Wednesday 26 October 2011

How was was the environment of the old world and new world change because of christopher columbus?????

How was was the environment of the old world and new world change because of christopher columbus?????

Please Help!!!!

Thank you!!!!
How was was the environment of the old world and new world change because of christopher columbus?????
The Old World discovered in the New World a whole lot of useful agricultural products such as potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, sugar cane, brazil wood, mahogany, indigo and other dye stuffs, and of course mountains of gold and silver. They brought a rather murderous version of Christianity, epidemics of smallpox and measles that killed enormous numbers of Native Americans, began the African slave trade to replace the Native Americans who had no resistance to European diseases, made serfs out of the remaining Native Americans, destroyed their monuments, treasures, languages and so on. Oh, they brought over cattle, horses, steel making, the guitar and European music.
How was was the environment of the old world and new world change because of christopher columbus?????
There was disease in the Old world and got a lot of people (Native American's) sick in the New World. He brought back seeds from the New World changing the landscape and diet in the Old World.
in the view of many, when chistopher columbus decided to go west the world changed forever. a good resource about this is the book pastwatch, by orson scott card. it tells the story of people who look into the past, and discover that christopher colombus' voyage to the west is the cause of most of the troubles of our world. if you don't have the time to read it here's the summary. basically he brought the east to the west and dominated the nature based cultures that existed in north america at the time. this is the root of foresting, strip mining etc.

i hope it helps