Friday 7 October 2011

How can you get your family you stop being racist and ignorant and open their minds to the world changing?

My fiance and I are in Love but my family rejects him and says racist comments about him behind our backs, and sometimes says them to my face which kills me inside but I don't let them get to me so much..I Love my family dearly because they're the only family I have, and yet they hate my fiance simply because he is of a different skin colour and they think that I'm going to run away with him to another country... I've tried so many things to try and change their minds and their hearts to see it from my way, but nothing seems to work and I'm at my wits end and have no more ideas... So if anyone, if you don't mind, could please give me some suggestions as to what I could possibly do, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You so much to all who respond. Take Care
How can you get your family you stop being racist and ignorant and open their minds to the world changing?
I can`t answer you that question because I can`t imagine my daughter with a non white person as there are not black or Asian persons where I live ,but I advise you to let your parents know how really is your boyfriend and,if he is a good guy ,he will make them forget that he is different from all of you.A good person is just good no matter what colour he/she is.Give your parents some time to evaluate the situation.Realise that it must be hard for them to accept this stuff and they are perhaps thinking about your relatives,your friends and all the circle of people that are around you and them.
How can you get your family you stop being racist and ignorant and open their minds to the world changing?
How long have you been seeing your fiance? If it's only a little while, be harsh but fair with them. Give them a chance to see that all people are the same, regardless of skin colour, and maybe they will see how wrong they've been.

However, if you've been together for quite a while and they still won't change, stop seeing them. They obviously don't respect you, your fiance, or your relationship. If you don't sever ties, your life will only become more complicated.

Congratulations on your relationship! I just got engaged today. :)