Friday 7 October 2011

What would change in the world if men could also get pregnant?

Imagine men could also get pregnant. How would the world change?

Both serious and whimsical answers are welcome. Just no rude stuff.
What would change in the world if men could also get pregnant?
ifr men could get pregnant I think their would be more babies because men like to have more sex and women wouldnt mind having sex if the men were the ones who had to endure child birth
What would change in the world if men could also get pregnant?
If it was ONLY men who could get pregnant, families would only have one child, because no man would have the balls to go through pregnancy twice.
Our population would probably decline! lol. men couldn't handle what we go through to bring a new life into this world!
It would be non medicated birth control (lol)
They would be soo much more understanding more back rubs, more ice-cream runs ect.

Oh yes and birth control would be covered by insurance.
LMAO!!! OMG!!! This is a good one. There would probably be a lot of things that would change. The world might end. All mankind would probably vanish.
There would be more abortions and more children being raised as an only child because there is no way a man would go through it more than once and there are more men that try to force the abortion issue than woman.
Nothing :)

I don't know a singe man that would be pregnant much less have a baby. They don't have the pain tolerance and wouldn't want all the body changes. I think they are perfectly happy that only women can get pregnant and I don't see that many men would choose to carry a baby. It would be interesting though. Good question.
i agree with jill but also the idea of men having a baby well it would mean that men and women can do everything each other can do....i like the idea that we can do anything a man can do but men cant so anything we can besides giving birth to babies is something special god gave to women...........then again if men could have babies they might respect us more because they would know everything we go through
No more drive thru deliveries! I had 22 hours of labor and my insurance said I had to leave 24 hours after admission. Guess what, the hospital admitted me when I started labor so they tried to throw me out 2 hours after giving birth! Best part, I worked for the health insurance company at the time. My son was nearly 2 years old before I finally got the bill paid for the %26quot;extra%26quot; day that I stayed.

A man would stay in the hospital a week and then have to lay on the couch for 6 more weeks.
There would be ALOT of men who before would NEVER get %26quot;snipped%26quot; that suddenly LOVE the idea and doctors would be doing vasectomies left and right!
There would be a massive increase in homosexuality and a possibility that either the male or the female would just stop existing.