Wednesday 26 October 2011

If everything is constenly changing, how can you be sure of anything, or anyone?

Everything changes. the world changes. people change.

I once had a best friend. for a long time, i knew i could depend on her. she changed.

I don%26#039;t understand how anyone can fully trust in someone, when they could always just change.
If everything is constenly changing, how can you be sure of anything, or anyone?
The cosmos is in constant change which we can know from study and so it is with all material things. Even when we think there is no change there is. As mortals we are either progressing or regressing there is no static life in the material nor the spiritual.

We can know the future by the past and the present. We can only know and love another when we get to know them. We can know there true self but we can never know their true motives, only God can know motives for He knows our thoughts.

We can trust that which we know through our personal experience, but nothing beyond.Just why we can trust Deity for in our personal experience with the Davine is the assurance of trust.

Some put their trust in their truth but this is a fallacy for truth is relative and changing as knowledge is expanding. It is their beliefs that are fixed and in this fixation is their trust in that which is changing. Just why so many cannot accept that their truth is not the truth which is expanding through Knowledge.
If everything is constenly changing, how can you be sure of anything, or anyone?
Put your trust in God. He never changes. That%26#039;s all I can think of to answer your question.
the good news is people don%26#039;t change that much, and it takes along time for most things to change drastically.

Your old friend was probably a little unstable, personality wise. If she is, then her instability won%26#039;t really change, just be glad you won%26#039;t be there to get hurt by her again.

so life changes a little bit, but there is consistency in it, and it is almost always within a trend. The best thing to do is to become aware of the overall trend of a person or a thing, then you can have some expectation of what may happen next. That is how to empower yourself, nothing magical about it.
I have found it very important to know myself and who I am, what I want, and what I want for the world. If you know those things then you can trust yourself. If you trust yourself, you can never be failed by anyone or anything.
Don%26#039;t trust the future (change). Trust what is happening now. You could trust your friend before, but now after she changed you can%26#039;t. We have to adapt to change, it%26#039;s in our nature and we have evolved to be like that
I am exactly the same way as you are. It%26#039;s our paranoid and anxious minds that does this to us. Everyone at some point gets stabbed in the back, you just have to keep trying really. If you don%26#039;t have faith in anyone to not hurt you, you%26#039;ll never be able to trust someone. It really all depends on your view of life, no one knows if they can trust someone fully, all you can do is try. Just judge carefully who you try with. =]
You can%26#039;t.

Thats why we get hurt, eventually you will be let down.

But keep everything at face value and you will be fine.

Dont rely on the unreliable, but trust the trustworthy
That%26#039;s why people become religious, it%26#039;s called fate.

Change is okay and it is mostly for the best. However, you have to invest in people that you feel will change (that%26#039;s a given) but they will still keep your best interests in mind.

You%26#039;re never going to be friends with the same people, perhaps some, but everyone drifts apart eventually. It%26#039;s the natural eb and flow of things and the older you get, the more you%26#039;ll realize that without change, we%26#039;d all be sitting around bored with one antoher.
You can%26#039;t, really. It%26#039;s hard to trust anyone, even if you%26#039;ve known them for years.
We can%26#039;t be sure of anything. Even health related, they%26#039;re always coming out with new studies that say old ideas were wrong. How can we know anything they%26#039;re telling us now is true, and won%26#039;t change in 50 years? The fact is we relaly can%26#039;t.

But that logic is not very practical, so my philosphy is that we just need to base our lives on what we know because it%26#039;s all that we have. Otherwise we would just crumble. It%26#039;s better to focus on accepting the change and working with it when it actually comes.
Oh... yee of little faith!

Now why should everything be as you wish?... no fun in that!

Better to have lost and loved than to have never loved at all.

Of course everything changes.... good, bad, real bad, the best!

Come on...... don%26#039;t be so negative!!!

My saying is:

My glass is not half;s half full and that means there is always room for a top up!

See god%26#039;s gift to us all!

I love Him and the angels... and no, im not a bible basher do-gooder!

He wants me to live, love and have free will too.... what a guy!!!!

I am happy things change, wouldn%26#039;t life be boring?!!!!
Everyone does change looks, attitude, but they are always them. If it seems like they really do change, they are just covering themselfs up, and trying to find who they are. Its always only temporary because they will always be the same inside no matter what. You have to find somebody to trust with many things in your life because you cant hold so much inside. You have to take chances, because if you don%26#039;t you will never find out who u CAN trust, because there are people out there so take a chance, because chances are you will find out you can trust them, and if you can%26#039;t, well them learn from your mistakes, and don%26#039;t trust those kinds of people...

hope that helps
inflation, recession, depression. you wont be able to for at least 20 more years. inflation snowballs everything right to depression. good luck, stay sane.
Trust in the nature of the tangible and verifiable truth, no matter how hard it may hurt. The truth is unchanging from the beginning unto the end and to embrace anything which contradicts the nature of the truth is to allow oneself to become governed by a lie.

The universe is chaotic, I will admit that, and there is little in it which is factually stable. The concept of stability in the eyes of humans may just yield to a state of stagnation because everything must continue flowing like an endless turbulent river to allow the process of destruction and renewal to commence.

Things are constantly flowing and changing, and yet, they also remain the same. Your friend may have changed in her opinions and behaviors, but she is still the same person she was the day before...
See, people who really love and care for you don%26#039;t change much. And those who do ain%26#039;t worth your time. Most of our lives are spent in differentiating between these two kinds of people, you%26#039;ll come across retards on the way, but u%26#039;ll find the good ones


Cheers !!!
Something to remember is that you cant, u cant rely on other ppl and things always being the same. Its just a fact of life it doesn%26#039;t work that way. Look for eg. Dinosaurs they changed there extinct. One person U SHOULD be able to always rely on and be sure of is yourself. Always listen to that little voice in you%26#039;re head (its called you%26#039;re conscience) usually everyone has one. Just remember look before u leap, think before u speak. Oh and y not...... keep your nose clean.
Only thing one can be sure of is that a person is living, and we all are going to leave this earth someday. Most people don%26#039;t do major changes in their lives unless something goes wrong like a lite bulb goes off in their mind, or a major catastrophe happens, and when this does happen their core doesn%26#039;t, things they do and their thinking changes. So learning to trust a person is based of their words,do they honor what they say, do they tend to say one thing and do another, if so you can%26#039;t trust them, or if they have trust issues they may give you a hard time; because they are afraid of being hurt again, this type of person may abort your relationship with them, but normally you can tell because their are always questioning your ability to be honest with them. A Mainly we have to trust God and our own instincts about humans from life experiences. So dive into life with the Lord he will not let you down, because he knows peoples hearts better than anyone. Try not to get into any relationship with out consulting him especially marriages.
you%26#039;re right. i think about this all the time.

its hard to know anything or anyone anymore.

Nothing these days is for sure...i wish i could help you with ur question but how can i if i have the same question?
You trust someone or something until you have reason not to any longer. If people change for the worse and you get burned, you then have to change and not place any more trust in them. Just because a friend may change in the future doesn%26#039;t mean you can%26#039;t trust them right now. You need to have awareness to go along with the trust. Awareness that anything and everything could change tomorrow.
thats life for you. you can even change. sometimes its for the better and sometimes its for the worse. but whats done is done and the key to that is acceptance. that is was trust is all about. your putting yourself in a position where anything can happen and its a chance you have to take.
A very poignant song, indeed, in my top 10 from the 60s.

The Young Rascals - How Can I Be Sure Lyrics

How can I be sure

In a world that%26#039;s constantly changin%26#039;?

How can I be sure

Where I stand with you?

Whenever I

Whenever I am away from you

I wanna die

%26#039;cause you know I wanna stay with you

How do I know?

Maybe you%26#039;re trying to use me

Flying too high can confuse me

Touch me but don%26#039;t take me down

Whenever I

Whenever I am away from you

My alibi is tellin%26#039; people I don%26#039;t care for you

Maybe I%26#039;m just hanging around

With my head up, upside down

It%26#039;s a pity

I can%26#039;t seem to find someone

Who%26#039;s as pretty %26#039;n%26#039; lovely as you

How can I be sure

I really, really, really, wanna kno-o-ow

I really, really, really, wanna kno-o-ow

(Oh oh oh ...)

How%26#039;s the weather?

Weather or not, we%26#039;re together

Together we%26#039;ll see it much better

I love you, I love you forever

You know where I can be found

How can I be sure

In a world that%26#039;s constantly changing?

How can I be sure?

I%26#039;ll be sure with you.


Complimentary “How Can I Be Sure” Ringtone…
you%26#039;re right.

there%26#039;s nothing you can be sure of.

So why not live life to the fullest and forget everything else?

How did the world change after world war 2?

what were the new world powers? and how did the war affect the world after and present day today?
How did the world change after world war 2?
You don't believe in asking simple questions, I guess.

Before WW II, Britain, Japan, France and Germany were much more powerful in relation to all the rest of the countries of the world.

Germany was completely smashed by the war, as was Japan and was occupied by the Allies. Britain's colonial empire disintegrated after the war, as did France's. In some cases colonies removed themselves without fighting a war of independence, like India in the case of Britain and Tahiti in the case of France. Other countries fought tough wars for independence, like Algeria and Indonesia.

The USA and the Soviet Union emerged as the dominant world powers, so strong that they earned the name superpowers. China also emerged, after a very bitterly fought revolution, as one of the top powers. The USA knew that a conventional war with the Soviets would be virtually unwinnable, but thought differently about a nuclear war - hence the nuclear arms race. Nuclear war almost happened over the Cuban Missile Crisis. Fortunately, for a number of reasons the Soviet system collapsed and the world's supply of nuclear weapons is being deliberately lessened. Unfortunately countries with more money than sense, such as Iran, are threatening to become nuclear powers - a very grim and frightening prosect.
How did the world change after world war 2?
LOL is this for a history project? Do some research. It's not that hard.
Less people died per day.
Germany Which was the major world power was no longer and the u.s became the new world power
Ouch, do some research on the net and don't let others do your homework for you, that's just pathetic.
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  • How has people's understand of the world changed by the Scientific Revolution?

    I just simply need some details to back up my answer. I've never really covered the Scientific Revolution until now, but the basics are pretty clear to me...
    How has people's understand of the world changed by the Scientific Revolution?
    Both Aristotelian metaphysics and the Christian worldview gave way to a mechanical view of the universe. The natural world came to be though of as a type of giant machine, obeying known (or at least knowable) regular universal laws, laws which ideally could be expressed in mathematical language.

    How has the world changed since the Rodney King incident?

    Are black men any safer from the police? What you think peeps?
    How has the world changed since the Rodney King incident?
    No, I don't think so at all. There's a lot of police that are just criminal thugs, plain and simple.
    How has the world changed since the Rodney King incident?
    I wouldn't say the world and the system have changed/turned around 360, but it certainly is a tad bit more sensitive.
    The police are great people. Sadly, King ran into a few bad apples.

    The world is the same. It's very violent,but at the same time if you open your eyes you will find good people.

    Oh and Mr.Kind is NOT one of them. He's a violent jerk. Just ask any of his women.
    The cops say %26quot;turn off the cameras and cell phones or I'll arrest you%26quot; before beating a Black men. They surely haven't stopped.

    EDIT: I don't think it matters that Mr. King was a criminal. He didn't deserve unnecessary force. Policeman have jobs with RULES and REGULATIONS and I think people should start making police follow them!
    The President is black. Have you been sleeping Rodney?
    I feel safer when Rodney King is in jail. How many times has he been arrested and convicted since the %26quot;incident%26quot; Serveral that I am aware of. Drunk driving, beating women ect.
    I'd say that the world sees Rodney King as bad joke who has not learned one single solitary thing from his experience in 1992. This man has a VERY long arrest record...and he pretty much creates most of his own problems.


    In 1993, King entered an alcohol rehabilitation program and was placed on probation after crashing his vehicle into a block wall in downtown Los Angeles.

    In July 1995, he was arrested by Alhambra police, who alleged that he hit his wife with his car, knocking her to the ground. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail after being convicted of hit and run.

    On August 27, 2003, King was arrested again for speeding and running a red light while under the influence of alcohol. He failed to yield to police officers and slammed his SUV into a house, breaking his pelvis.

    See link below for Mr. King's FULL arrest is actually a multi-state record!
    No black men haven't changed, but I think white truck drivers are steering clear of downtown LA.
    It depends..Are you still driving through neighborhoods going 80 MPH and hopped up on Narcs?

    Did Rodney deserve the beating?No...but I understand..(Using my best Chris Rock voice).
    Cops can't keep insubordinate crack heads in line, who are perpetual law breakers without losing their jobs and their pensions. Unless of course said crack head is white. Then beat away, no of us will care about said crack head.

    So you deal with them homie. Maybe next time Rodney can smoke crack in your yard all day. Pull up your flowers, crap and piss on your doorstep, and then he can sue you if you try and stop him.

    All hail crack heads! Rodney you da' man!

    Why are you using him as a role model?
    In actuality, no men are safer from the police, that same thing could happen to a white or Hispanic male, and has, as a matter of fact.

    Unfortunately for them, its never filmed and put on Eyewitness News,

    like the Rodney King incident was.

    To what extent has your world changed since your earliest memories?

    And have the changes been for better or for worse?
    To what extent has your world changed since your earliest memories?
    Hi-tech was a tiny black and white TV with rabbit ears encased in a wooden box where you could watch TV for a few hours per day. The rest of the day it was off the air. The smallest radios were about the size of a breadbox and had to be plugged in. The smallest calculators were about the size of the Yellow Pages and had a crank on the side that you had to pull each time you entered numbers. All phones had dials. Most people were on party lines. There was no McDonald's.
    To what extent has your world changed since your earliest memories?
    my grand-mom and a few close friends dying. i realized that you should always leave the ones you care about with good words and never leave things left unsaid. because you never know if you will be able to tell them the next day or not. you never know when someone important will leave your life...

    and the changes are defintiely worse.

    i won't bother mentioning them, cause there are way to many.

    Im only 15 but i think it got worse.... now theres the war in Iraq and a bunch of genocides people are getting laid off left and right and the american economy is goin down the tubes...
    unfortunately, with age has come loads more responsibility, and sometimes i wish i had the more care free life i had when i was younger
    My earliest memory was perhaps the creation of the world.

    The Big Father made a fantastic job of it.

    Your pathetic race has turned it into a hellish nightmare world.

    Don't worry about it. It will end in 3 years.
    Well, I think the changes I've seen have been mostly for the worse. I mean, sure. Good things have happened in my 14 years, but bad things too. The ignorance of the typical American and the youth of the country give a bad rep to the US in my opinion. People take us for idiots... I mean, the US is not the smartest country in the world. India is number one. China and Japan are pretty high there too. (I think the US is like, #25 or something.) Not to mention, people are so so lazy with their native speak. Slang can be okay, but the lack of proficiency in grammar nowadays is baffling. It's so pitiful...
    Global terrorsim. I live in England and i can remember it being in ireland (I.R.A), but never global. Like a month back with the mumbai incident.


    Technology has improved so much in the last 15 years. who would have thought of a camera phone, let alone an i-phone!


    TenorSax. your right. I mean about the slang. Nobody uses correct grammar anymore. It's a shame as there are very few intellectual people around now.
    I feel like my world has changed alot since childhood. Safety didn't use to be such a big concern, atleast where i grew up. I used to walk a few blocks to get to gradeschool, and used to ride my bike around the block with other kids in the neighborhood. Now it is impossible to go outside without being scared. Crime rates have skyrocketed, kids are starting to join gangs and start using drugs at a much younger age. what is happening to this world?
    I was born in the 90s what can you say.. they were the good times.

    You can sing the rap to %26quot;The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air%26quot;

    You know that %26quot;WOAH%26quot; comes from Joey from %26quot;Blossom%26quot; and that %26quot;How Rude!%26quot; comes from Stephanie from %26quot;Full House%26quot;

    You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.

    You remember reading %26quot;Goosebumps%26quot;

    You know the profound meaning of %26quot;Wax on, wax off%26quot;

    You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school.

    You danced to %26quot;Wannabe%26quot; by the Spice Girls, Females: had a new motto, Males: got a whole lot gay-er. (so tell me what you want, what you really really want.)

    HELLO....HOT WHEELS!!!!!

    You remember the craze, then the banning of slap bracelets and slam books.

    You still get the urge to say %26quot;NOT%26quot; after (almost) every sentence...Not...

    Where in the world is Carmen San Diego? was both a game and a TV game show.

    You knew that Kimberly, the pink ranger, and Tommy, the green Ranger were meant to be together.

    You remember when super nintendos became popular.

    You remember watching home alone 1, 2 , and 3........and tried to pull the pranks on %26quot;intruders%26quot;

    %26quot;I've fallen and I can't get up%26quot;

    You remember boom boxes vs. cd players

    You remember New Kids on The Block when they were cool

    You knew all the characters names and their life stories on %26quot;Saved By The Bell%26quot;

    You played and/or collected %26quot;Pogs%26quot;

    You had at least one Tamagotchi, GigaPet or Nano and brought it everywhere

    You watched the original Care Bears, My Little Pony, and Ninja Turtles


    Yikes pencils and erasers were the stuff!

    All your school supplies were %26quot;Lisa Frank%26quot; brand.(pencils.notebooks.binders.etc.)

    You made paper scrunchies to see who you'd end up marrying

    You remember when the new Beanie Babies were always sold out.

    You used to wear those stick on earrings, not only on your ears, but at the corners of your eyes.

    You've gotten creeped out by %26quot;Are You Afraid of the Dark?%26quot;

    You know the Macarena by heart.

    %26quot;Talk to the hand%26quot; ... enough said

    You thought Brain would finally take over the world

    You always said, %26quot;Then why don't you marry it!%26quot;

    You remember when everyone went slinky crazy.

    You remember when razor scooters were cool.

    When we were younger:

    Before the MySpace frenzy...

    Before the Internet %26amp; text messaging...

    Before Sidekicks %26amp; iPods...

    Before PlayStation2 or X-BOX...

    ...Back when you put off the 5 hours of homework you had every night.

    When light up sneakers were cool.

    When you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs.

    When gas was $0.95 a gallon %26amp; Caller ID was a new thing.

    When we recorded stuff on VCRs %26amp; paid $3.50 for a movie.

    When we called the radio station to request songs to hear off our walkmans.

    When the Chicago Bulls were the best team ever.


    Get Over Here!!!! means something to you.

    Hide-n-Go Seek at dusk.

    Red Light, Green Light.

    Heads Up 7 Up.

    Playing Kickball %26amp; Dodgeball until your porch light came on.


    Tree Houses.

    Hula Hoops.

    Captain Planet.

    Running through the sprinklers.

    That %26quot;Little Mermaid%26quot;

    Crying when Mufasa died in the Lion King.

    Happy Meals where you chose a Barbie or a Hot Wheels car.

    Getting the privilege to sit in the front seat of the car.

    Drinking Sqeeze It %26quot;Squeeze The Fun Out Of It%26quot;

    Or what about:

    Hey Arnold.


    The Secret World of Alex Mac.

    Rocco's Modern Life.

    Are You Afraid of the Dark?


    Magic School Bus.


    Pinky and the Brain

    Sailor Moon.


    Beavis %26amp; Butt-Head


    Bill Nye the Science Guy

    MR RODGERS!!!!

    Where everyone wanted to be in love after watching The Wonder Years.

    Under the Umbrella Tree


    The Big Comfy Couch

    Kool-Aid was the drink of choice.

    Class field trips.

    When Christmas was the most exciting time of year.

    When $5 seemed like a million, %26amp; another dollar a miracle.

    When you begged to go to McDonalds for dinner everyday.

    When Toys R Us overuled the mall.

    Go back to the time when:

    Decisions were made by going 'eeny-meeny-miney-moe'.

    Money issues were handled by whoever was banker in 'Monopoly.'

    Being old referred to anyone over 20.

    A chance to skate as a couple at the local roller rink was like winning the lottery.

    When Ninja Turtles ruled the world.

    When Aladdin was new, before the trilogy was complete.

    Before we realized all this would eventually disappear

    Who would have thought you'd miss the 90's so much!!!!!

    Save time, make money, find true love at Search Engine.
    My world has indeed changed from my earliest memory, something for better and somethings for worse, but my earliest memory was when I was 2 and a half years old and was wounded badly and had 10 stiches in the side of my eyebrow, so how worse can it get?
    Video games have come a long way since Pong. It's amazing that the technology has come so far and is so impressive!
    100%! Like the difference between day and night. And I am only 49! Technology, progress and convenience would obviously be for the better. And we have conquered or are close to curing some diseases now that we weren't back then. It seems as if people's values are worse, though. Lots of boredom and ADHD in the youth population, and people expect more to be given to them, I think. Just MHO.
    Air travel and weapons of war.
    I grew up, that covers it all! That is a good thing!
    I remember when Sunday mornings you saw the whole family unit attend Sunday school and church. There were more family reunions. Now you see relatives at weddings and funerals and make promises to make more time for those family reunions, but it doesn't seem to happen. Sunday dinners consisted of everyone sitting at the family table, grace, and manners were a part of the meal. Now you see families eating in front of the tv, on the run and home cooked meals are not prepared as much as in the past. Mom was home when we got home from school. Not as many latch key kids as today. Kids didn't back talk like they do their parents today, and using the foul language in most every sentence to make a point. In my day all it took was 'that look' to know you were out of line and better straighten up. Now the kids figure they have 'rights' to be disrespectful, to 'express' themselves in this deviant manner. pffff. Terrorism was not a factor we had to be concerned with. We didn't lock our doors or cars back in the day. In my years of growing up, there was a time of awe and wonderment that I feel kids today take for granted or shrug off as lame. I believe if you ask every generation they will say it progressively gets worse. A general lack of consideration and respect for fellow man can sum up much of the problem.
    In so many ways. I'm 71, when I was young I used to think about all the changes my parents had seen! Many good, and very many bad.

    But I have faith Our Lord is with us and the good changes will only improve while the bad shall someday disappear.
    Like most other people's, my world has changed a lot. I try to escape and go back and when I am on my horse out in the South Pasture or maybe down by the Nueces River in The River Pasture alone with my thoughts and the sounds and smells that originate there I know that the private environment that I am enjoying has been there for hundreds of years. When the Cottontail and the mockingbird or the Deer stops to look at me and welcomes me into their world I am at peace....... Then that dang cell phone sings it's little song and I know that my Sweetie just wants to know if I am enjoying myself and safe. That cell phone is the best and worst thing to come along in a long, long time. I ain't gonna call no one after I die and my horse is gonna go back to the house with or without me. I guess though that I will go on trying to keep peace in the family and carry that dang cell phone with me. It sure can ruin the ambiance of a good pasture though.
    It makes me too sad to think about it.
    a mix of both!
    No one ever said life was going to be easy. It is whatever you want it to be. We all have choices and it just depends on the ones you want to make. There will always be rich people and poor people. There will always be good guys and bad guys and the styles change from bad to good and from good to bad. Things have changed so much in the last 62 years of my life. Some have been good and some have been bad but it's like that for everyone. I have learned along the way. I have learned that money doesn't make you happy and can sometimes cause more problems that it's worth. I have learned that you can find fun and happiness in the strangest of places. I have learned that you can pick your friends but not your relatives. I have learned that all families rich or poor have similar problems in their lives. I have learned that kindness given or received is a blessing. I have learned that the most beautiful thing you will ever see is what mother nature has created and it is free.
    It's more deadly, dangerous, warlike, irresponsible, selfish, power-hungry. There is still a lot of good in the world, but when do we hear about it?
    My aging parents and their various health problems are starting to overwhelm me. I'm a single, only-child so it's ALL on me. Because of their issues, my life has changed tremendously in the last 10 years and I'm very sad/depressed/angry about it. The future frightens me, so the changes have been for the worse for me.
    I've got more scared.
    Well, it isn't flat anymore ~~ probably for the best, cause none of my friends nor neighbors have fallen off.
    It is like living on another planet now compared to my childhood memories. I would gladly return to the 1950s when the country was a united and dignified place. People had much more consideration for others. It was a quieter and safer place. I am so glad that I was born back then.
    In the 60s us younger ones were becoming much more independent,and very nearly self supporting. We worked hard and played the same way.But we were Always under the scrutiny of loving and caring Mam %26amp; Dad. Yes our world has changed my friend,and most sadly for the worse. Peace to you all.

    In Kingdom Hearts 2, what happens if you forget to visit a world before the 1000 heartless challenge.?

    Just passed it and the worlds change after that, I forgot to visit Halloween town so I was curious what happened. It dissapeared off of the world map, so I am kinda worried that its just gone.
    In Kingdom Hearts 2, what happens if you forget to visit a world before the 1000 heartless challenge.?
    It's disappeared temporarily. It will come back and you can finish it off then, don't worry.
    In Kingdom Hearts 2, what happens if you forget to visit a world before the 1000 heartless challenge.?
    It will reappear eventually. Just continue the game.

    I need to write an essay about changing the world(That is the prompt).?

    I have to write an essay that was assigned today and is due tomorrow and I have chosen the idea of it to be about recycling. The paper our teacher gave us says:

    Prompt: Think of an idea to change the world-then put it into action.

    *Think about these questions when you write:

    What would your idea be? (recycling) How would you accomplish or put that plan into action? What benefits would it provide. How would it change the world?

    *Essays should be one page long in length and are due Thursday the 26th of Febuary.
    I need to write an essay about changing the world(That is the prompt).?
    Sounds like you've got it nailed. Just flesh it out. Look at it this way--if you could get on the phone and call the governor of the state, and he had to do what you said, what exactly would you say?

    %26quot;Oh , hi Governor Kelly. How's the kids? Good. Listen, tomorrow I want you to...%26quot;

    What would you say?
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  • Has anyone been able to get in touch with Fifa about changing their World Cup tickets to South Africa ?

    I am trying to change my tickets and have emailed FIFA many times. I have tickets to this years World Cup in South Africa (June) and trying to change the details on my guest tickets. I emailed, called FIFA HQ and no response.. has anyone been able to get hold of them ?
    Has anyone been able to get in touch with Fifa about changing their World Cup tickets to South Africa ?

    They seem to be an organization that sucks.

    How did the world change after World War 2 ended in 1945?

    i've got a few points myself: the %26quot;Cold War%26quot; began between the USA and Russia, and a race began to make the best atomic bomb, and local citizens and people lived in fear of further nuclear attacks. is there anything else i've missed?

    thanks :)
    How did the world change after World War 2 ended in 1945?
    Yes, you missed the construction of the Berlin wall, the Stasi:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    There was the end of Prussia and the movement of Prussians and other easterners from what now is N. Poland.鈥?/a>
    How did the world change after World War 2 ended in 1945?
    how about it was the end of the great British Empire as well, expanded the ideals of capitalism and therefor brought about the new age of waste, before then everyone used or repaired items.

    hope this helps
    A few happenings are on鈥?/a>

    I remember food rationing went on into the 50s, in the UK we began to realise there were such things as washing machines and fridges that 'ordinary' people could afford! The beginnings of the consumer society. the birth of the credit card and all the trouble that has caused.

    If you are going into the 50s look at鈥?/a>
    The British Empire began to fade out.
    Well the world has learnt from its mistakes and to never repeat a World War
    Formation of the United Nations.

    Decolonisation (yes, horrible constructed word) in Asia and Africa (with the creation of the Third World).

    Political Correctness is making great strides in changing the world. How long before a fat woman . . .?

    . . . gets to be Miss America?

    Also, why aren't there more fat women in men's magazines?
    Political Correctness is making great strides in changing the world. How long before a fat woman . . .?
    Well honey, I don't plan on running until next year.
    Political Correctness is making great strides in changing the world. How long before a fat woman . . .?
    It will never happen. Their gluttonous slothful lifestyle and attendant bulked up bodies make them hideous to the well adjusted.
    I don't think they do the %26quot;Miss America%26quot; thing anymore... do they? We stopped doing the %26quot;Miss Canada%26quot; thing many years ago because it is sexist and stupid.
    Using %26quot;excess political correctness%26quot; is often accompanied with racial trashing.............. some people do it (%26quot;talk radio%26quot; he he).

    Keep in mind there is a clear line between not being politically correct and being a bigot - many people would try to blur that line

    I think your question is cute though ^_^ Do you think that political correctness has also affected competitive things? (such as Miss America?)
    There are a lot of fat women in men's magazines. You just have to get the right magazines. Try Big Butt. Also, I don't think fat girls is into all the vanity that you have to have to be Miss America.
    Political Correctness is about the stupidest thing our society has ever come up with! I hope I'm in the majority by saying it's used by childish, bored minds to entertain themselves and make the rest of us groan!!! It's nothing more than a way for people who are so dissatisfied, or too ashamed, of their position in life, that they have to elevate themselves somehow in order to feel the superiority and recognition they crave!!! After all, someone who has a follicle challenge is still bald, an Environmental Sanitation Specialist is still a Janitor, and someone who is neuronically challenged is still stupid!!!

    Beyond that, a lot of it is down right hilarious!!!
    It is considered anti-social to object to anything publicly but Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Thought trumps polcor every time.

    Example of polcor attitude:- %26quot;If I say that black is white you will believe that it is so, or else.%26quot;

    The people behind political correctness are in fact pseudo-intellectuals out on a mission to brainwash society. They need to be rounded up, put together in a big cage and be forced to listen to each other's psycho-babble for 40 days and 40 nights.
    We can't choose what we are attracted to. I like thin, curvy women the best, and although I can settle down with less in real life, I'd rather watch super hot women on a magazine.

    How would the world change if everybody had to walk the streets naked?

    If we all had to walk, not drive, the streets butt naked, how would society change? How would people act toward one another if there were no expensive clothes and cars to hide behind?

    Note: Naked means no make-up either.
    How would the world change if everybody had to walk the streets naked?
    ~ The Holy Bible tells us: %26quot;Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed [is] he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, least he walk naked, and they see his shame.%26quot;

    Walking... no driving: good... exercise is awesome (need millions more public outhouses/restrooms/comfort rooms along the paths for the populations pulsating along the planet)

    Without proper facilities to relieve ourselves on our long walks, we could look and stink pretty badly... the local city/state governments will have to supply the sanitary supplies for our use... toilet paper... hand soap... air dry or paper towels... female products for their 'cycles'... could be a pretty bad scene. I don't think I would enjoy it like that.

    Sure, in an ideal setting... running through the daises naked... or whatever... but the whole world? Nah...
    How would the world change if everybody had to walk the streets naked?
    There'd be a lot more boners and eye injuries LOL

    I'd walk a lot more and get out of the house!
    if people change and they walk i think its will be better cause people be like more respectable
    EVERYONE? I'd probably pluck my eyes out, because

    %26quot;everyone%26quot; would include all the Cellulite Sally's, Beergut Bennies, Thunderthigh Thelmas, Fatbooby Freds, and all those old geezers pushing shopping carts around WalMart. It's bad enough I have to look at an unending parade of 50-year-old women with 20% bodyfat who think they look sexy in stretch-pants in public. Let us keep our clothes on!!
    People would be more accepting
    Armani will bancrupt for sure, ha ha ha lol..

    Non-sexual nudity is only obscene, if your mind is dirty...

    If non-sexual nudity is labeled obscene, it means that you鈥檙e self consciousness have been told to always think dirty about nudity.

    If non-sexual nudity labeled as acceptable or normal, it means that you鈥檙e mind not allowed to think dirty about nudity and you must control your mind and behavior. Or else, you鈥檒l be considered obscene.

    Based on some history, I鈥檝e seen it as true :

    1. In old time in Japan, it鈥檚 common to have man and women mixed bathing in full nude. Nobody have dirty mind about it, because it鈥檚 considered acceptable or normal. But after the western come and change things鈥?everybody there will have a dirty mind about it now.

    2. In most Pacific Islands, long time ago women are always half naked. No mans think that as obscene or dirty. Nobody feel awkward or have dirty mind about it, because it鈥檚 considered acceptable or normal. But after the western come and change things鈥?same things happen like in Japan..

    PS : I'm also agree with kharm..
    Kinda scary thought,(shivers) I believe I would have to stay in,I would have to order all my food delivered, work on line and order whatever on-line.Pretty much live on-line...

    could possibly affect the population,not sure whether explosion or decline......
    People would not be as shy, and I think they would put a larger emphasis on a person's personality, rather than their looks. After all, everyone would be able to see how people really looked. They would realize that the inside has more value.
    Take a lot of pressure off and get rid of the f*(%26amp;^^%g BRA!

    One of the funniest movies I ever saw was the first Batman Movie, because the evil scientist had devised a way to make all cosmetics lethal, so even TV personalities had to go on raw...I was one of the few people that found that hillarious!!
    it would not change all that much. People would find other ways to mask their real personalities.
    I would be completely affected since I would be puking every minute. I live down here in Southwest Texas where 9 out of 10 people (especially women of all ages) are morbidly obese. %26quot;Naked means no make-up either%26quot;??? I can't get past the size of their ***.

    How would the world change if when every morning you awoke your skin was a different color?

    Color range= a box of 64 Crayola Crayons
    How would the world change if when every morning you awoke your skin was a different color?
    Skin colour wouldn`t be as important ..Wouldn`t it be nice if bigotry would disappear..But. I suppose fashion would change. Would it be important to match or complement your skin colour. Would there be makeup products so you could cover up colours that clashed with your mate
    How would the world change if when every morning you awoke your skin was a different color?
    I guess the concept of racism would be different. It would no longer be possible to discriminate a person based on their skin colour (or atleast only temporarily).
    I would have a more difficult time coordinating outfits.
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  • Why you dont americans accept that the world is changing rather than blaming bush all the time?

    I think that bush has no option but spend on millitary thanks to terroroist ?

    I think bush has no option because the chinese imports are raising current deficit ?

    I think bush has no choice if the inflation rates go up and it leads to a slowdown , its the american society that is too be blamed for not saving like the europeans ?

    I think bush cannot be blamed if the social security is in problem because of natural demographic ?

    People say that iraq is for oil but what about the fact that after afagnistan , iraq was the second base of sunni terror group (al-qaeda) saddam was rich and crazy enough to help them if he could? why cant the so called demo's face the fact that no country lives forever and after some time problems always start coming up.

    And please dont write anything about Katreena. USA is not scandinavian country with amazing system , its capitalist where money rules and the poor gets tagged

    I am sorry but I am not an american but a realist and a capitalist
    Why you dont americans accept that the world is changing rather than blaming bush all the time?
    This more an American problem but it is nice to read view from another side. I agree that Bush gets blamed for things he can not possible be at fault for. He does the best that can be done given the circumstances that have occurred since he has taken office. 9/11 changed all the rules %26amp; thinking. Our economy is strong, our allies are supportive - those that hate us always have, our security gets stronger everyday, %26amp; Iraq has never had to do with oil we buy almost all of our foreign oil from Canada - Iraq supplied less than 2%. Social Security problems have been coming for years as baby boomers age - Bush can not hold back time for anyone. Money has always given a lot of control in every country. %26quot;Money talks%26quot; phrase came for a reason. That will never change.
    Why you dont americans accept that the world is changing rather than blaming bush all the time?

    I couldn't have said it better myself, and I am an American.
    Thank you for your honesty and your brevity. I've been trying to tell people near me this for years now.

    I'm sorry what was the question?

    Why does capitalism cause extremely poor grammar and easily avoidable spell check errors?

    Really, I would like to answer but I'm not sure what you are saying because of the serious grammar problem. I'm not trying to be offensive but in the future, if you want or expect intelligent answers, you may want to get a little help with wording things correctly.
    Most people fail to look at things and think for themselves! It much easier to listen to the bias views of the News (both sides). We put blind faith in entertainers who barely got past High School if that rather than College Educated people who specialize in their areas and don't sing or act for a living! I might actors act so whom should we believe? Would you trust Sean Penn to do your root Canal? No you wouldn't then why take his word for it in political matters? He has an opinion much like yourself it doesn't make it right. This isn't about Liberals its all of us. Quit putting your faith blindly in the hands of bias news media and uneducated entertainers! I want to thank you for pointing out facts! Its rare to see someone who actually can think for his or herself her and I applaud you!
    The Americans you speak of are mostly Liberals/Democrats. They're angry that they're not in power, and they don't care how they hurt our country, just as long as they can damage the current administration. They don't care about our service people. They'll do anything if they think it makes them look good. Sad but true.
    don't you know that americans do what they do best...blame, blame, blame!

    Accept anything means facing reality...aargh! (wash your mouth out w/ lye, dude!)
    It's easier and a bit fun at
    I think Bush has done a miserable job in almost everything. No, everything isn't his fault, but this ill conceived war in Iraq is. Most of Congress, democrats and republicans, can share some of the blame. Incidentally, I am not a Bush brasher. I am extremely disappointed in him.
    I am an American and I agree with you 100%. It's not ALL Americans who blame Bush for EVERYTHING, just the ones who didn't vote for him.

    They're venting as a way of licking their wounds of defeat. That's how the voting system works. If your man wins, you're happy. And if he doesn't win, you verbally bash whoever won until his term is up.
    The world is indeed changing and we blame Bush because he is doing a lousy job of reacting to the changes.
    I agree with you and Bush. I'm an Indian and sad on India's stand towards terrorism. Sometimes War is the only way for Peace.
    if anything went wrong, someone will definitely be blamed. if something went right, they have themselves to praise.
    Because the %26quot;shrub%26quot; is a moron!!!!
    I hear where you're coming from, but We like to blame whom

    ever is in charge. When the next MF gets into office it will be his

    fault. So take note on american freedom to voice.
    Substitute American with democrat and you are spot on.

    The election of 2004 just tells me that you hear the whiners the loudest. The flyover states are still here, and if I may speak for us I feel Bush is doing a hard job as best he could. I shudder @ the thought of Kerry leading our troops. I love my country and I have been to several other countries some I really enjoyed but we in the U.S. are spoiled.

    I have to think these people haven't been out of Manhattan or Beverly Hills in their life, poor provincial fools

    BTW your insight makes me feel hopeful, Thanks.
    Well it's nice that you are so comfortable in your ivory tower located in your lousy capitalistic country. I have no problem with capitalism, but I do have a problem with imperialism, something you probably know nothing about because you believe what is told to you in school and the media, who only tell you what they want you to know don't want you to think for yourself. Educate yourself on what imperialism truly is, and then you will understand why we are blaming Bush. I would have no problem with imperialism/capitalism if it didn't exploit the poor and the middle class for the benefit of a privileged few such as yourself who can make ignorant comments about something they know little about.
    Wow a foreigner who got it better than I did.
    Thank you.
    Because Bush is a friggin idiot.
    Very good observations.

    The problem is the Bush bashers will probably then say his regime paid people to be terrorists to cause the problems so he could achieve whatever agenda they think he is after. There was no deficit before him. And Bush has a magic drug which is making people older faster and using up social security. They have no care of true logic as they have their own agendas to pursue. Lying is just a part of it.
    I too just don't understand the bashing, lying, and blaming. I try to see both sides, Its hard when someone throws their creditability out the window with the remarks they make. The world is not Nirvana, and evil will continue to be a part of it. I think it is sad that the democrats behave as they do, sour grapes? I really don't know for sure. I do know they do have some valid points but many turn a deaf ear to the slander and conspiracy theory's for which they have yet to prove with hard evidence. I truly hope we can all stop the negative remarks and work together as Americans, the eagle can not fly with just one wing.
    We are all doomed.
    Why you don't see that Americans can blame who they want for their problems. It's called liberty.
    Bush himself admitted that there was no connection between 9/11 and Iraq. Bush can be blamed for inflation as long as he used disastrous supply-side economic policies, including tax cuts and the widening of the trade deficit.
    The world ALWAYS changes, Bush can't adapt and change too.
    We can pretty much do what we want to, including blaming Bush(because alot of it is his fault), AND accept that the world is changing, which has nothing to do with wanting Bush and his idiots held accountable.

    What if you have immense power? World changing powers?

    What would you do with it and why?


    Too bad my soon to be ex wife never understood this.
    What if you have immense power? World changing powers?
    I would stop all the wars ; the injustice and all kind of suffering ;; Libra
    What if you have immense power? World changing powers?

    In a electronics saturated world, is Etiquette changing to accommodate this trend?

    Is there a discernible movement to create standards of etiquette when it comes to the use of cell phones, bluetooth units, home computers, laptops and the like?

    I have seen generalities addressed such as no cell phone ringing and loud phone conversations during public performances, and the laws of pulling off the road in some US States when calls are recieved or made.

    But what about other reas such as the spectre of watching people in public places seemingly talking to theirselves as a result of a Bluetooth unit planted in their ear, and seemingly ignoring others in their presence?

    How about those that stare not monitors and seemingly ignore or pay scant attention to others in their presence?

    Are their guides and publications that address this new wave of never ending tech and it's impact and interaction in society?
    In a electronics saturated world, is Etiquette changing to accommodate this trend?
    Yeah, human interaction isn't what it used to be...

    Mingling was almost an art, and the conversation skills are much higher on average back in the times when there were no %26quot;Instant %26quot; Technologies.

    Not to say people don't know how to converse nowadays, but i'd personally say its definitely hindered some people in the way of human interaction.

    Not to say all hardcore computer users are anti social, because there are some who can converse quite admirably.

    But i have noticed that some hardcore computer users, really don't know what to do in a %26quot;crowd%26quot; situation. Theyre so use to talking behind a screen, where %26quot;emoticons%26quot; replace emotions that they become %26quot;lost%26quot; when conversing.

    Then again, there are those who dont even have computers and still cannot converse well in crowd situations.

    So is etiquette changing ? O yes. but on a whole scale of the big picture, nothing much has really changed etiquette wise so dramatically, everything changed around technology is still based on %26quot;courtesy%26quot;
    In a electronics saturated world, is Etiquette changing to accommodate this trend?
    i dont know but i think it says about todays society and the lack of respect people have for each other..unless its a matter of life or death i dont understand why people are so consumed with that stuff..people have no respect for privacy, boundries anymore what a shame
    My general rule of thumb...If you want to know if a behavior is rude, look at the faces of those surrounding the alleged offender. Their expressions will tell you everything.

    I've been in restaurants dozens of times when a person at a nearby table was having a phone conversation while the person AT THE TABLE with them was utterly ignored.

    Is 2012 the real time of change? Will our world change or be destroyed on the day?

    Many thought it would be on the year 2000,y2k. There has been so many other times man has thought it would happen in history. Could this realy be IT? There is a Movie comeing out about it. a prevue is on yahoo movies. type 2012 in the search. It looks cool.
    Is 2012 the real time of change? Will our world change or be destroyed on the day?
    I think that 2012 is going to be just another year.

    One of several Mayan calendars is the Long Count calendar, which is reset to day 0 every 1,872,000 days or 7057.5 years. The next reset date, by some calculations, is December 21, 2012. This is not a prediction of the end of the world.

    These predictions are scare tactics, conspiracy theories, and chances to make money from books and movies.

    Ever since the Y2K and 6/6/6 (June 6, 2006) End of the World scenarios did not pan out, the scare mongers, conspiracy theorists, book sellers, and television executives have been touting the 2012 End of the World scenario. When 2012 does not happen either, I am sure they will think of something else.

    Here is also what NASA thinks about the 2012 End of the World scenario:鈥?/a>

    If you want a bit more information on the 2012 hoax, try:

    %26quot;But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come.%26quot; (Mark 13:32-33)

    Jesus told us in no uncertain terms that we were not to know when the end of the world would come but that we were always to be ready.

    The early Christian Church thought that Jesus was going to return at any moment. Only after a couple of centuries did the Church realize that it may be 2,000 or 4,000 or 8,000 years before Jesus returns.

    The Catholic Church wisely follows Jesus' advice and teaches that each of us should live as if we will meet our maker in the next ten minutes and that we need to work to make the world a better place for our 100 X great-grandchildren.

    Do not worry about the end of the world. Trust God to make sure everything happens to plan. Just be ready to meet God at any time.

    For more information, about what Catholics believe about the end of the world, see:鈥?/a>

    With love in Christ.
    Is 2012 the real time of change? Will our world change or be destroyed on the day?
    No, it's just the time when stupid questions about 2012 will no longer get asked here
    The movie will probably be very cool with all the effects, but I highly doubt 2012 will be the end of the world. Nobody would know that date.
    No one knows the day or the hour of Christ's return.............which will usher in the end
    Neither, it is the day before I come on here and show my contempt for doomsayers
    no i dont think so wen the world comes to the i will tell u lol
    Both will happen simutaneously with the election of the anti-christ, Sarah Palin.
    No one truly knows but God
    The world changes every day and has for the past 4.5 billion years. As to whether the world will be destroyed in 2012, I highly doubt it.
    I prefer the idea of change, to destruction, otherwise there's not much point in making plans.

    Change, however, can be a double edged sword; water changes when it turns to ice.

    I'm hoping the change will have minimal impact.
    2000 was about a computer based issue with the world. 2012 is something based upon a great many things all pointing to one time . . . I suppose with the heaviest influence from an ancient calendar. I am leaning towards change, and it ain't going to be pretty!
    Someone told me that, at that time a 'GOD' is going to come to earth to clean up all the bad things around the world and make a better place for everyone to live in peace and harmony.
    The Mayan prophecies speak to us of the changes towards the fifth Ajaw (fifth sun), on December 21, 2012. This date begins the period of 5,200 years. This is a cycle of wisdom, harmony, peace, love, consciousness and the return of the natural order.

    It is not the end of the world as many from outside of the Mayan tradition have misinterpreted it to be. The fifth cycle will be a fusion of both feminine and masculine energies. It will be a transition where there won't be any more confrontations between the polarities. It will bring balance and there won't be hierarchy of one over the other. This period is one of harmony, love and the return of consciousness.
    Yes, the movie does look promising but just like the movie the catastrophes many people are waiting for, it's make believe.
    Mayan calendar ends that year is the only fact; funny thing,

    Today is August 11. The Mayan calendar began on august 11, 3114 bc.

    Time; the Mayans started counting it August 11, 3114 BC. Astronomical year numbering begins the year after.

    This is very cool published today;鈥?/a>
    it might be true,

    How has the world changed since 1966?

    I am working on a project and need some answers. What discoveries have been made since 1966? How have attitudes to money changed since 1966? How have attitudes to women changed since 1966? How have attitudes to children changed since 1966? How have manners changed since 1966? How has travel changed since 1966? Answers to any and/or all of these questions would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks SO much! Have a wonderful afternoon!
    How has the world changed since 1966?
    people have lost respect... children begin to think they can do more= more crime, more wars, tax increased, times more stressful, more animals extinct, getting colder in england!
    How has the world changed since 1966?
    do your own homework.
    The England football team has failed to win the World Cup since 1966. It seems unlikely to do so again.
    It's changed a lot.
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  • How did the world change over the past 50 years?

    Life nowadays seems so unbelievably fast. We barely seem to have the chance to engage in any feelings or thoughts. In comparison, life back then was so much slower and easier.

    What do you think the differences are.
    How did the world change over the past 50 years?
    I can tell you one thing, there is alot more people. Too many in fact.
    How did the world change over the past 50 years?
    everything is about efficiency to profit...before life was about having fun and living off the land

    Why does it seem like the world is changing for the worst ?

    People do not seem to care about others and they have no morals anymore what can one person do to help make a difference so our children do not suffer ???
    Why does it seem like the world is changing for the worst ?
    Because people have turned away from God and have turned to being selfish and fighting for their own %26quot;rights%26quot; at any cost.
    Why does it seem like the world is changing for the worst ?
    I don't think that's true. I think people, on the whole, are good.
    because it is simple
    Because it is.
    Mostly it's personal perception.
    i totaly agree with you i think it has something to do with the wars and stuff as well as global warming.
    'Cause %26quot;Mr. President%26quot; was elected. ( God, I hate him...)

    you sound like a emo chiken little

    the sky is falling and no one is noticing is but me gaahhh!!!!!...
    Simply because we the people are changing for the worst.
    the bush family
    you watch the news too much
    Maybe people spend too much time on the internet and not mingling with the friends and fam. Oh, and write your congress person.
    beacuse we are so obsessed with looking wealthier than we really are. it's the money that is running us.
    it doesnt seem like it, it is
    Relax make your world better my sharing your kindness
    Ha! Its always been bad...You must be in early twenties or younger..It just means you are starting to see the world for the way it is. Everyone goes thru that. We are always so innocent until our eyes are truely opened to the world. Its always been a horrible place
    That's a great question. All I can say is try to change or make the best of the world that you personally live in.'s incredibly contagious.
    Because it is. there is much the Bible has for-told that is happening now.
    Exactly as its spelt out in the end times in the bible.
    b/c, people are hateful and they way they were raised is the way they will raise their children!!
    it may not seem like you can make a difference, but you can. be nice to people and share your feelings with everyone so maybe they will want to be nice too. teach your kids to be kind and to care. i try to be nice to everyone and i hate to be mean. hopefully there are many people like that.
    Some days it does. But today my wife left her pocketbook in a PapaGinos and when we went back someone handed it in with all the money and credit cards in it. Don't worry too much there is still a lot of good in the world, it is just never reported on the news.
    Hardly a generation goes by without the fervent belief that things are worse than they used to be. You'll never know if things are real bad until it's too late to fix things.

    So, I'd concentrate on making things as good as possible for me. then focus on helping the people around me,
    Perform miracles.
    It only seems that the world is changing for the worst. Why?

    Because the media is able to report on the worst in a split second.

    Focus on your corner of the world to make it the best it can be.
    Actually it is getting better in some ways but the same in others.

    There has been bad always but today with our rampant media it is publised much more and in more detail than in previous generations. This gives the impression of getting worse.

    Cheer up and dont add any negative thoughts to the world bank.

    Also if you live in the US get out fast.
    you know they been saying that for years but good changes happen to. there just not as obvious to all of us. just try to look for the good things and you might find them.

    remember good things don't sell
    It's called %26quot;Liberalism%26quot;, which is a socialist, communist dogma that suggests that individual wants are more important than societal success.

    Morality? ARE YOU MAD?!?!? Morality has RULES and STANDARDS and EXPECTATIONS!

    Don't you know that those things are strictly prohibited by the culture that demands that everyone has the rewards, no one has accountability (unless they're wealthy), no one has to work, and being spanked by your dad when you're four is a legitimate excuse to shooting thirty-nine people in a Christmas Parade?
    I guess the main reason is that yes, indeed, the world is going to hell in a handbasket. I am thankful I have no children to bring into this bullshit. They put F%%26amp;*ING cops in the schools and let a bunch of stinking lawyers run the country, and parents cannot even discipline their kids. Great place this is. Welcome to the dictatorship.
    Because you haven't sent me 29.95 for my new book %26quot;HOW TO BE HAPPY AGAIN%26quot;: Along with this, you will receive a free sample of thunderbird and illustraed instructions from Larry %26quot;The Whistling%26quot; Bum on how you too can find happiness in this world once again. Don't delay, the further you procastinate on getting drunk and living behind 7-11... the longer it will be, before you can find that sense of well being you have always wanted in life.

    Should philosophy be about understanding the world or changing the world?

    Understanding will cause change. Ignorance is stagnant.
    Should philosophy be about understanding the world or changing the world?
    Knowledge is understanding while philosophy is the search for meanings, knowledge.
    Should philosophy be about understanding the world or changing the world?
    Once you understand the world you have the power to change it.
    It wouldn`t be a philosophical question if it had a single correct answer.
    both, but because good changes cannot be without understanding, philosophy should first try to understand the world
    It is already about both.
    What you believe that drives you is your philosophy. That philosophy or driving belief, is how your world is shaped. Whether you adapt your beliefs will determine if you can change the world.
    i think changing the word,there will always be things of this world we will never understand

    The World is Changing it fast enough or need double up the speed ?

    it need to double time to the point where Americans realize communism has never worked for any country

    Why do u think the weather of the world is changing go dromatically?

    Probably all the stuff we're pumping into the atmosphere (among other places)
    Why do u think the weather of the world is changing go dromatically?
    It has happened in the past, and we are just coming out of a very quiescent weather period.
    Why do u think the weather of the world is changing go dromatically?
    Because the earths axis has tilted.
    the weather is changing?

    Is it really changing so dramatically? Or are you just believing everything you hear on TV?
    technically speaking the weather isint changing that much at all, temperatures are rising but they have been rising since we started collecting weather information
    due to the global warming
    global warming
  • long hair
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  • How did mass consumption in the Cold War world change ways of life and undermine social distinctions?

    Also, How and why was the United States at the forefront of this trend?
    How did mass consumption in the Cold War world change ways of life and undermine social distinctions?
    Why don't you just read Ch.11 in your textbook. That will answer you question. Isn't laziness and procrastination fun?
    How did mass consumption in the Cold War world change ways of life and undermine social distinctions?
    there are many kinds of fashion dresses and all of them are free shipping with best quality and lowest Price,good luck for you!

    Is the world really going to end like the bible?

    my family is religious and my native people have diffrent belifs so do i trust god or stay close to my native people.

    natives been thru so much and everyone in this world wouldn't understand. when it comes to the world changing around them i know it would be easy for natives to survive cause we have been through alot. i think if may of these contries were to world war and america lost would just be in the middle of everything and get treated the same way we have always been and continue to survive because we are savages.
    Is the world really going to end like the bible?
    don't waste your time pondering this. no, it will not end like the bible says or like any of the other scriptures say. these books are simply man's feeble attempt to explain things he has not yet actually discovered or tested enough to validate scientifically. let them go off and be ignorant and naiive, it makes them feel better and is their way of explaining bad things, you will never talk them out of believing, and it is a waste of time to 1) argue against, or 2) try to justify what they are saying. both are futile and have no effect on the world. spend your time on something that will actually change something for the better.
    Is the world really going to end like the bible?
    No, God is great and he take care of every one.
    Not likely. The apocalypse as described in revelations, the final book in the New Testament, was in fact just a dream recorded by Saint Peter.
    I'm not even sure what you are asking. Are you asking about the United States? Or are you asking about the Bible?

    In response to the above statement, Revelation was not recorded by Peter, but by John while imprisoned on the island of Patmos in the Mediterranean Sea.
    yes the world is going to end like the bible
    All I know is that Revelations scared the living daylights out of me when I read it in 1st grade. You take everything so literally at 5.
    I suspect that if the world really went to war (and I mean competing nuclear powers) there would be an effective Armageddon although not in the biblical (horsemen etc) way.

    There is also the chance of some damage on one side and true Apocalypse on another (e.g. USA v Iran in a nuclear war although the US response would probably be conventional although overwhelming).

    Bottom line there is little chance of a true word war as, to quote Jim Morrison, no one gets out alive.

    Peace Out.
    You see what the bible says is not always exactly the way you may read it! for ex. It may say that bad trees produce bad fruit but what is really mean is that if u do bad things then you will recieve bad things
    from my understanding i think the world will end like the bile says it will, and in fact some people say that they are already seeing things that the bible says will happen in the ast days. pray about it, be patient with god and if it is his will he will give you an answer somehow. weather it be an answer that you like or not mioght be a different story, but none the less he will give you one
    According to the bible code and other historical sources the world is going to end in 2008/2012! Bush will be the last president of US( his name was spelled out in the bible code). the 9/11 attack will cause a 3rd world war originating from the middle east. some sources say an astroid is suppose to hit us and earth will be exploded.
    Apocalyptic myths have persisted before Judeo-Christianity ever got a hold of them. However, you've got to remember that no matter who says them, they're myths. Nobody can know when or how the world is going to end, because it hasn't happened yet and it might never happen. Revelation or enlightenment is totally unreliable, as you can see in the literally hundreds or thousands of beliefs in the world, all claiming to be the one true voice; you would not be very wise to pick any of them essentially randomly as your belief. It would be better for you to try to think on your own what's most likely to happen, given how the world is turning out, and base your life on that. Better yet, don't worry about it at all, since you probably can't do anything to stop it.
    The bible does not acutally say the world is going to end. Many times the term world translates into 'age'. There was an end of an age when Jesus died on the cross.

    The bible states that the earth is a part of God. We may destroy ourselves, but I don't see where God intends to destroy the world.

    Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled at the cross. I believe all of them. 80% of revelations is from Old Testament. I think Jesus fulfilled revelations.

    I don't think you should be worrying about 3rd World War or God coming to destroy. You are here so God can enjoy life through you. And I think you should take what you like from either religion or culture that feels right in your heart.
    In around 4 or 5 billion years our sun will turn into a red giant and expand part earth, swallowing up the earth and destroying it. That is how the world will end. Now the end of mankind is a completely different question...

    How was the modern world changed/effected by the Cold War?

    This can be about any region/country, technology, government policies etc. Serious answers only please, thanks.
    How was the modern world changed/effected by the Cold War?
    lots of death occurred, mainly in third world countries that were trying to overthrow their governments and be communists.

    EG - Vietnam, Korea, Indonesia, Ghana, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia.

    Red scare of the 1950's.

    Communism was supported by USSR and China, any rebel group trying to overthrow their government and instate a communist party was supported with weapons and financial aid from these two countries.

    How was was the environment of the old world and new world change because of christopher columbus?????

    How was was the environment of the old world and new world change because of christopher columbus?????

    Please Help!!!!

    Thank you!!!!
    How was was the environment of the old world and new world change because of christopher columbus?????
    The Old World discovered in the New World a whole lot of useful agricultural products such as potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, sugar cane, brazil wood, mahogany, indigo and other dye stuffs, and of course mountains of gold and silver. They brought a rather murderous version of Christianity, epidemics of smallpox and measles that killed enormous numbers of Native Americans, began the African slave trade to replace the Native Americans who had no resistance to European diseases, made serfs out of the remaining Native Americans, destroyed their monuments, treasures, languages and so on. Oh, they brought over cattle, horses, steel making, the guitar and European music.
    How was was the environment of the old world and new world change because of christopher columbus?????
    There was disease in the Old world and got a lot of people (Native American's) sick in the New World. He brought back seeds from the New World changing the landscape and diet in the Old World.
    in the view of many, when chistopher columbus decided to go west the world changed forever. a good resource about this is the book pastwatch, by orson scott card. it tells the story of people who look into the past, and discover that christopher colombus' voyage to the west is the cause of most of the troubles of our world. if you don't have the time to read it here's the summary. basically he brought the east to the west and dominated the nature based cultures that existed in north america at the time. this is the root of foresting, strip mining etc.

    i hope it helps

    How did the world change during the period from 1920-1945?

    I'm looking for things like changes in technology, economy, etc.

    This would be a great help for my history coursework
    How did the world change during the period from 1920-1945?
    Their was a world war between 1939-1945. This resulted in Germany getting spilt into 2.

    Also their was 2 nuclear bombs in Japan in 1945.
    How did the world change during the period from 1920-1945?
    coins changed
    wiki the Great Depression, the Roaring Twenties, and World War II to get your answers.

    We went from radio to television.

    First TVs were around 1945.
  • java
  • cant calibrate printer
  • Large scale, world changing event entailed......?

    How many dead bodies would be exhumed and recovered if lake Erie was drained and searched?
    Large scale, world changing event entailed......?
    Probably about as many as if the Chicago or Hudson River were drained...

    I'm loaded with fantastic ideas. Money-generating, world-changing, exciting ideas. BUT...I have social anxiety

    I'm only 20 years old, and I hate to sound so egotistical, but I'm always thinking, imagining, fantasizing...coming up with things that, if I were to pursue them, I believe they would eventually improve my life and the lives of those around me.

    My problems are social anxiety and a lack of motivation. I just moved to a new town, and don't have many friends yet (also due in part to the social anxiety). Many, if not all, of the things I want to do involve going out into the world, making phone calls, contacting people...but I have a total utter fear of doing anything by myself.

    I'm working on fixing my social anxiety, but it's a slow-going process...and I hate waking up everyday and being totally useless and umotivated because I don't have someone to tag along with me.

    Any tips?
    I'm loaded with fantastic ideas. Money-generating, world-changing, exciting ideas. BUT...I have social anxiety
    My friend I wish it was as easy as giving tips.

    But this anxiety thing is a total motherf.. and it took a whole lot of

    guts to kill it for me. I can put it like this..

    There is a huge wall in front of you. You can either walk by it

    forever, break it down or climb over it. The decision is in your

    hands my friend.

    You know what you want to do and you also know what you have

    to do to get there. You need to get out of your comfort zone

    to grow, to gain experience, and facing your own fears is

    often the most rewarding experience in life.

    They say you cannot kill what you did not create.

    You created this, you are the only one who can kill it.

    19 years old, I hear ya :P

    Break through.
    I'm loaded with fantastic ideas. Money-generating, world-changing, exciting ideas. BUT...I have social anxiety
    My brother suffered from this and then he started smoking pot. Needless to say, he's completely different in a very good way!
    Many of the more note-worthy inventors were introverts.
    You must have some motivation otherwise you wouldn't be thinking about how to improve the lives of those around you.

    Start by going to the local free clinic and asking them for the name of a psychologist or psychiatrist and then make an appointment and actually go to the appointment. Only a doctor can diagnose whether you have social anxiety or some other problem. If the doctor suggests taking a medication...then follow his/her suggestions.

    You won't be able to 'fix' your anxiety problems on your own. This problem needs the intervention of a mental health professional. Once you feel good about yourself, others will feel the same and some of your ideas may be successful. Good luck.

    Muslims- do you believe in the "World will end" or "a world changing event" will happen in 2012?

    I'm Muslim, and I don't know if I should believe in it or not. They say the world will end, a comet will hit the earth, or something major will happen. Does it say something about it in the Quran? Its really freaky.. Thats going to be the year I graduate from highs cool too XD
    Muslims- do you believe in the %26quot;World will end%26quot; or %26quot;a world changing event%26quot; will happen in 2012?
    don't believe this, sister..

    NO one (except Allah) knows what happens tomorrow (not even in year 2012. u should believe in that.

    %26quot;Verily, Allah! With Him (Alone) is the knowledge of the Hour, He sends down the rain, and knows that which is in the wombs. No person knows what he will earn tomorrow, and no person knows in what land he will die. Verily, Allah is All喔岾nower, All喔岮ware (of things).%26quot; (31: 34)

    (to brother above me :) : we pray to Allah NOT to witness days before Judgement day due to the great Fitna by Mesiah Daggal; which is ended by Jesus (PBUH) descend to earth)

    peace :)


    tell them this is NOT true. some muslims made it up from numbers in Qur'aan. e.g. Israa' Surah is number 17, verse 7 tells muslims beat israeli... they multiply %26amp; subtract numbers till reaching any possible acceptable number... all this have NO EVIDENCE
    Muslims- do you believe in the %26quot;World will end%26quot; or %26quot;a world changing event%26quot; will happen in 2012?
    im agnostic so excuse me if you only wanted muslims to awnser this. but a comet is schuedled to hit the earth some temi from 2011-2013 perdecited last year. thats if something donest make it veer off
    Hey, If you are a Muslim.You should know that the world,the whole universe,will end one day.No one knows when but it will, may be after 10,000days 100,000days or to-morrow.We don't know what incident will happen but we have some indications which will happen and some have already been fulfilled like:

    People are becoming more and more rebellious and arrogant.

    Disasters are coming like earthquakes and floods.


    Hey, Its a persnol question but in which class or grade u?

    My e-mail address is

    Hope this helped ya...!
    Now then, it looks like you are studying for nothing, and might not make it for graduation if the date is exact. LOL.

    People make predictions all time, go back a little and look at all the predictions that have failed miserably.

    If nothing happens in 2012, more predictions will emerge.
    [7:187] They ask thee about the (final) hour when will be its appointed time? say: the knowledge thereof is with my Lord (alone): none but he can reveal as to when it will occur. heavy were its burden though the heavens and the earth. only, all of a sudden will it come to you. they ask thee as if thou wart eager in search thereof: say: the knowledge thereof is with God (alone), but most men know not.

    %26quot;only, all of a sudden will it come to you.%26quot;
    no, the world wil not end until jesus returns.if he returns before 2012 , then i m afraid, the answer might be yes.but i wil be happy though, atleast i can shake hands with him:D
    World changing event, Zionist government will fall. The war will start in south of lebanon. maybe
    In Islam we know that your world ends when you die, Your Qiyamah starts when you die.

    who knows I might die before tomorrow...and you are talking about 2012.

    Allaah knows.
    Nobody knows when Qiyamat will happen, some of the major signs of the day of judgement will be:

    - the splitting the moon in 2

    - mahjooj and wahjooj being released from their %26quot;ice cave%26quot;

    - the blowing of the trumpet

    - Judgement day will take place on a 10th of Muharram date and will happen between Asr and Maghrib prayers

    However, we don't know when we are going to die, so we should always be prepared for Death. It can come to you unexpectedly.
    i am sooo scared i have heard that too, and when i did my own calculations it turned out to be 2012!! but i am paranoid so i dont count :).....but only Allah knows, its a secret. but i am still freaking out too. i will only be 19 in 2012 a sophomore in collage!!!
    I don't believe it will. Only ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala) knows when the world will end. Not even the Angels or the Jinn or the Prophets(PBUT*) know when the world will end.
    there is the Hour and the Day of Judgement, yes everyone will die one day but no one knows for sure. ur a kid so i wont poke fun about how guillible u r. lol

    Nobody knows but Allah, and there is no use trying to predict it because Allah can make anything happen anytime.
    huh.. this belief was brought out by the Mayans (a tribe down in mexico) they believed the world will end in 2012, since their calender ends there.. this is the same crap that happen in 1999 and 2000... the y2k never happened, the world never ended in 6/6/06.. anyhow..they only people who believe the world ends in 2012 are people who think aliens will take over or who believes the mayan calender.. but i hope the world doesn't end before i die, thats way to scary...
    no no and no!!!!!! no one knows when the last day is, execpt for Allah. not even the prophets kno!!!

    Is the famous prophecy of the world ending or changing at December 21,2012 real?

    It's because i have heard it many times and i have seen it in the T.V and many prophets have predicted it including Nostradamus, also the Mayans Calender ends at that same particular day.

    So is this prophecy real?
    Is the famous prophecy of the world ending or changing at December 21,2012 real?
    Considering that the Mayan calender ends on December 21, 2012 might just be a coincidence. Maybe they ran out of room on that wheel calender thing. First of all, who is Nostradamus.
    Is the famous prophecy of the world ending or changing at December 21,2012 real?
    chillax noone knows yet and google said it not gonna happen and infact even if it gonna happen u cant do anything about it chill

    Report Abuse

    mostradomus is/ was a man who predicted the future about December 21, 2012. After predicting, he said to the people, %26quot;The next day, I will disappear%26quot;, or something like that..then the next day, Nostradomus disapeared. No one really knew where he went..

    Oh, and also, his birthday is on Dec.21 1509

    Report Abuse

    none of this is real if the mayans were so smart y didnt they predict the end of there time? and try to stop it?

    Report Abuse

    Nope. =3

    We'll live, and if we all do die, God so help me everyone proved me wrong. As always.

    And I'd be pretty angry too, considering I'd be GRADUATING the evil jail called highschool 6 months after Dec.

    This world is here to smite me. %26gt;:o
    Sure. We're going to die, just like we did in Year 2000, and just like we did on 06-06-06.

    Nah. I think it's all silly. :P On the upside(for the girls at least), think of rugged, shirtless men, running around, toughened up from surviving the harshness, abs bulging, sexy facial hair, looking to repopulate... *drool*
    There is so many coincidences in the past that people like to pray on. Noone but God knows when the world is going to end.... I wouldnt sweat it. When its time to go then he'll let us know. Until then I think that everyone should chill the hell out.
    The mayans saw that as a good stopping date for their calender, because they didnt want to have a calender that took up the whole temple.
    It's real in the sense that the countries in power will change and people will get hurt because Obama is closing and minimizing our army so that we become defenseless. He's a real idiot you know that.

    Looking at all those people salivating over him makes me want to knock them in the head and say wake up.
    I hav heard that too, a lot od times. and i know that it is not going to end because in my religion I believe that the world is not going to end before 2203, that is 195 years from now,OR before my religion will rule over the world which is going to be before 2203 as life right no...don't sweat the time you have, enjoy........ :)
    The prophecy is real, we will, all die, we just don't know when, its up to the Lord about that one.
    I think there is a huge chance it could be true.

    Nostradamus just clarified that something magnificent or huge would occur on the day. I definitely have faith in that man, every word out of his mouth was the truth.

    I think it's odd that Obama is our president up until that date. Maybe we will be cleansed of all evil and finally have years of peace.
    Nostradamus predicted it, and it also so happens to be the end of the Mayan calendar. They were also astronomers. So who knows? Something big might happen, or it might not. We wil just have to wait and see. :-)
    It depends on what you mean by %26quot;real.%26quot;

    The Mayan calendar really rolls over in 2012, so that's %26quot;real%26quot; in that it has a real basis in fact. But the Mayans probably didn't think the world would end then. It was the end of an era, more likely.

    Nostradamus made no such prediction, so anybody who tells you that is spouting bull.

    The sun at winter solstice is already aligned to the galactic center. It passed exact central alignment about ten years ago. Did you notice?
    Winter solstice 2012 is just the revealing of the 'antichrist' or the 'man of perdition' at the mid-point of what Christians call the 7 year Tribulation (just subtract 1260 days to get the start and add 1260 days to get the end). Satanists and many pagan cultures from every corner of the world all throughout history have celebrated this like the Sumerians, Babylonians, Cherokee, Hopi, Chinese I-Ching (confirmed by Terence McKenna), Mayans (Pacal Votan; Chilam Balam of Tizimin, Mani, Chumayel; Jaguar Prophet), Egyptians, Celts, etc. This evil event is called %26quot;the abomination that causes desolation%26quot; that will be set up in the Jewish Temple's Holy of Holies when the antichrist is imbued with the spirit of satan himself. When will Jesus come? Only God Himself knows exactly, but very soon in %26quot;the twinkling of an eye%26quot; and like %26quot;a thief in the night%26quot;. If you believe or not, that is up to you; either way it still comes.

    Things to look for to PROVE it to yourself soon:

    %26gt;Fall of America as an economic power and other ways. The buying up and consolidation of powerful banks and corporations by the government in a pretend %26quot;bail out%26quot; power grab to kill the U.S. dollar and bring in a one world currency.鈥?/a>

    Crash of other American banks and the nation's financial underpinning: Operation Sitting Duck

    %26gt;The Big One: Revelation 18. America goes down on the list of fabled societies nobody believes in any more like Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria, Hyperborea, etc..

    %26gt;Martial law. (Google some of Bush's executive orders concerning it- Nightmarish!)

    %26gt;The fallen 'alien' agenda: Implementation of Project Bluebeam (be ready to hear more and more 'alien talk' %26amp; watch your local skies for the show!)鈥?/a>

    Just in time for 2012! After decades of conditioning, billions will fall for it. Will you?

    (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

    WHY DID WE EVEN DIG THEM UP?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    %26gt;Revelation 13:16-18 Trying to make people first accept the REAL ID card (to get you in the system) and then right after forcibly implanting people with these RFID microchips- the coming 'answer' to the world economic crisis:

    %26gt;The start of the North American Union and true globalization..

    %26gt;Push to attack Iran which will start WW3-the atomic war to end all wars. (If you think China, Russia, and the Muslim world would just sit back, you are a mistaken fool!). Escalation of the Georgian/Russian; Israeli/Palestinian; %26amp; Indian/Pakistani conflicts.

    %26gt;Final push to one world government: The New World Order- The 4th Reich! (The brutal final empire foreseen by the prophet Daniel and John the Revelator)

    %26gt;Rise of a miraculous and awe inspiring world leader later to turn world dictator.

    %26gt;Push to one world religion where there are %26quot;many ways to God%26quot;.

    %26gt;Toleration of everything but Jews and Christians.

    %26gt;Temporary and unheard of %26quot;peace in the middle east%26quot;.


    %26gt;More world wide food shortages and famines.

    %26gt;More earth quakes. More fires. Strange and severe weather.

    %26gt;Major spiritual awakenings.

    %26gt;Rise of Islamic fanaticism.

    %26gt;Rise in wickedness and corruption.

    %26gt;Take a few minutes to listen to what this young child uncovered:鈥?/a>


    Christians look forward to this as it means they will soon join their Saviour %26amp; Redeemer in the Millennial Kingdom of the next Age and their Heavenly Father later as %26quot;Children of Light%26quot;. If you try to equate 2012 with Y2K or some other date that cried wolf, then you will be making the worst mistake of your lifetime. Research all these things FOR YOURSELF!
    There is not even one serious scholar or recognized expert on Mayan culture or history who believes that the Mayans thought anything significant would happen in 2012.

    None one.

    But there are millions of crackpots who think that the world will either end or be transformed.

    Here's a quote from Wikipedia's article %26quot;2012%26quot; listing the prophecies that various people adhere to:

    2012 geophysical and cosmological speculations

    John Major Jenkins and others [10] claim that an alignment will occur when the sun rises above the horizon on December 21 2012, at which point the sun will rise in the middle of the Milky Way Galaxy, thus causing an alignment between the earth, sun, and the galactic center.[11] It is claimed that this event will cause numerous changes on Earth. However, the event is only a visual phenomenon from the earth's perspective, which is caused by the precession of the equinoxes or the 26,000 year wobble of the earth, and thus only changes our perspective, not the actual position of the earth in relation to the galaxy. In short, there is no gravitational force or radiation to be expected from this event because other than the tilt of the earth, nothing will be any different from what occurs in any other solstice. [12][13][14]

    There are also claims such as those of Michael Tsarion [15] that an actual physical alignment of our entire solar system will occur with the horizontal plane of the Milky Way Galaxy on that day. The solar system is moving around the center of the galaxy every 225 million years or so, and while doing so is moving up and down in a cycle crossing the plane every 33 million years. According to the Journal Nature, however, there is evidence of the solar system crossing the galactic plane 3 million years ago. This would mean that we are moving away from the galactic plane, not toward it, and we will not be due to cross it for another 30 million years.[16]

    There are also theories that a currently unknown planet, sometimes referred to as planet x or Nibiru, which supposedly has an odd orbit that only enters the local solar system every 3600 years will return in 2012 causing many problems. [17] The idea is traced back to Zecharia Sitchin's translations of Sumerian texts, and specifically to his interpretation of the VA 243 cylinder seal, which he says shows that the Sumerians knew of 12 planets (sun, moon, and ten others). This idea has been challenged by his peers, most notably Michael Heiser. [18] [19]

    Among other possible scenarios is that a shift of the Earth's magnetic poles may occur, and that this will leave the earth vulnerable to harmful radiation from the sun.[20] According to NASA magnetic pole reversal does not occur on a particular day or year, but over the course of thousands of years. Furthermore, the magnetic field does not vanish during this natural cycle, but becomes more complex as it makes the transition.[21]

    Some proponents of the pole shift scenario claim that this shift would be a physical movement of the poles of the earth, and not simply a magnetic shift. This event is called a true polar wander. Earth has experienced a few degree shift in the past, but nowhere near a reversal, and there is no reason to suggest this is likely or even possible. According to William Sager, a Texas A%26amp;M Oceanographer, a slight shift in the physical pole occurs at a rate between 5 and 10 degrees per million years, which means that this event could not happen on a particular day or year but only over a long period of time. [22]

    2012 metaphysical speculations

    2012 is claimed by some with New age beliefs to be a great year of spiritual transformation (or alternatively an apocalypse). There is disagreement among believers whether 2012 will see an end of civilization, or humanity will be elevated to a higher level.[23]

    Many esoteric sources[who?] interpret the completion of the thirteenth B'ak'tun cycle in the Long Count of the Maya calendar (which occurs on December 21 by the most widely held correlation) to mean there will be a major change in world order.

    Several authors have published works which claim that a major, world-changing event will take place in 2012:

    * The 1997 book The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin claims that, according to certain algorithms of the Bible code, an asteroid or comet will collide with the Earth. Drosnin also states in his book that the Bible code only predicts possibilities.

    * The 2006 book 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck discusses theories of a possible global awakening to psychic connection by the year 2012, creating a noosphere.

    * Riley Martin claims that Biaviian aliens will allow passage aboard their 'Great Mother Ship' when the Earth is 'transformed' in 2012.

    * Terence McKenna's numerological novelty theory suggests a point of singularity in which humankind will go through a great shift in consciousness.

    * Dannion Brinkley, in his 2007 book, Secrets of the Light, a follo