Wednesday 26 October 2011

How would the world change if there were no countries?

I was thinking about how many conflicts have occurred between nations, and whether removing the nations themselves would help the situation? In place of the current setup, a new world government could be put in place. I thought it could allow easier flow of goods, information, people etc. throughout the world. I haven't entirely thought through the consequences, so I'm wondering what the wider view on the matter is...
How would the world change if there were no countries?
The 1-world government idea won't fly, at least nowhere in our near future.

As %26quot;civilized%26quot; as mankind thinks itself to be, its still really nothing more than patches of tribes, each with its own identity, wants, etc. These %26quot;tribes%26quot; (albeit some numbering several million) are not of a mind to surrender their identity, etc. %26amp; be subject to rule by others outside their own 'tribe'. At least not yet. Heck, look at the way things are going for the European Union!

North America's attempt at economic union (i.e. NAFTA) hasn't exactly flown steady 100% in its nearly-20 years of existence. Almost from the get-go there were recriminations among the people of its 3-member union, mainly folks from the US.

Even if there was one super-sized, planet-wide %26quot;nation%26quot;, I still don't visualize it as being wholly one political unit. Even within established nations today there are local political subdivisions, whether you call them states, towns, provinces, cantons, etc. and its residents still identify themselves per that local subdivision.

lol, even in an %26quot;ideal%26quot; like Star Trek's The Federation is set up as an intergalactic union with member planets still in charge of their own affairs, with their own local laws!
How would the world change if there were no countries?
No individuality or freedom. We would all be poor. We would all be slaves to the Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds, the IMF, etc etc etc.
If you think you can get one world government to work in reality start by getting peace in the Middle East. Get the Arabs and the Jews to love each other. Next step is enforcement. Since many opposing factions exist Totalitarianism would have to be used to enforce what I'll call your dream. How would that be any better?
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