Wednesday 26 October 2011

Is the world really going to end like the bible?

my family is religious and my native people have diffrent belifs so do i trust god or stay close to my native people.

natives been thru so much and everyone in this world wouldn't understand. when it comes to the world changing around them i know it would be easy for natives to survive cause we have been through alot. i think if may of these contries were to world war and america lost would just be in the middle of everything and get treated the same way we have always been and continue to survive because we are savages.
Is the world really going to end like the bible?
don't waste your time pondering this. no, it will not end like the bible says or like any of the other scriptures say. these books are simply man's feeble attempt to explain things he has not yet actually discovered or tested enough to validate scientifically. let them go off and be ignorant and naiive, it makes them feel better and is their way of explaining bad things, you will never talk them out of believing, and it is a waste of time to 1) argue against, or 2) try to justify what they are saying. both are futile and have no effect on the world. spend your time on something that will actually change something for the better.
Is the world really going to end like the bible?
No, God is great and he take care of every one.
Not likely. The apocalypse as described in revelations, the final book in the New Testament, was in fact just a dream recorded by Saint Peter.
I'm not even sure what you are asking. Are you asking about the United States? Or are you asking about the Bible?

In response to the above statement, Revelation was not recorded by Peter, but by John while imprisoned on the island of Patmos in the Mediterranean Sea.
yes the world is going to end like the bible
All I know is that Revelations scared the living daylights out of me when I read it in 1st grade. You take everything so literally at 5.
I suspect that if the world really went to war (and I mean competing nuclear powers) there would be an effective Armageddon although not in the biblical (horsemen etc) way.

There is also the chance of some damage on one side and true Apocalypse on another (e.g. USA v Iran in a nuclear war although the US response would probably be conventional although overwhelming).

Bottom line there is little chance of a true word war as, to quote Jim Morrison, no one gets out alive.

Peace Out.
You see what the bible says is not always exactly the way you may read it! for ex. It may say that bad trees produce bad fruit but what is really mean is that if u do bad things then you will recieve bad things
from my understanding i think the world will end like the bile says it will, and in fact some people say that they are already seeing things that the bible says will happen in the ast days. pray about it, be patient with god and if it is his will he will give you an answer somehow. weather it be an answer that you like or not mioght be a different story, but none the less he will give you one
According to the bible code and other historical sources the world is going to end in 2008/2012! Bush will be the last president of US( his name was spelled out in the bible code). the 9/11 attack will cause a 3rd world war originating from the middle east. some sources say an astroid is suppose to hit us and earth will be exploded.
Apocalyptic myths have persisted before Judeo-Christianity ever got a hold of them. However, you've got to remember that no matter who says them, they're myths. Nobody can know when or how the world is going to end, because it hasn't happened yet and it might never happen. Revelation or enlightenment is totally unreliable, as you can see in the literally hundreds or thousands of beliefs in the world, all claiming to be the one true voice; you would not be very wise to pick any of them essentially randomly as your belief. It would be better for you to try to think on your own what's most likely to happen, given how the world is turning out, and base your life on that. Better yet, don't worry about it at all, since you probably can't do anything to stop it.
The bible does not acutally say the world is going to end. Many times the term world translates into 'age'. There was an end of an age when Jesus died on the cross.

The bible states that the earth is a part of God. We may destroy ourselves, but I don't see where God intends to destroy the world.

Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled at the cross. I believe all of them. 80% of revelations is from Old Testament. I think Jesus fulfilled revelations.

I don't think you should be worrying about 3rd World War or God coming to destroy. You are here so God can enjoy life through you. And I think you should take what you like from either religion or culture that feels right in your heart.
In around 4 or 5 billion years our sun will turn into a red giant and expand part earth, swallowing up the earth and destroying it. That is how the world will end. Now the end of mankind is a completely different question...