Sunday 5 June 2011

If some major world changing event occurred, would religious people all over the world freak out?

Would they become irrational and all start claiming that the event signifies something to do with their religion and insist that everyone listen to them and ignore the scientists who are trying to inform people of the situation rationally?|||They would probably come to Y!A and point out exactly where it%26#039;s been %26quot;prophecized%26quot; in their scripture.

Long time no see Desiree.|||Yes, very likely.|||Everyone would probably freak out a bit.

But, yeah, religion is quick to monopolize on misfortune.|||Depends on the world-changing event, I wager.|||We are not the ones who have fear of these things coming to pass so why would we freak out?|||That, my dear, already happens on a daily basis. Even as we speak somewhere someone is praising a god, praying to one, or fearing the wrath on another. Far too many people on this planet are willing to do the whole %26quot;Onward Christian Soldiers%26quot; thing and %26quot;Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition%26quot; at the drop of a hat.

The basic tenet of all religions is that the thinking has already been done for you, now all you have to do is to believe what you are told, and do whatever is required of you by the leaders of your religion.|||Of course.|||godidit