Friday 7 October 2011

Is the World changing its culture to this extreme... IS this true about Islam?

***-PLEASE WATCH THIS-***鈥?/a>

DO you know if these numbers are correct?

is this really happening?
Is the World changing its culture to this extreme... IS this true about Islam?
LOL that's hilarious, and somewhat based on false principles.

Europe is not in population decline, it's population is in slight growth, but only slight. That's how its population graph has been in the uk at least since the mid 19th century, and I didn't see Europe become a backward dead culture in the 1850s. No, we saw it take over most of the bloody planet and invent a large portion of the modern world.

They're taking figures for cities (where most Muslims in the EU live) and excluding those of the towns which tend to be native. What you actually see in Muslim populations is that first generation Asians have large families, then second generation Asians have a EU standard fertility rate, since they adopt EU living practices. This is where the figures fall down. Also another glaringly obvious error in the video is the UK information of 2.5 million Muslims - err no. 2.5million is most of Britain's immigrant population. What it should say is 2.5 million of Asian decent. There are actually about 1.5 million muslims in Britain. Why the million difference? Well bloody obvious really. Not all Middle east immigrants are Muslim! Many leave their religion in the second and especially 3rd generation.

This is obvious from there being 1000 mosques mentioned.... So... 1000 mosques to 2.5 million Muslims.

Do the maths here... 2500 muslims per mosque? Most of the mosques I see would be lucky to get 50 in them. When did you last see 2500 in a church congregation!?

3rd generation British Asians tend to be agnostic, Anglicised and little different from the native neighbours. Their cuisine is that of the country and their dialects are local.

We hears all these population scaremonger predictions in the 1960s and the 1980s. They didn't happen then, and they aren't likely to happen now.

Finally on this doommongering vid. It mentions conversions to Islam being so high... it neglects to mention %26quot;deprogramming%26quot; or Religious people becoming agnostic or atheist is 3 or 4 times higher (depending on where you are). For every convert to religion these days, it tends to lose 3 more to agnosticism. That's the real future.
Is the World changing its culture to this extreme... IS this true about Islam?
Don't be an ignorant racist person.

I converted to Islam a few years ago. I became a Muslim when I realized these things

These are scientific proofs. Please go to the link below and take a look

and this link also

The Holy Quran says this about the Trinity

[4:171] O people of the scripture, do not transgress the limits of your religion, and do not say about GOD except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was a messenger of GOD, and His word that He had sent to Mary, and a revelation from Him. Therefore, you shall believe in GOD and His messengers. You shall not say, %26quot;Trinity.%26quot; You shall refrain from this for your own good. GOD is only one god. Be He glorified; He is much too glorious to have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. GOD suffices as Lord and Master.

[5:73] Pagans indeed are those who say that GOD is a third of a trinity. There is no god except the one god. Unless they refrain from saying this, those who disbelieve among them will incur a painful retribution.

[5:116] GOD will say, %26quot;O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to the people, `Make me and my mother idols beside GOD?' %26quot; He will say, %26quot;Be You glorified. I could not utter what was not right. Had I said it, You already would have known it. You know my thoughts, and I do not know Your thoughts. You know all the secrets.

So if Christians believe in the trinity, they are ploytheistic.

Moses, Abraham, and Jesus(Peace be upon them all) brought Islam but people changed it and forgot it. The Bible was the word of God until people changed it. Today there are more than one thousand different Bibles. Why do you think there are so many different versions of it?

The word Islam in Arabic means submission to the will of God and thats what Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad(Peace be upon them all) did. God sent them to let the world know that they should worship none but God himself.

Christians don't follow Jesus(pbuh) the way he said. No where in the Bible does Jesus say that he's God and to worship him but thats what Christians do. When Jesus(pbuh) was praying, was he praying to himself?

Please go to the link below and watch thhis debate between the Muslim scholar Sheikh Ahmad Deedat and the Christian reverend Eric Bock debate on the topic %26quot;is Jesus God?%26quot; You will see that no where in the Bible does Jesus(pbuh) say that he is God. It doesn't say that anywhere in any version of the Bible. Please watch by going to this link

Please watch this video by going to the link below and Shiekh Khalid Yasin explains that Abraham(pbuh), Moses(pbuh), and Jesus(pbuh) were all Muslims. Please go to the link below and watch.

Understand that the word Muslim means someone who submits his/her will to God


Go to this link below and watch this debate with the Muslim scholar Ahmad Deedat proving to everyone that Jesus(pbuh) said in the Bible that prophet Muhammad(pbuh) will come.

Also Skip Estes who is now Yusuf Estes used to be a Christian minister in the U.S. before he converted to Islam. He became a Muslim when he tried to convert someone else to Christianity. He is known worldwide for his lectures. Please go to the link below to watch him tell his story of how be became a Muslim. It's very interesting.

your gonna have to click on part 2 when part 1 is over and so on.

Also go to the link below to learn more. It's a great website for both Muslims and non Muslims

Our motto is %26quot;There is none worthy of worship except God%26quot;

By the way this verse is in the very opening of the Holy Quran

1:1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Compassionate

1:2 Praise is to God, Lord of the Worlds.

1:3 The Gracious, the Compassionate.

1:4 Master of the day of Judgment.

1:5 You alone we worship; you alone we ask for help.

1:6 Guide us to the straight way;

1:7 the way of those whom you blessed; not of those who received anger, nor of the strayers
'Fraid so.Google demographics of European Religions in each country.
Yes it is.