Sunday 5 June 2011

Whatever happened to Muslims around the world changing the way they feel about America because we elected a?

black Muslim to office? Seems Al Qaida may dislike Obama more than they did Bush.

***Go ahead and say Obama is not a Muslim but believe me when I tell you the rest of the world understands that if a man%26#039;s father and entire family are Muslims, he is one as well.***|||Here here!! Agreed!|||Why are the Muslims ignoring his bowing and a**-kissing? O-bow-ma told us that the world would love us now that we elected an anti-American, Muslim-sympathizing, gutless pacifist. The libs told us the same thing.

And look!! Only THREE terrorist attacks in three months. Are we all impressed with His Royal Blackness, the Messiah?|||Europe is the biggest threat:鈥?/a>|||(Thundering Applause) Now that was slick.|||Dedicated enemies are not going to like you whatever you do. Most extremists even dislike each other. But most people don%26#039;t have rigid inflexible opinions. There is no question that foreigners like Obama better than Bush. Mostly because of what he says and not because of his race or ethnicity. You get more applause by saying that you care about others opinions than by just dismissing them.|||It is the epitome of ignorance to describe an entire group by the actions of one of its members.|||He%26#039;s still in Iraq and Afghanistan beating up on his brothers of the faith.|||That%26#039;s why the 12/25 bomb was made to be a dud.

NOT blowing up a jetliner was their way of saying %26quot;Merry Christmas.%26quot;

You just don%26#039;t understand their language.

You need to go back to Muslim sensitivity training.|||The Muslim extremists and jihadists hate Obama because they consider him an %26quot;apostate%26quot;.

An apostate is someone who renounced their muslim faith. For political expediency Obama converted to Christianity, when he became a professional politician.

The Muslim extremists now consider Obama to be a traitor to the faith.

Remember the Muslim extremists have vowed to destroy the entire western world because they consider all people who do not embrace the jihad to be infidels.

To the jihadists, Obama is an infidel.|||Oh Bull.............|||My father and everyone is a Christian.. but I%26#039;m not.
