Sunday 5 June 2011

What impact will Tony blair have on changing world opinion on the environment?

How is he qualified to call for a revolution in attitudes?|||Bugger All !!.... Plastic Bags, he should have one put over

his head to check out environmentally friendliness......?

His mate Gordon Brown, now PM, should be put to the test.

How many litres of bottled water you can drink in an hour,

compared to tap water, %26amp; produce a cost -effective analysis ?|||About as much as I could my friend.|||none|||He%26#039;s very persuasive isn%26#039;t he, the whole world believed him about WMD, didn%26#039;t they? And, his calling for a revolution in Iraq must have saved millions of lives, didn%26#039;t it?

Sorry got carried away then, NO impact whatsoever I%26#039;m afraid.|||He%26#039;ll have about the same impact as he had on brokering peace in the Middle East. How is he going to manage it all I wonder.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - save the planet.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday - sort out Israel, Palestine.

Sunday - Day of rest of course.

Wonder what his carbon footprint%26#039;s like with all these international assignments?|||No impact at all. Where are the people who will listen to the devious B**tard anyway.|||About as much as Al Gore.|||None, but he will make a lot of money out of it,

Look at Al Gore, he%26#039;s made millions.|||None at all. Who is Tony Blair?|||He is qualified because he did what no other politician has done in this country - he was instrumental in bringing peace to Northern Ireland. That was a monumental achievement to solve what was hitherto a problem thought to be insoluble and beyond hope. He did indeed cause a revolution of attitudes on both sides of the divide in Northern Ireland. He can do it in relation to other world problems.