Sunday 5 June 2011

Is the world changing for the better or worst?

Do you think our society is changing for better or worst? Taking in consideration everything from the wars, politics, technology, education, morals, the media, etc etc...

What do you think are the main issues for why or why not?|||The world is getting worst and worst each and everyday. Too much crime and war and the media is not helping. Dont even get me started on the education system.|||The world is changing for the better in regards to technology. But, when you really look at it, we aren%26#039;t too different from our predecessors. I think mankind has had the same fundamental issues in every generation.|||Worst...Global warming, technology has both good and bads involved, manners in little kids seem to have gone out the window for the most part due to the fact the parents are too busy to teach them right. And you can start talking about all the sickos and psychos in the world, but they%26#039;ve always been there just not so advertised, because the media is involved in everything these days and lets not get into the publicity they get just from all the people posting stuff on youtube.|||Of course it%26#039;s getting worse. The bible says in the end times, because inequity abounds, the love of many will grow cold. Why is this such a mystery? It%26#039;s been written down for thousands of years, and now we are seeing it fulfilled.|||Considering my children abrupt change of attitudes outside the family there is really a great change|||the world remains the same have you read the bible about this, what will it be like in the times of the end, the world willl not change, society and societies will not change, there will be achievements, but everything will stay the same, love and hate. marrying and giving in marriage, wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes in diverse places, really sounds pretty good, not too much to keep up with, all rather simple really and we have been doing a good job so far|||We are living in a hypocrit world. The society is never changing but we assume that it is changing.|||It really depends on what you mean by better or worse. Honestly, those are rather vague descriptions, as one man might think something is better while another may think its worse.

But here is my 2 cents:

Education: In the sense that our youth are being %26quot;taught%26quot; more, you could say that our society, or the world, is getting better. However, at least here in the US, there is more emphasis put on quantity instead of quality. This type of education, simply stuffing facts down young people%26#039;s throats, is not the kind of education that will prepare anyone for the real world and real world issues. Here in the US, the youth are sheilded from the harsh realities in our world. Most people think that they have it bad because (please dont chew me out for this, but im speaking from the experience of my area) they had a fight with their parents, they didnt get their favorite food, or their Burburry purse, but most of these youth have never been in real poverty, and never seen the rough side of life. Therefore, its quantity over quality, whereas it should be the other way around.

Education: worse

Wars, Morals, Politics, the Media, all meshed into one: Once again, I am speaking from my US perspective. The US president gets quite greedy, such as Iraq (oil) and Afghansitan (which, incidentally, has not officially ended yet...not that it officially started), and puts human life in the way of danger for personal gain. The media spins it so that we think he is doing a great service to our country. Morals are fading, sins and everything are going down, etc.

So for all of the above: worse

Technology: better, way better. but when will it stop?

controversy over moral issues like abortion and cloning make technology seem like a bad thing, but is it?

I think not.

Thats about my 2 cents, any questions you know where to find me.

P.S. Sorry about the skimply answers for some of the subjects. This was quite a controversial question based more upon individual definitions of good/bad so i didnt want to elaborate more. But i think that the world can turn its direction, if people would get rid of their vices. The Qu%26#039;ran, Bible, and other holy books say that the world will end in chaos and disaster. Look around. There already is the chaos, and with issues like global warming, excess CO2, etc, the disaster seems to be coming.