How has the world changed since 1966 to present day?
I was alive in 1966, and I must say: Everything has changed since 1966! In that year, the war in Viet Nam was escalating, and the Hippie movement was just beginning. (The year 1967 saw %26quot;The Summer of Love%26quot; in San Fransisco, particularly.) In 1966 there were no personal computers; I worked in a new hospital which was one of the first in our area to be %26quot;computerized%26quot;; the computers were huge %26quot;machines%26quot; housed in a second floor room where the temperature was rigidly coolly controlled; the hospital had central air conditioning -- almost unheard of in northern Ohio in those days. Of course all commercial items, cars, houses, and food were much much less expensive than they are today, and the availability and variety of foods were not so great as they are now. Many families lived in the %26quot;cookie cutter%26quot; housing which burgeoned in the suburbs after World War II; a fairly nice house of that sort could be purchased for $10,000 in 1966 probably. Education likewise was much less expensive at the college level. Students did not carry cell phones since they hadn't been invented! The courses offered or required in high school were not so different from those of today, although, naturally, human knowledge has increased over the years since the 1960s. Most schools had dress codes, so clothing for school was more formal than it is currently. There was no mass testing such as there is today in public schools, and there were no shootings occurring at schools in those days, so schools were generally places of security, at least in the suburbs and smaller cities, although inner city schools experienced gang-related violence and disruptions. I took some really nice vacations for very little money in those days -- for instance, a cruise from New York City to the Bahamas for about two hundred dollars -- no porthole, though! In the sixties, fashions changed drastically from the fifties; skirts became progressively shorter until the mini-skirt was the predominant fashion. After the Beatles gained world-wide popularity (1964), longer hair styles were the mode, both for males and females; as the Hippie movement accelerated, really long hair was the style -- although Hippies generally were not interested in style, per se. Marijuana and LSD were also becoming popular and mainstream (although illegal, of course) in the late sixties. Rock and Roll was the %26quot;British Invasion%26quot; with many English groups following in the wake of the Beatles. The sources for music were still radio and records, and album music was just becoming popular. Gadgets were non-electronic since nothing digital existed! Color television had just also become mainstream so that black and white TV was becoming obsolete. That is my memory of the sixties! I hope that it's useful to you!
How has the world changed since 1966 to present day?
Thanks for the Best Answer! Your plan for the baby book sounds really wonderful; I'm glad that I could help!
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