Sunday 5 June 2011

Would you prepare yourself for world changing events or live your last years with all those that may perish?

If history repeats it self and this planet shift is going to happen with the arrival of Planet X? Would you spend your remaining years preparing yourself to survive, mentally physically, possibly isolated from society and all you know. Would you try to spread the word since Mega Media would rather not promote a state of fear by educating the major populous.

If there is a chance.....%26quot;Chance favors the prepared mind.%26quot;|||Planet X isn%26#039;t going to have any influence on earth...I promise. But if it were I would probably face the reality that we are doomed and spend the rest of my life without fear or regret. I would do all those things I always wanted to do without fear of consequence.|||im still debating on making babies all over the world to spread my seed. or to not have babies till after 2012 and see if i make it then spread it with the surviving superior women. survival of the fittest. man i would love to be banging only fit women. that would be nice.

how much do you think it would cost to rent a submarine for a year? i wonder if i have good credit enough to finance one on a low interest rate.|||I would just spend the time with my friends and family... I wouldn%26#039;t wanna survive without them.|||If I knew we were doomed...I%26#039;d live my social life to the max - and no I dont only mean sex and getting drunk. I would do those whenever the oppurtunity came obviously, but seriously, I would live every day like it was my last. With those I love (girlfriends, maybe family)