Wednesday 26 October 2011

Why you dont americans accept that the world is changing rather than blaming bush all the time?

I think that bush has no option but spend on millitary thanks to terroroist ?

I think bush has no option because the chinese imports are raising current deficit ?

I think bush has no choice if the inflation rates go up and it leads to a slowdown , its the american society that is too be blamed for not saving like the europeans ?

I think bush cannot be blamed if the social security is in problem because of natural demographic ?

People say that iraq is for oil but what about the fact that after afagnistan , iraq was the second base of sunni terror group (al-qaeda) saddam was rich and crazy enough to help them if he could? why cant the so called demo's face the fact that no country lives forever and after some time problems always start coming up.

And please dont write anything about Katreena. USA is not scandinavian country with amazing system , its capitalist where money rules and the poor gets tagged

I am sorry but I am not an american but a realist and a capitalist
Why you dont americans accept that the world is changing rather than blaming bush all the time?
This more an American problem but it is nice to read view from another side. I agree that Bush gets blamed for things he can not possible be at fault for. He does the best that can be done given the circumstances that have occurred since he has taken office. 9/11 changed all the rules %26amp; thinking. Our economy is strong, our allies are supportive - those that hate us always have, our security gets stronger everyday, %26amp; Iraq has never had to do with oil we buy almost all of our foreign oil from Canada - Iraq supplied less than 2%. Social Security problems have been coming for years as baby boomers age - Bush can not hold back time for anyone. Money has always given a lot of control in every country. %26quot;Money talks%26quot; phrase came for a reason. That will never change.
Why you dont americans accept that the world is changing rather than blaming bush all the time?

I couldn't have said it better myself, and I am an American.
Thank you for your honesty and your brevity. I've been trying to tell people near me this for years now.

I'm sorry what was the question?

Why does capitalism cause extremely poor grammar and easily avoidable spell check errors?

Really, I would like to answer but I'm not sure what you are saying because of the serious grammar problem. I'm not trying to be offensive but in the future, if you want or expect intelligent answers, you may want to get a little help with wording things correctly.
Most people fail to look at things and think for themselves! It much easier to listen to the bias views of the News (both sides). We put blind faith in entertainers who barely got past High School if that rather than College Educated people who specialize in their areas and don't sing or act for a living! I might actors act so whom should we believe? Would you trust Sean Penn to do your root Canal? No you wouldn't then why take his word for it in political matters? He has an opinion much like yourself it doesn't make it right. This isn't about Liberals its all of us. Quit putting your faith blindly in the hands of bias news media and uneducated entertainers! I want to thank you for pointing out facts! Its rare to see someone who actually can think for his or herself her and I applaud you!
The Americans you speak of are mostly Liberals/Democrats. They're angry that they're not in power, and they don't care how they hurt our country, just as long as they can damage the current administration. They don't care about our service people. They'll do anything if they think it makes them look good. Sad but true.
don't you know that americans do what they do best...blame, blame, blame!

Accept anything means facing reality...aargh! (wash your mouth out w/ lye, dude!)
It's easier and a bit fun at
I think Bush has done a miserable job in almost everything. No, everything isn't his fault, but this ill conceived war in Iraq is. Most of Congress, democrats and republicans, can share some of the blame. Incidentally, I am not a Bush brasher. I am extremely disappointed in him.
I am an American and I agree with you 100%. It's not ALL Americans who blame Bush for EVERYTHING, just the ones who didn't vote for him.

They're venting as a way of licking their wounds of defeat. That's how the voting system works. If your man wins, you're happy. And if he doesn't win, you verbally bash whoever won until his term is up.
The world is indeed changing and we blame Bush because he is doing a lousy job of reacting to the changes.
I agree with you and Bush. I'm an Indian and sad on India's stand towards terrorism. Sometimes War is the only way for Peace.
if anything went wrong, someone will definitely be blamed. if something went right, they have themselves to praise.
Because the %26quot;shrub%26quot; is a moron!!!!
I hear where you're coming from, but We like to blame whom

ever is in charge. When the next MF gets into office it will be his

fault. So take note on american freedom to voice.
Substitute American with democrat and you are spot on.

The election of 2004 just tells me that you hear the whiners the loudest. The flyover states are still here, and if I may speak for us I feel Bush is doing a hard job as best he could. I shudder @ the thought of Kerry leading our troops. I love my country and I have been to several other countries some I really enjoyed but we in the U.S. are spoiled.

I have to think these people haven't been out of Manhattan or Beverly Hills in their life, poor provincial fools

BTW your insight makes me feel hopeful, Thanks.
Well it's nice that you are so comfortable in your ivory tower located in your lousy capitalistic country. I have no problem with capitalism, but I do have a problem with imperialism, something you probably know nothing about because you believe what is told to you in school and the media, who only tell you what they want you to know don't want you to think for yourself. Educate yourself on what imperialism truly is, and then you will understand why we are blaming Bush. I would have no problem with imperialism/capitalism if it didn't exploit the poor and the middle class for the benefit of a privileged few such as yourself who can make ignorant comments about something they know little about.
Wow a foreigner who got it better than I did.
Thank you.
Because Bush is a friggin idiot.
Very good observations.

The problem is the Bush bashers will probably then say his regime paid people to be terrorists to cause the problems so he could achieve whatever agenda they think he is after. There was no deficit before him. And Bush has a magic drug which is making people older faster and using up social security. They have no care of true logic as they have their own agendas to pursue. Lying is just a part of it.
I too just don't understand the bashing, lying, and blaming. I try to see both sides, Its hard when someone throws their creditability out the window with the remarks they make. The world is not Nirvana, and evil will continue to be a part of it. I think it is sad that the democrats behave as they do, sour grapes? I really don't know for sure. I do know they do have some valid points but many turn a deaf ear to the slander and conspiracy theory's for which they have yet to prove with hard evidence. I truly hope we can all stop the negative remarks and work together as Americans, the eagle can not fly with just one wing.
We are all doomed.
Why you don't see that Americans can blame who they want for their problems. It's called liberty.
Bush himself admitted that there was no connection between 9/11 and Iraq. Bush can be blamed for inflation as long as he used disastrous supply-side economic policies, including tax cuts and the widening of the trade deficit.
The world ALWAYS changes, Bush can't adapt and change too.
We can pretty much do what we want to, including blaming Bush(because alot of it is his fault), AND accept that the world is changing, which has nothing to do with wanting Bush and his idiots held accountable.