Friday 7 October 2011

How will America's role in the world change in the next 100 years?

Many say America tomorrow will hold the same status that Britain and France hold today. They will be a wealthy nation and people will still immigrate to America but it just will not be a world power.
How will America's role in the world change in the next 100 years?
It depends.

Whatever happens, America won't continue the dominant force--there will be too many other nations as large and advanced. whether we remain a world power and leader is open to question.

As things stand, it's hard to say. The political shift to the liberal side is cause for hope, however.Had the current administrations economic mismanagement and foreign policy continued, the damage woud have been far worse. What is more serious is the failure--for 15 years--to take the steps that will keep America economically competitive over the long haul. This (in my opinion as a historian) is the biggest failure of the 1995-2008 GOP dominated government.

That may sound odd--but economic leadership depends on technological capability. Without htat, even the most well run economy isn't going to have a leadership role. And the support--research, policy, etc. has not been there. We ae now trailing in advanced energy technology, parts of biotechnology, are rapidly falling behind in aviation, and are already far behind in space technology. Other areas show few bright spots. And the gap is widening.

The current economic crisis is going to delay action. However, a strong Democratic administration and Congress is likely to reverse the decline in American technology and science brought on by the Republican era. If that happens, we are still well positioned to reassert leadership in those areas. If it doesn't--yes, we will fade to a status much like France or the UK--a former %26quot;great power.%26quot;

Some nitwit is going to e-mail me and rant about all the technology the USA has. That is not the point. Every system now in existence will be obsolete in 50-75 years (most sooner) just as the systems of the 1930s are obsolete now. The investment--in money, in policy, in education-to sustain technological leader ship is not there. It does not matter what we have now. It matters what we are able to build tomorrow.
How will America's role in the world change in the next 100 years?
I agree with the status, but I believe that America's role will change quicker than 100 years. America has been breaking down rapidly since the early 1970's, when families break down it creates a rippling effect.

The minute No Fault Divorces became legal families were replaced with newer younger models. Guilty parents lavished their children with expensive gifts to show their love, but give only moments of there time. Children lost their innocents when they started getting shipped off to pre-school or day care; not seeing a parent for up to 10 hours in day.

Many of those children are young adults now and many crave love and affection but don't know that is what they have missed. These young adults have now started repeating what happened to them.

Funny as it may seem immigrants may want the freedom of our nation but they do not want the poverty they have fled from in their native country. You may be seeing a new America where immigrants are leaving this country because they can be poor in their own country.

Vote tomorrow with good judgment and repair our country to the power that it once was and it will be plentiful for immigrants to survive and American's will not have to worry about food, clothing or shelter.
in 100 years the basic process of globalisation will end the world will be unified there will be countries but its Goverments will be more administrative units than the ruling one The Law in the world for the most part will be unified will be paying Dollars (or World Dollars !) in the entire world !

I expect that somewhere in 2020 Russia will join the EU than in 2050 EU will join with the AMERICAN UNION and USA will take on a leading role in these institutions than somewhere in 2060 or 2080 the Africa's asia and the rest of the world will Join the World UNION !!!

AND USA WILL RULE THE WORLD TREATING DIFFRENT COUNTRIES LIKE ITS STATES we will be simply known as citizens of The World union or earth !

Hopefully they wont be setting examples to other countries like the uk.
we will go from a superpower to a 3rd world nation and it will all be traced back to bush and his oil war
It will be Mexico's role.
Well it looks like we're going to be another third world country by then.
Fat black people will SWARM.
I don't know , underwater maybe ?