Wednesday 26 October 2011

I'm loaded with fantastic ideas. Money-generating, world-changing, exciting ideas. BUT...I have social anxiety

I'm only 20 years old, and I hate to sound so egotistical, but I'm always thinking, imagining, fantasizing...coming up with things that, if I were to pursue them, I believe they would eventually improve my life and the lives of those around me.

My problems are social anxiety and a lack of motivation. I just moved to a new town, and don't have many friends yet (also due in part to the social anxiety). Many, if not all, of the things I want to do involve going out into the world, making phone calls, contacting people...but I have a total utter fear of doing anything by myself.

I'm working on fixing my social anxiety, but it's a slow-going process...and I hate waking up everyday and being totally useless and umotivated because I don't have someone to tag along with me.

Any tips?
I'm loaded with fantastic ideas. Money-generating, world-changing, exciting ideas. BUT...I have social anxiety
My friend I wish it was as easy as giving tips.

But this anxiety thing is a total motherf.. and it took a whole lot of

guts to kill it for me. I can put it like this..

There is a huge wall in front of you. You can either walk by it

forever, break it down or climb over it. The decision is in your

hands my friend.

You know what you want to do and you also know what you have

to do to get there. You need to get out of your comfort zone

to grow, to gain experience, and facing your own fears is

often the most rewarding experience in life.

They say you cannot kill what you did not create.

You created this, you are the only one who can kill it.

19 years old, I hear ya :P

Break through.
I'm loaded with fantastic ideas. Money-generating, world-changing, exciting ideas. BUT...I have social anxiety
My brother suffered from this and then he started smoking pot. Needless to say, he's completely different in a very good way!
Many of the more note-worthy inventors were introverts.
You must have some motivation otherwise you wouldn't be thinking about how to improve the lives of those around you.

Start by going to the local free clinic and asking them for the name of a psychologist or psychiatrist and then make an appointment and actually go to the appointment. Only a doctor can diagnose whether you have social anxiety or some other problem. If the doctor suggests taking a medication...then follow his/her suggestions.

You won't be able to 'fix' your anxiety problems on your own. This problem needs the intervention of a mental health professional. Once you feel good about yourself, others will feel the same and some of your ideas may be successful. Good luck.