Friday 7 October 2011

Will the health system of the world change?

I have seen in china people use chinese medicines, accupressure and local medicines. 90% of them are not dependant on allopathic medicines. In India i have seen people using ayurveda medicines and there is new yogi by name swami Ramdev who teaches yoga and cures many illnesses.

In parts of europe homeopathy is practiced. In middle east and arab countries Unani sysem is in use.Does this mean we are now changing our way of treatment to alternative?
Will the health system of the world change?
It's funny you should ask that qustion, because it is something that I've considered more these last few years.

I used to think that alternative therapies were bunkum, and there is no doubt that some people jump on the money spinning band wagon and exploit the vulnerable who are seeking cures at any cost in their desperation.

However, I started some reflexology training last year, out of interest and with no belief that it could be at all effective, in fact quite scpetical. On our first training evening, we practiced on each other. I was AMAZED at the powerful feelings that swept over my body in the area of the body zones indicated and my stress levels were significantly reduced after each lesson. At one point, the tutor (who was also a trained chirpodist) was able to tell me of a surgical procedure I had years ago just from the response to the reflex on the indicated zone.

I now believe there is something in alternative medicines, but that we must use these in conjunction with medical advice and complimentary to medical intervention. Not all GPs are against the use of alternative therapies and I have seen some treatments advised rather than the GP falling back onto just writing out a prescription (who hasn't been told to use steam inhalations with menthol for congestion?).

However, I do agree with another contributor who feels that whilst there are 'big bucks' to be made in the pharaceutical industry by keeping the majority of the developed world on chemicals then there is going to be a hard slog for the complimentary treatment sector.
Will the health system of the world change?
Just because a lot of people do something doesn't make it true/work. (look at religion)
I hope not since alternative medicines are just a big fat expensive placebo. It's just a New Age trend that dumbass yuppies, misinformed poor people, and desperate terminal patients grab onto.

%26quot;Oh, yeah, this homeopathically diluted Root of Roundworm is sure to cure my leporsy. Those _doctors_ just aren't open-minded enough.%26quot;
If an alternate remedy is scientifically proven to work, it ceases to be %26quot;alternate%26quot; and becomes conventional medicine. This has happened throughout the ages.

Most alternateive medicines will not stand up to scientific scrutiny, despite what their practitioners will tell you.

Chinese medicine was advocated by Chairman Mao, because China could not afford a proper health care system, using %26quot;Western%26quot; medicine. Things are changing there now.
Medicine are always changing with new methods and discoveries to make treatment better and/or cheaper.

One thing for sure, the old saying, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure... holds true and way cheaper as well.
Not much will change while pharmaceutical comapnies make billions on drugs.

Alternative therapies are largely chosen by patients seeking alternative and complimentary treatemnts. I cannot see an NHS GP prescribing daily yoga for any of his patients.

Its a definite alternative but it'll never replace mainstream drugs becasue its not profitable enough.