Friday 7 October 2011

How will the world change now that pornography is easily accessible to children through the internet?

Oh noes there is google. What on earth will we do now?

Now America will be forced to no longer act like the thing done by their parents twice a week is deadly poison to the minds of the children.

Ok, so actually nothing (not even the above sentence) will happen. But that's a boring answer. Media watchdogs will still bark at the insinuation of the possibility of seeing an anatomical part of which there is one for every human on the planet. (strongly) Christian parents will still go insane and call those irresponsible who explained their children basic bodily functions. Pundits will still speak about the endless degradation of society, and wish the world was like it was in their childhood.
How will the world change now that pornography is easily accessible to children through the internet?
Hate to say it, but they'll be exposed eventually to it.
How will the world change now that pornography is easily accessible to children through the internet?
More immorality -- and we all know what that leads too.
In no way shape or form?
They'll all become furries. Furries with diaper fetishes.
People will be less ashamed of their bodies and sexually repressed.
Hopefully parents will do a better job and monitor their children's behavior (what they watch on tv and do online) instead of blaming the rest of society for it.
The Kleenex and Vaseline companies will make more money.
Spiritually speaking, there seems to be a lot more j-offs nowadays. Especially on here, sometimes.
Now? Since the internet went public in 95, when hasn't porno been easily accessible to kids using it? There's lots of websites where anyone can look at pics, watch, or download porn for free, and some of them don't even do the age verification thing at the beginning. Hopefully future generations will be more socially advanced and more mature and less pruddish about sex, and have more liberal attitudes toward sex. There also talking about teaching sex ed in 3rd grade.
People said that if people listened to FM radio they would be corrupted morally and that there would be sex on every street corner. 50 year later it has not happened. The fear people portray is to control other people.
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