Wednesday 26 October 2011

How has the world changed since the Rodney King incident?

Are black men any safer from the police? What you think peeps?
How has the world changed since the Rodney King incident?
No, I don't think so at all. There's a lot of police that are just criminal thugs, plain and simple.
How has the world changed since the Rodney King incident?
I wouldn't say the world and the system have changed/turned around 360, but it certainly is a tad bit more sensitive.
The police are great people. Sadly, King ran into a few bad apples.

The world is the same. It's very violent,but at the same time if you open your eyes you will find good people.

Oh and Mr.Kind is NOT one of them. He's a violent jerk. Just ask any of his women.
The cops say %26quot;turn off the cameras and cell phones or I'll arrest you%26quot; before beating a Black men. They surely haven't stopped.

EDIT: I don't think it matters that Mr. King was a criminal. He didn't deserve unnecessary force. Policeman have jobs with RULES and REGULATIONS and I think people should start making police follow them!
The President is black. Have you been sleeping Rodney?
I feel safer when Rodney King is in jail. How many times has he been arrested and convicted since the %26quot;incident%26quot; Serveral that I am aware of. Drunk driving, beating women ect.
I'd say that the world sees Rodney King as bad joke who has not learned one single solitary thing from his experience in 1992. This man has a VERY long arrest record...and he pretty much creates most of his own problems.


In 1993, King entered an alcohol rehabilitation program and was placed on probation after crashing his vehicle into a block wall in downtown Los Angeles.

In July 1995, he was arrested by Alhambra police, who alleged that he hit his wife with his car, knocking her to the ground. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail after being convicted of hit and run.

On August 27, 2003, King was arrested again for speeding and running a red light while under the influence of alcohol. He failed to yield to police officers and slammed his SUV into a house, breaking his pelvis.

See link below for Mr. King's FULL arrest is actually a multi-state record!
No black men haven't changed, but I think white truck drivers are steering clear of downtown LA.
It depends..Are you still driving through neighborhoods going 80 MPH and hopped up on Narcs?

Did Rodney deserve the beating?No...but I understand..(Using my best Chris Rock voice).
Cops can't keep insubordinate crack heads in line, who are perpetual law breakers without losing their jobs and their pensions. Unless of course said crack head is white. Then beat away, no of us will care about said crack head.

So you deal with them homie. Maybe next time Rodney can smoke crack in your yard all day. Pull up your flowers, crap and piss on your doorstep, and then he can sue you if you try and stop him.

All hail crack heads! Rodney you da' man!

Why are you using him as a role model?
In actuality, no men are safer from the police, that same thing could happen to a white or Hispanic male, and has, as a matter of fact.

Unfortunately for them, its never filmed and put on Eyewitness News,

like the Rodney King incident was.