鈥檛 quite fit 2012 he fudged it.

    Another called Nancy Lieder claimed that aliens had abducted her about 1993 and telepathically told her that a planet called X would pass close to the Earth and cause a magnetic pole shift and other damage. That would be in 2003. Since it didn't come, she started making up stories of how it was a trial to test the governments of the world and that the planet would appear later. She usually says 2012 as far as I know.

    So among those we have one near certifiable loony, one drug taker and a woman who seems to be a classic case of paranoid schizophrenia with voices in the head and all.

    Apart from Voltan, McKenna and Lieder, others have jumped on the bandwagon and have predicted everything from bees dying to collisions with stray planets. There are supposed to be alignments with the other planets or the centre of the galaxy, none of which will happen.

    They are vicious liars and only in it for the money. They are trying to sell %26quot;survival%26quot; supplies, shelters, books, videos and what all, but to do that you have to frighten people first.
    For many months I have had a 'standard answer' for questions which involved subjects such as 'Planet X', 'Nibiru', 'Mayan Calendar', '2012', 'End of the Earth', etc. etc. but I have desided to re-compose it since it seems to be pushing all of the wrong buttons on a lot of 'people' %26lt;sic%26gt;.

    It really is too bad that most people have such knee-jerk reactions when reality challanges any of their personal beliefs. Especially if those beliefs are based upon some sort of 'pseudo-science' which gets a lot of air time or, even worse, if it seems to encroach upon some of their cherished beliefs in the supernatural or any sort of organized beliefs holding that the Universe is the result of some omniscient beings whim(s). It just seems to be another measure of how unbelievably stupid and gullible so many people are.

    In the last few months (since I started replying to a sudden upsurge of questions about '2012') the 'standard answer' I have given (and to which I refer above) has been posted literally hundreds of times. And yet, suddenly, I find myself in receipt of violation notices to an answer which has, heretofore, not been considered offensive by anyone. My suspicion is that I have simply 'tweaked' someones cherished (and stupidly misplaced) belief(s) in the nature of reality (or the 6:00 O'Clock News).

    While my 'standard answer' is certainly not any bastion of subtlety or wonderful example of writing style (within the context of contemporary usage of the English language) it certainly seems far less insulting or provocative than the ubiquitouss 'F--k You' that shows up on the pages of Y! Answers from time to time.


    It does seem that there have been a huge number of individuals who have been misguided (rather badly, in most cases) in their beliefs. Whether this disinformation to which they have been subjected is accidental or disingenuous in origin is of no real interest. But the promulgation of such untruth(s) (and in particular, such untruths as terrify the younger and more susceptible members of society) without checking their veracity is certainly cause for wondering just how hopelessly stupid some individuals can be. The only 'people'%26lt;sic%26gt; of substantially lower moral (and intellectual) caliber are the ones attempting to profit from Chicken Littles irrational belief that 'The sky is falling!'.

    There have been any number of well thought out, well documented, and well presented replies to de-bunk the myth(s) that ancient Mayan calendars, numerology, crystal gazing, spiritual advisors, or other such superstitious nonsense is capable of predicting the end of the Earth. I have lost count of the number of Astronemers (professional and amateur alike) who have refuted claims made for the existence of some 'rogue planet' which is supposed to strike the Earth on 21 December, 2012. There are any number of very credible sources on the Web (whose URL's have been repeatedly mentioned on Y! Answers) providing proof that such things are not going to happen and one would think that, after enough time, some faint glimmer of intelligence reaction to these doomsday myths just might begin to be noticed.

    But such is not the case. It appears that, no matter how many times one provides real, factual, repeatable, demonstrable proof of a thing, the 'popular' response will shout down reality and those exposed to reality will either change sides, or fail to respond for fear of being ridiculed by those who must be correct since 'everyone knows it'. Someone once observed that: %26quot;Truth passes through three distinct phases. First it is ridiculed, secondly it is violently opposed, and finally it is accepted as self-obvious truth.%26quot; It really is a good observation of the average persons 'mentality' %26lt;sic%26gt;. Apparently the speed of intelligence is rather slow while the speed of stupidity may approach that of light itself.


    How would the world change if all the men died?

    OK so yes it is my biggest fantasy, but lets make this real, what would happen if a virus wiped out all of MANkind (not females), and only 100 men survied. Misanthropists and Nymphomaniacs feel free.
    How would the world change if all the men died?
    those men would stay VERY busy trying to re-populate the planet ... lol. Sounds like fun
    How would the world change if all the men died?
    Interestingly, there was a science fiction book written about that - but it was about all the WOMEN, not all the MEN being killed off.

    It is called %26quot;THE WHITE PLAGUE%26quot; and I believe it was written by Frank Herbert.

    As to YOUR question, though. I'm with %26quot;Kim S%26quot; on that one - I happen to LIKE men!

    Since the two people I have loved most in this life were men and they have both died, I guess I can look at your question from the standpoint of personal experience and respond that it would be about the saddest and most completely heart-breaking thing I could imagine!
    If all men died, we probably wouldn't have so many silly questions to answer on Yahoo Answers. The fewer number of men we have, the less spousal abuse and child abuse? There would almost certainly be fewer wars and less violence.

    And it is likely the world population would reduce significantly.

    But men do have a purpose, I suppose.

    Have a nice day.
    ha ha, i wanna be a survivor. With the risk of sounding sexist, I think you'd get women who become butch and do all the man jobs that involve manual labour, and then the other type of women who do jobs that don't involve manual labour. Eventually the manual labour women will evolve penises and become men? Just an idea :P who knows?
    this is your biggest fantasy? i am guessing you are one of the 100 men lol. well, i would say (much to your liking i think) that those 100 men would be nailing a bunch of women trying to reproduce. society would allow it and it would be like normal because its for a good cause-to repopulate males.
    Well, of course the population will deplete, the world would be not easy because heavy things that women can't do would be not in order. The women would fight over 100 men.

    Or maybe Women would evolve into a new specie, a specie that can self produce it's own kind. :D
    The toilet seats would stay down.

    There would be far fewer trolls on Y!A.

    The men would be taken into custody, and women would apply for a license to enter the stud farm.

    There would be a large increase in the number of strap-ons manufactured.

    Maybe there would finally be world peace?
    The gene pool would be severely reduced. Most likely humanity would die out within a few generations.
    im part of the 100 and it be the best time ever 100 men to like 3 billion women that like 3 million women to 1 man that would be so good but the men wouldnt get a break
    you know what would happen... you just want to be sick lol.......鈥?/a>
    well more than likley most of the women would die either of old age or desease from all the dead men lol and in all reality the women would probably just force the remaining men into slavery lol
    nothing would change, except there will be free food and the world will get cleaner. the animals will survive.

    .. first off men have done allot in this world weather you like it or not! if there wore no men in this world then you girls would have a hard;hard time fixing it!

    Then most of the women would die fighting and scrapping over the few left men...THE WORLD WOULD SUCK WITHOUT MEN!!!

    Why leave 100? We have Artificial Insemination. (I agree with the Gaia thing too.)
    I wouldnt want to find out...
    humanity IQ level would drop
    Personally, I think Gaia would heave a big sigh of relief.
    I think there would be a lot more lesbian movies made.
    * you have to be at least 18 to see this answer *
    The world would be squeaky clean.

    i think that would be the most horrific virus ive ever heard of!
    all the women would kill each other trying to approach those 100 men. wouldn't be a very pretty thing
    Well...the kama sutra wouldn't have much use anymore...
    human kind would eventualy die off and there would be a lot of happy girls out there
    I would be in line fighting for a man!and very weary of the ones with ****!!!!LOL
    there would be no more children, or wars
    we would all die, cus we couldnt keep the human race running

    What will u do to put yourself in a position to be successfull in the ever changing world?

    explain ur position on the us direction in regards to the economy and how it may effect u in the next couple of year
    What will u do to put yourself in a position to be successfull in the ever changing world?
    okay i've been looking for this kind of reasonable question and its about time too. I personal opinion politically speaking is that the us diction at present is in decline for example take congress they didn't even read the health care reform bill and the president tried to speed up the democratic republic processes there is a saying i would like to quote %26quot;there are three things you can get out of life but you can only choose two of them fast cheap and good if you choose fast and cheap it wont be good; if you choose fast and good it wont be cheap, and finally if you choose good and cheap it sure as hell ain't going to be fast. secondly i would like religion back in schools its the freedom of religion not the freedom from religion. Quote:%26quot; My greatest fear is to see what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if they went through congress%26quot; Ronald Reagan. That is how perverted the Senate is today too much bi-partisanship and to little reasoning. After 9/11 we felt the greatest fear of our lives but out of those ashes arose a feeling of unification i've never felt before and i was proud to declare! myself an American! But then political correctness set in with the ACLU and far left liberals we need people in the middle of the curve blue collar people that have SENSE and not the white collar hypocrites dictating to us what we need and how we should live that my fellow americans is not the american way. No radicals should be in office when we are at war with them in Iraq and Afghanistan!!! Come hell or high water there should be a single one of those idiots in office that didnt read that bill come next year!!! I pray that day comes when they dont get reelected because then i will have restored faith in america and our way of life. But if they day does not see the light then it will be the bane of my existence as an american citizen and i will depart for saner pastures in neutral switzerland after all Einstein the genius that he was left there after germany He first spoke about a unified government without squabbling amongst ourselves but he never saw that day of reasoning now known as the United Nations.

    What would be the best foreign language to learn in today's changing economic world?

    It seems like Chinese would be best, since China owns the United States, but maybe Spanish would be, since millions of illegals are about to be legalized.

    Anyone in business have a read on what is in demand these days?
    What would be the best foreign language to learn in today's changing economic world?
    no, i am
    What would be the best foreign language to learn in today's changing economic world?
    or English. After all,it was the British Empire that covered 1/4 of the world's landmass and where it was always day %26amp; night somewhere within the British Empire( remember the saying's 'The sun never sets on the British Empire') So just enough people probably having @ least a basic understanding of English.

    As for chinese %26amp; spanish,I'd recommend that 2,since it's just not the illegals,but the whole Latin American connection they happen to have.

    Well there's still 1.3 billion potential laborers,consumers %26amp; savers out there yet to be tapped! Good Luck with this.
    learn hindi, which is the indo-aryan language and also part of indo-european language鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    indians r delighted to meet whites even today; chinese r known as racist and rude; im staying in singapore with majority chinese race n that y im telling u;
    yes, i agree
    From the tons of footage I've seen on TV, there seem to be a lot of Asians who speak at least a little bit of English; Spanish-speaking people seem to be the opposite.

    Now, because there are a lot of Spanish-speaking folk who live here who fit that profile, if you are a customer-service rep, it could behoove you to speak Spanish. This will give you a leg up on many jobseekers, since most Americans are unilingual.
  • Blankets
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  • I need a good song about seasons changing for a project that shows 50 of the same image outdoors for class?

    I have a project that consists of putting together 50 slides of the same image taken over the course of 50 days but it has to do with nature. The songs I've found about seasons changing or the world changing (nature-wise) are either cheesy, political, or have to do with relationships. Do you know of any songs that would match what I'm looking for. Just throw some suggestions out there. Instrumental works too I guess :)
    I need a good song about seasons changing for a project that shows 50 of the same image outdoors for class?
    I do know what you're talking about, but unfortunately I'm not enough of a HUGE music fanatic to know enough songs to advise you with season-related ones.

    Here are some SUGGESTIONS (I picked them b/c they'd go great with your project, and are very natural, original, creative songs; also they are mostly Vitamin String Quartet instrumentals.):

    Dance, Dance-originally Fall Out Boy's (I am in love with all of VSQ's music; they take popular songs by popular artist's and re-create them into string music. This is also good 4 your project b/c people in your class may recognize the original song within the new VSQ version.)

    Here's a link to this song: (you may have to copy and paste into your browser)

    Crushcrushcrush- originally Paramore's;feature=related

    Everytime We Touch- Cascada Instrumental

    1000 Miles-Vannessa Carlton Instrumental (not sure if I spelled her name right);feature=fvw

    Hope this helps!


    I have been contemplating world changing idea's and do not know how to promote them- government? rockstars?

    I think I may have solutions to some problems that effect countries like Africa and Australia and literally started my train of thought on the basis of making myself richer but as my thoughts progressed - I realised that if my idea's hold water(so to speak) they may benefit millions of people and if it was to only build better society on the whole- I may not be any richer but at least I wouldn't regret not speaking up.

    I need to get other people thinking- ones with proffessional aptitude in geography, meteorology, engineering and so forth - but I really don't know where to start as politics can be a hazard that might just close these idea's down before they began- HAS ANYONE GOT INFO I CAN USE?

    Please don't anyone joke or mislead as this is very -very SERIOUS. thankyou to you all- even if you can't help.
    I have been contemplating world changing idea's and do not know how to promote them- government? rockstars?
    EVERYBODY wants to change the world. Good luck with that!
    I have been contemplating world changing idea's and do not know how to promote them- government? rockstars?
    Wait until Bono has a new LP to promote and he will help you. Remeber, it is not multimillionaires who have contacts in all sectors who can change the world, it is people like you and me, with no money or influence. Bono said so so it must be right.
    Very interesting question. As the saying goes from little acorns mighty oaks will grow (something like that not sure of the exact wording).

    I agree someone like Bono would be interested. The music business has loads of cash floating around and there must be someone who could provide finance plus he is someone who would have contacts with expertise in the various skills you are looking for.

    I would say famous names in the conservation area would be a good idea to look into. You are talking about a worldwide problem of water and climate change. Unfortunately the climate change route is very political apart from closing your ideas down you will probably find some Politician will suddenly a few months later come up with a 'bright idea', so watch out and keep away from government.

    My suggestions to start would be to make sure that your ideas cannot be plagiarised. Investigate all avenues on finance and skills but protect your idea at all costs. If it is some kind of machinery get in touch with the Patent Office. If it is that good and could make a lot of money you have a lot of hard work ahead of you and remember the golden rule trust no-one. Good Luck

    "In an ever-changing world Jesus is the only certainty".?

    Just read this posted on a church's sign near my house. Is this the new Christian message? Has the concept of faith been thrown out the window entirely?

    Bonus Q: Is lying not a sin if you mention Jesus or God?
    %26quot;In an ever-changing world Jesus is the only certainty%26quot;.?
    But how is Jesus a certainty if there's no good reason to think he's real?

    Isn't a certainty something you can demonstrate absolutely?
    %26quot;In an ever-changing world Jesus is the only certainty%26quot;.?
    Well it clearly made you think, so it has worked!
    I like it. I certainly believe it's true.
    spiritual truths dont change, all religions say the same things, just for different times
    Concept of faith in what exactly ? That Jesus is the only certainty or that he is son of God ? Both are valid in Christianity , laughable to non-Christians though .

    Bonus Q:

    I bet my *** it is .
    Jesus never existed, he was based on egyption stories of Horus, there is no evidence that he existed and quite the opposite.

    If Contantine didnt make christianity the state religon then there would be no christians today.

    Most historians think jesus never existed.

    How did WW2 effect the world after 1945?

    What I'm asking for is how the world changed after the war, whether its poltics, technology, territorial change. I already know that the Iron Curtain and the Cold War started becuase of WWII but I need something different.
    How did WW2 effect the world after 1945?
    The Soviet Union managed to establish the Warsaw Pact of all the nations east of East Germany, allowing it essentially to create a hegemony of nations completely (if not so well known) under the control of Moscow.

    It also laid the framework for a lot of the problems American faced during the cold war, as well as the Uprising in Budapest and Prague, and espionage in East Berlin. Not to mention East Germany being a principle reason for the fall of the USSR in 1991.
    How did WW2 effect the world after 1945?
    it pushed Germany down into the pits as well as japan but it left the allies especially the USA in a great place for expansion, it also showed nuclear arms which was a major weapons among the survivors of WWII, USA and the USSR, see more at

    What would happen if everyone in the world was kind?

    Or at least had every intention to be kind. Would you act differently around people? Would your perspective on the world change a little? Is this all it takes for there to be less fear and more peace?

    I, for one, would feel more much freedom and comfortable to do and say as I please without worrying about people judging or being mean to me! I would absolutely love to be around people, anyone!
    What would happen if everyone in the world was kind?
    When everyone is kind and loves all their fellow man, we will graduate from earth school.

    We, as individuals, do not have to wait for all our fellow man to learn all those lessons.

    Some of us are in first grade while others are graduate students; so, we do not all

    see the world in the same light.

    Following Jesus example, it is possible to skip a few grades and graduate early.
    What would happen if everyone in the world was kind?
    That would be boring. All creative output is created by pain, most pain is created by human hate.

    Besides, if you really were given that freedom, you would hardly act kind. Humans are naturally vicious.

    %26quot;Morals%26quot; and %26quot;Ethics%26quot; are just byproducts of complex social structure.Chivalry was invented to oppress.

    Mutual benefit is the only %26quot;justice%26quot;
    Well, certainly the world would be a much better place to live, without wars, murderers and robbers. I think it wouldn't be necessary to have a police force, a legal system including judges, and maybe politicians also would be useless.

    Could all this happen? How can you know what this world will be in a three thousand years' time?
    sounds amazing in modern society, its a beautiful thing to see a life lived estranged from the normal, i strive for peace and kindness, but people are just so lost, and their not to blame, its the ones controlling their brains.You sound smart, maybe slightly awakened from the slumber through life, by which most souls live
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  • What is a good song about changing the world?

    I am making a slide show for a presentation about 60 girls who did their Gold Award projects. The Gold award requires a massive project aimed at creating lasting , positive change in the. I am looking for something Up beat if possible.
    What is a good song about changing the world?
    Change The World - Eric Clapton鈥?/a>

    Heal The World - Micheal Jackson鈥?/a>
    What is a good song about changing the world?
    Change the World by Eric Clapton鈥?/a>

    What Kind of World Do You Want by Five for Fighting鈥?/a>

    Right Here Right Now by Jesus Jones鈥?/a>

    Right Now by Van Halen鈥?/a>

    Imagine by John Lennon鈥?/a>

    Hammer and a Nail by Indigo Girls鈥?/a>


    Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson!
    John Lennon - Imagine

    Love that song :)
    I agree, John Lennon's Imagine.

    Give Peace a Chance鈥?/a>

    The Times They Are Are A-Changin' - Bob Dylan

    John Lennon... Symbolic figure?? or world changing activist?

    For my history essay I decided to explore the life of John Lennon and discover if he stands as a simpley sybolic figure or an actual world activist who influenced the lives of people today! I would like to strongly argue both points...please any good points on either side of the topic would be greatly appreciated!!!
    John Lennon... Symbolic figure?? or world changing activist?
    he is both

    he is incredibly symbolic, and images of him are almost always associated with peace.

    But he is symbolic because he was a person who changed the world. Millions of people listened to him and agreed with his ideas. All in all, he is just a damn cool guy!

    Is the world changing faster than humans can evolve?

    Is the world changing faster than humans can evolve?
    hell yeah
    Is the world changing faster than humans can evolve?
    Cold Ice Cream Sandwiches

    Get them Now while they are Frosty!

    Thumb Me UP for a 6 Pack

    Thumb Me DOWN for a 12 Pack

    Free Delivery

    Have An Icy Day! :)
    yes i think so
    People can master genetic enhancement, this is the new way of evolving.
    not really sure.

    the world is getting warmer faster than we are at ageing.
    Yes, because religion doesn't want anything to evolve.
    nonsense, the world cannot change as fast as human changes. Today I am nice, tomorrow, I betray U. well?

    The World needs decade over decade to changes or even centuries. History tells us all the time oredi. Great pple from the past.....:P

    Have U seem a Ipod in 18th Centuries? haha

    Is it true they are thinking of changing the world currency?

    I heard They have been discussing changing the world currency to only euros. I use Euros (as i live in the Czech Republic)...but my questions is it true they are expanding it all over the world so that people don't have to convert (ie.) US currency etc. to Euros when they visit Europe...Sorry if this definition of the question does'nt make much sense, it sounded right it my mind but i don't know how to put it down so it makes sense
    Is it true they are thinking of changing the world currency?
    I understand you question. You the fact is, in the world today the US dollar is the most widely used and held currency for most international transactions, so that's why some people may call it the 'world currency'. The change you were talking about has been discussed for a long time and currently the topic is being pushed by China and Russia because they feel the US dollar is no longer a stable and reliable currency due since the economic crisis started in the US. However, it is not easy to change it because it took two world wars before the US dollar became established as the 'world currency' and it would take a very serious situation to make people more wiling to change because they might suffer heavy loses.
    Is it true they are thinking of changing the world currency?
    Not true
    i hope not as my currency is more valuable (Pounds Sterling)
    There is some movement in China and Russia to make an international currency so as to neutralize some of the economic might of the U.S. dollar. It won't be the Euro.
    there were news about it, but political tensions and economic differences will prevent this from happening anytime soon.

    Chinese and Russians are behind this idea, and they are doing it mostly b/c it makes them feel important.

    Now the Chosen One is changing World Protocol?鈥?/a>

    Well the Kenyan Village Idiot cannot change it after the fact just because he is a Bowing and Scraping fool.

    Another sorry see through attempt to clean up incompetency.
    Now the Chosen One is changing World Protocol?
    What else would you expect from slithering dithering Obama?
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  • What is unchanging in this changing world?

    God is the only One which prevails in this life.

    God remains unchanged.
    What is unchanging in this changing world?
    people want friends loved ones and security .
    What is unchanging in this changing world?
    the fear that were all going to get blown up by some third world country and all thats going to be left are the roaches and twinkies
    OM_the name of God
    God. Self. Soul
    God's Love is the only unchanging thing there is.
    Nothing, Anil

    This universe is based on constant change. Even if you freeze something to absolute zero you will find that that object will 'shiver' so to speak.

    Magnets personify this in a greater magnitude, though all material has magnetic, and electromagnetic properties.

    Everything is in a constant state of change, it's just a matter of measureing it.
    Human progress. We will never come to an end.
    Ray of Absolute shining in all of us and everything remains for ever unchanged.
    Our own self
    1. mysteries of relationships

    2. a pure relationship of a mother and a child

    3. desire for success

    4. fear of failure

    5. fight for survival
    Hi, The key to living the ways and teaching of God that Isaiah speaks about is living in and out of the love of God. And that unchangin g love can change the world. I think thats what Jesus was teaching us when He said: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And you shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two hang all the law and the prophets. This is th e Gospel. This is the Good News! This is the message of the mountain and the motive of the mission. An d it can change the world.

    What is unchanging in this changing world?

    God's love.
    What is unchanging in this changing world?
    We are. Blinded by our own definitions of the world, what's in it, and how is it going to get better. Actions speak louder than words. And we are all at a standstill.
    What is unchanging in this changing world?
    the people
    The sin in this world, that is the only thing that is not changing. People are finding better ways to cheat, lie, steal, etc. It's a crisis in disguise.

    The people are changing, technology is changing, but not the falls and failures in the people's lives.
    Birth and DEATH are the ones that do not change.
    Greed of the people.
    Life! Only the %26quot;ideas%26quot; about It change......
    change in 'the' change is unchanging!!
    A true believer in God
    I would have to say that it is God. God is immutable or unchanging, constant. We can be so thankful that He is. What if God decided one day to change the gravitational pull of the earth, or destroy the earth altogether without warning, or change the plan of salvation from a free gift of His grace to us having to earn it .... can you be as perfect as God? No, I'm so thankful that He remains the one person in my life that I can truly depend upon.

    Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.

    Anil, great question!
    God. God is, was and always will be, unchanging, forever and ever...
    the low of changing.


    My everlasting love to the most wonderful gentleman above me....(smiles..).

    %26amp; All the amazing and mysterious nature existing,

    With the blessings of a powerful God.
    God's unconditional and everlasting love, hope, grace, beauty, joy, mercy, and wisdom! God bless.


    P.S. God bless you, Miss Glow Wings. %26lt;3
    All that has a beginning must have an end and the process that moves towards the same is change, constant change and adaptation, growth in one manner or another.

    Yet the basis of all matter is energy and energy never ends being always energy.

    As such is the essence of all that is, then the essence of each is endless as it moves from the source of its basis and, when the cycle of birth, death and re-birth are brought to an end, it will return to the source from whence it arose in the cause and effect manner of interdependence.

    All that is part of the cycle change. Thoughts come and go. Emotions ebb and flow, wax and wane. One's physical nature crawls, walks, run and then crawls again. Even memories fade, dim and change. Only that which is eternal, one's essence, its basis of energy as the manifestation of the energy of the universe is changeless.

    Do not cling to that which has no substance and can not last.

    Know that which does last and in so knowing, be one with all that is.

    Blessings, God, He remains the same from Everlasting to Everlasting He never change and never fail.God’s love for man is same and will not change.....nice.
    People, we are the same at heart. We still have wars, and still cheat. We might think we've learned lessons from the past but we haven't. There will still be disagreements and lies. Human nature is the same and probably always will be.
    Jesus (God).

    Romans 10
    That's simple. Change itself.
    People fighting instead of living in harmony.

    World Changing Event?

    September 11 was a world changing event because...?
    World Changing Event?
    The Bush Regime started, denial of freedoms, the start of the war against terrorism, or the Long War as Pentagon Buffs call it, a new height of globalization, new restrictions, and a more unfriendly war, the rise of muslim extremism, etc.
    World Changing Event?
    Islam stepped up its attack on the West.
    September 11 was a world changing event because it brought extremism to the forefront of the mind of the worlds most powerful economic and military entity. It started a chain reaction that dictated national and to an extent world politics and started at least two wars and we may be looking at another two if we get another hawk president.
    The war that has existed for over a thousand years came to the fore of everyone's life.

    What is unchanging in this changing world?

    '%26quot;heaven and earth will pass away, but God's Word abides forever.%26quot;
    What is unchanging in this changing world?
    Radioactive decay rates.
    What is unchanging in this changing world?
    %26quot;Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.%26quot; (Hebrews 13:8)
    The only thing that is unchanging is that there will always be change.
    The love of christ my brother!

    Haha, nah I'm just kidding, was good guy, but he died a couple thousand years ago, so that's not going to work out for the answer.

    The only thing that doesn't change is death, its for sure.
    Amount of water in all shapes
    Radioactive decay rates are about 98% accurate (atoms decay within large margins of error)

    I'd say death. Death is the one thing that everybody has to at sometime face.
    God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
    Dear Anil, your question itself is your answer. CHANGE, thats what is constant or unchanging. this world is changing all the time and change is the constant thing which never changes or stops.
    That the world will always change.
    God is unchanging!
    Eternal Life, Jesus Christ Himself! God Bless!
    Change is the only constant.
    My favorite thing to reflect on.

    Everything changes. Health, wealth, fame,fortune.

    People you love will pass on or leave.

    Political powers will shift, natural disasters (and

    mankind) shape and change the landscape.

    New ideas bring about new understandings,

    and inventions, and solutions.

    Everything changes. But there is something internal,

    that once you grasp it, will never change, and that is truth.

    Uncorrupted truth. The kind that brings peace when adhered to,

    and a sense of loss when rejected, yet it doesn't change.

    Ones loyalty to it may change but the truth itself cannot,

    by its very nature, be changed. It is what it is and always shall be,

    so if one seeks truth then they seek the thing that will not change.

    And what is truth? Uncorrupted and eternal and beautiful?

    It is God.

    blessings and peace.

    God's love, and His Church, established on His Word.

    Is the world changing for the good or bad?

    One of them, that's for sure !
    Is the world changing for the good or bad?
    Technology is getting better of course, but peoples morals arent what they use to be.
    Is the world changing for the good or bad?
    probably bad, but we may as well make the most of it while we can :)
    hellooooooooooooooo? for bad. moral values are down. and people do not care
    When All the Trees have been Cut down.

    When all the Animals have been Hunted.

    When all the Waters are Polluted.

    When all the Air is unsafe to Breathe.

    Only then will you discover you cannot eat MONEY!!!


    I think This Said's it All!!!
    It runs in cycles, but I believe it's changing for the bad. Too many people competing for resources ultimately leads to chaos and unrest. Look at what's happening with oil and food prices? The media has alot to do with it too. You can't turn on the TV without seeing nothing but gloom and doom. I guess we need to enjoy our time here while we can. Mankind's technology will ultimately lead to its own self-destruction as well as the destruction of the planet. On that note, enjoy your day!!
    peoples morales???? gemme a break. as far d world iz concerned .........who cares.
    Bad--people become more and more selfish, cruel, and violent. Oh, and SHALLOW as well
    A little bit of both. Still a long way to go to achieve the optimum condition.
    It Seems on a downward trend (Bad)...!!
    As most people think, yes, it's changing for the bad. There was a time that you didn't need to lock your doors at night. You can safely walking down the street without worry about someone would mug you. Technologies are better and more convenience but make people less personable. Everyone wants everything yesterday and have less patience than ever before. The world gets smaller and some people try to understand others' culture while others are ignorant enough not to care. People can easily travel to other country and kill innocent people more than in 1800. There are some good things come out of high tech but then again, sometimes I wonder does it help or it hurt human beings even more?.
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  • columnheader
  • Is the world changing? Or are things just going on like normal?

    With the earthquake in Hawaii, and the inference that it will continue by the article I read, and the increased splitting of the Red Sea (prior years recorded 3 centimeters a year, this year 26 feet in three weeks, the earthquakes of Indonesia with the event of the tsunami), what are the opinions of the LBGT section on these events?
    Is the world changing? Or are things just going on like normal?
    I think the media has allowed us to see and hear more about the catastrophes.

    Thank you for a real question!
    Is the world changing? Or are things just going on like normal?
    nuclear testing, all forms of bombing, oil drilling, water waste, all types of pollution, are cracking the earth we are here to feed and protect to cherish and nurture. The hatred and bigotry get in the way of all that is vital to life.
    rain or shine, volcanic eruptions or tsunamis, the gay pride parade will still go on. nothing gets these people down.

    Is the World changing its culture to this extreme... IS this true about Islam?

    ***-PLEASE WATCH THIS-***鈥?/a>

    DO you know if these numbers are correct?

    is this really happening?

    Im sorry(gender studies) about posting this here but I hope you watch this and tell me what you think,I'd like to know

    this video Really worries me.if its accurate
    Is the World changing its culture to this extreme... IS this true about Islam?
    I'm sure it's really happening. There was something on TV about how Aussies are losing our accent because of all the muslim, asian %26amp; Indian immigrants and that we're becoming over populated because of immigrants. It's a very worrying thought, very.
    Is the World changing its culture to this extreme... IS this true about Islam?
    there was no video!
    do you mean the girl killed on the street in iran?

    that happened last summer

    Why is it that people die for love? why is the world changing negatively?

    There was a case that had to deal with a guy who loved a lady so much that he had decided to be with her for the rest of his life. but unfortunately for him, the lady left him for another guy after they`ve dated for 4years.

    the guy went to plead with her that if there is something he`s not doing, he`s ready to amend his ways. but the lady refused and said that their relationship was over. the guy was about taking some dangerous drugs when his friend caught him and persuaded him not to kill himself becos of someone who will live her life when he`s dead.
    Why is it that people die for love? why is the world changing negatively?
    sad stories like that happens daily in this world. each case is unique, cant blame love most of the time. love is beautiful, death is the opposite. the world is changing negatively, as well as positively, that is relative, depends on what you see and how you perceive it. no benefits thinking/ always looking at negative things. some people are enjoying life and the world as it is... there are problems in life, but depends on how you live it...

    Is it OK to be in the same rhythm with the fashion,tastes and events of today's fast changing world?

    Is it OK to be in the same rhythm with the fashion,tastes and events of today's fast changing world?
    Um. . .I guess. Fast-changing world? Earth? I guess it is a little fast changing. Most people tend to follow trends. I guess I don't understand your question. Is it NOT OK somewhere you know of? It's even OK NOT to be in the same what you said.
    Is it OK to be in the same rhythm with the fashion,tastes and events of today's fast changing world?
    WHy should it not be?

    Why is there a need to consider life experiences in a changing world in lord of the flies?

    The way i see it is that you have to refer to past experiances as a jumping point to figure out how to change them according to the changes happening around you. You have to start somewhere familar in order to better insure success as you adapt.

    hope this helped
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  • Is the world changing for better ?

    Is the world changing for better ?
    ...prices are up, big businesses bankrupt, global warming is spreading...NO!!!
    Is the world changing for better ?

    but that's no something that happens, is it?

    the world is constantly changing,every aspect of it; its people, its places, its communities.

    The most important thing is to keep your own life as positive as possible and do as much as you can to improve the lives of those around you. THe truth is that the world will never agree with the minority because they believe that the socially acceptable must always be the norm. If a world could change to make it easy we would be in a much more beautiful place.
    The term %26quot;better%26quot; is very subjective...

    Never-the-less, I'd like to think so.
    is it changing? to me the only thing that has changed in 50 years is TECHNOLOGY the world and people are just the same
    When something gets better, another part of it seems to get worse.

    You can't have a perfect world. What one person sees as perfect is what another sees as hell.

    Even if there was world peace, no poverty or cruelty or any of that jazz, the world would not be perfect.

    We should always have room for improvement.

    We need some sort of conflict.

    We have to have an opportunity to be creative and help fix things or we would die of boredom.
    The world is not changing it's the people. Everyone now is out for themselves. Respect, chivalry, honesty, sincerity, loyality has gone and it will never come back. God help the future generations.
    To weigh up pros and cons the result will be roughly equal, global warming will be the overriding problem that will make change worse. However we have civilisation and we have no need to worry about us being on show (which is a simple way of talking about what life used to be like) so apart from the global warming the earth is improving.
    Mine is.

    But then, I'm working, saving, networking, and actually doing something to improve my station in life, instead of sitting back, whining, and expecting the government to make everything better FOR me.

    So naturally my world is getting better while the people who've been doing that watch theirs crumble.

    Think of it as evolution in action.
    What do you mean by better? For who?

    I think for our species, in general, our overall condition has improved a lot in the last 10 thousand years and it continues to improve.
    Technology is making life easier. The World will have a balance of human character. If you believe in good %26amp; evil.

    Maybe there are as many people employed by the worlds religions as there are people in prison.

    Do you believe that everyone has a world changing potential? If so, how do you reconcile the lack of change?

    I believe everyone has the potential to have a profound impact on the world. To make life easier for everyone around them and to improve their own well-being simultaneously.

    Why do you think people put up walls to block themselves from achieving the simple life they deserve? Do you think they are deceived? Or do they know the tricks which are played on them and accept them? If so, why do they allow themselves to be led by the blind?

    I believe that people are purposely put down and that people think that it is okay to strip people of their self-esteem for the %26quot;benefit of society%26quot;. I think people know that it isn't for the benefit of society, so why do people allow it to happen? Do people think that if they accept that methodology then they won't be the targets of %26quot;as blunt of attacks%26quot;; they accept the ideals of their attackers in an attempt to avoid being attacked as much. What do you think an effective support system would have to propagate to defend against the malicious trend?
    Do you believe that everyone has a world changing potential? If so, how do you reconcile the lack of change?
    You make some good points, but I disagree with some of your statements.

    For example, I don't believe that everyone has the potential that you seem to anoint them with. We all have a maximum potential which limits most of us from achieving at the highest levels in any discipline. Sports is a good example of this. Only a few have the potential of a Michael Jordan or a Tiger Woods. These two were able to parlay their natural talents and their immense potential into greatness. Unfortunately, most of us cannot even dream of performing at their level, no matter how hard we practice or how motivated and dedicated we are.

    And, I don't believe that we are limited by others. We tend to innately know our potential and will strive toward that potential no matter how others feel or what others say. The problem is that we can also discern an ordinary potential level and tend to accept that level of achievement too easily.

    Do you believe that everyone has a world changing potential? If so, how do you reconcile the lack of change?
    Each question one by one:

    'Do you believe that everyone has a world changing potential? If so, how do you reconcile the lack of change? '

    Everyone does have potential, collectively and individually and do have great impact in world self transformation, unfortunately it is much of the time great negativity that is expressed and realized.

    'To make life easier for everyone around them and to improve their own well-being simultaneously.'

    Yes, that is the natural logic when the self for other concept is realized at about five to eight years of age if _________.

    'Why do you think people put up walls to block themselves from achieving the simple life they deserve?'

    Billions of humans on this world 'achieve' that simple condition with no conscious effort.

    ' Do you think they are deceived? Or do they know the tricks which are played on them and accept them? If so, why do they allow themselves to be led by the blind?'

    Which has the greater mathematical probability for being true in a human, ruthlessness or incompetence.

    Every negative consequence in each stage in individual human growth progression is preceded by an other negative condition as consequence, but the notions and competence each individual may acquire is not determinedly identical; the contingent conditions for each differ.

    'What do you think an effective support system would have to propagate to defend against the malicious trend?'

    A) Level one and two of humans needs, in the least need guarantee for satisfaction.

    'The base of the pyramid is formed by the physiological needs, including the biological requirements for food, water, air, and sleep.

    Once the physiological needs are met, an individual can concentrate on the second level, the need for safety and security. Included here are the needs for structure, order, security, and predictability.

    The third level is the need for love and belonging. Included here are the needs for friends and companions, a supportive family, identification with a group, and an intimate relationship.

    The fourth level is the esteem needs. This group of needs requires both recognition from other people that results in feelings of prestige, acceptance, and status, and self-esteem that results in feelings of adequacy, competence, and confidence. Lack of satisfaction of the esteem needs results in discouragement and feelings of inferiority.

    Finally, self-actualization sits at the apex of the original pyramid.'…

    B) Human peace needs be understood as the positive expression and/or correction to the positive expression at each stage of individual ego development.

    ' Stage (age), Psychosocial crisis, Significant relations, Psychosocial modalities, Psychosocial virtues, Maladaptations %26amp; malignancies

    I (0-1) --

    infant, trust vs mistrust, mother, to get, to give in return, hope, faith, sensory distortion -- withdrawal

    II (2-3) --

    toddler, autonomy vs shame and doubt, parents to hold on, to let go, will, determination, impulsivity -- compulsion

    III (3-6) --

    preschooler, initiative vs guilt, family, to go after, to play, purpose, courage, ruthlessness -- inhibition

    IV (7-12 or so) --

    school-age child, industry vs inferiority, neighborhood and school, to complete, to make things together, competence, narrow virtuosity -- inertia

    V (12-18 or so) --

    adolescence, ego-identity vs role-confusion, peer groups, role models, to be oneself, to share oneself, fidelity, loyalty, fanaticism -- repudiation

    VI (the 20’s) --

    young adult, intimacy vs isolation, partners, friends to lose and find oneself in a

    another, love, promiscuity -- exclusivity

    VII (late 20’s to 50’s) -- middle adult, generativity vs self-absorption, household, workmates, to make be, to take care of, care, overextension -- rejectivity

    VIII (50’s and beyond) -- old adult, integrity vs despair, mankind or “my kind”, to be, through having been, to face not being, wisdom, presumption -- despair

    Chart adapted from Erikson's 1959 Identity and the Life Cycle (Psychological Issues vol 1, #1)'


    What are the impediments to acquiring and maintaining competency and what competencies are required? Potential is not the reality for competency, it is the hope for competency that changes a society to the better. Ruthlessness is a symptom for a kind incompetency.

    What is five world changing events?


    Below are 10 world changing events from 10-1 from a BBC Poll in the UK.

    10. The Iranian Revolution 16th Jan 1979

    The Iranian revolution is credited by many historians as launching an era of Islamic radicalism, with subsequent Islamic movements such as Hezbollah and Al Qaeda seen as influenced by the notion of a %26quot;revolution%26quot; to bring about a pure Islamic state.

    9. The Election of Margaret Thatcher 4th May 1979

    Admired and revered, hated and despised in equal measure, Margaret Thatcher will, surely, never be forgotten. The first, and to date only, female British Prime Minister, she quickly gained the moniker The Iron Lady for good reason

    8. The Cuban Missile Crisis 14th - 18th Oct 1962

    Armageddon never came closer than one bright Saturday afternoon in October 1962. A stand-off between the USA and the Soviet Union over the locating of nuclear missiles on the island of Cuba left the future of the planet, quite literally on a knife-edge.

    7. Establishment of the State of Israel 14th May 1948

    Antagonism between cultures has caused many a conflict. But this particular conflict has divided the world for the past sixty years and shows no sign of ending. The partitioning of Palestine to create a new Zionist state would cause a series of clashes that persists now.

    6. Martin Luther King's Speech 28th Aug 1963

    He had a dream, that one day his children would live in a nation where they'd be judged, not by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character. His speech, in front of a vast crowd in Washington, would lead, eventually, to the end of racial segregation in the USA.

    5. Fall of the Berlin Wall 9th Nov 1989

    The cold war was effectively ended in November of 1989 with the collapse of communism, symbolised by the fall of The Berlin Wall. This wall had, for 28 years, separated the Soviet Bloc from the west.

    4. Invention of the WWW 6th Aug 1991

    Invented by Tim Berners-Lee, the World Wide Web has transformed global communication and has entered every-day life in homes across the planet. Berners-Lee, an Oxford physics graduate made no money from his invention, he is now a campaigner for freedom of information.

    3. The First Moon Landing 21st Jul 1969

    At 13:32 GMT on July 16th 1969, Apollo 11 took off from Cape Kennedy in Florida carrying three American astronauts into the annals of history. They were about to take a small step for man, but a giant leap for mankind.

    2. September 11 2001

    On the day known, universally as 9/11 two American airliners were flown into the World Trade Center towers by Islamic Fundamentalist hijackers. Similar attacks would follow in Washington and Pennsylvania.

    1. Discovery of the Structure of DNA 28th Feb 1953

    Two British Scientists published an article in which they claim to have answered the question about how living creatures reproduce themselves. What they've actually done is to unravel the structure of DNA and with it, the secret of life.