Sunday 5 June 2011

Is the world changing for better or worse?

I think the world is going to make a big change. We are all spoiled kids that don%26#039;t want to give up anything!!!!

We are focused only towards a material world where looks, money and prestige is important. Unfortunately, it is sad to see how nature is giving up and how people are just ignoring the signals.

I still wonder when I see good weather how can this still be????

I am not a fanatic of %26quot;Lets Save the World%26quot; but I do think that we have gone to an extreme that will take all of us to a different dimension.

There has been warning throughout the past century, that mother nature was slowly but surely going to make us pay for it.

There is an high increase of cancer patients ever year. I have lost friends that were young with this sickness.

Young people are suffering from depression when I didn%26#039;t even know the existence of it. You always hear of new diseases that touchs very often the young ones.

Animals that go crazy because we want to feed them our way

( la mucca pazza) Floods, tornados etc... you name it !

Experiments that are so dangerous for our health and we only get 20% of the story. You see mothers that take their children for a walk. They are so small and are just the right height for breathing all the gas exhaustion from the cars passing by.

There is so much to write and to say that Answers cannot fullfill this argument. However, I don%26#039;t think that we will (meaning people that live on earth) will attempt to clean up this big mess, but I am expecting something or someone that is on higher level than us to gives us a hand. Call it UFO, call it God or whaterever but it will not be us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||It varies from moment to moment. Lately, I%26#039;d have to say for the worse, but I%26#039;m hopeful about feeling a pendulum swing next Tuesday.|||In 400 B.C. Socrates observed: %26quot;Young people nowadays love luxury; they have bad manners and contempt for authority. They show disrespect for old people and love silly talk in place of exercise. They no longer stand up when older people enter the room; they contradict their parents, talk constantly in front of company, gobble their food and tyrannize their teachers.%26quot;

So what is really new?|||It has always been worse. Better than worse is still worse. The world will always suck and it needs to be destroyed. I hope for a global nuclear war to wipe the slate clean. A new attempt at building a true civilized world. We are barbarians of the worse sort. What evil we impose on each other will always be as long as there are people.|||That depends on your point of view. If you like the cycle of war and hatred, then yes, the world is changing for the better. However, if you%26#039;re like the rest of us, then no, the world is going down the crapper. By now, there has been just too much damage done; too many hatreds born of the arrogance of U.S. Imperial policies for the world to do anything but get much, much worse before it gets any better. But I%26#039;m sure that it will be better eventually.|||The tools of destruction are much more lethal and the powerful just as ruthless, but ordinary people are more tolerant and less cruel and less indifferent to the suffering of others. Now, if we could just get rid of the first two and more of the last, we%26#039;d make some progress.|||ultimately for the worse theres too many gays demanding marriage i mean we might as well let people marry animals like cows and horses.......too many school shootings especially from white people who are too emotional, child molesters running loose and when they get caught they are required to register and are let loose again, bush still being president, politicians always lying, americans worried about too many w e t b a c k s when they still havent handled the terrorist threat and al qaeda i mean what if they blow something up again and u already kicked out all the wet-backs whos gonna clean it up and build it back up too many problems in this world and especially in this country|||The world is , certainly, a better place to live now. There are pockets of trouble, in the middleeast, in Africa, in Asia. But such problems have been there earlier also.

People are not dying of hunger. There is general awareness increase.

If only countries co operate more closely the world will be even better.

One example . The 1.5 billion China and the 1.0 billion India are , both , progressing fast in the last 10 years . Every thing is in plenty .If these behemoths can come out and shine why not the other countries/ That is IF the people of that countries want to.|||with liberals like nancy pelosi and hillary afoot you have to ask...get rid of this vermin and political correctness and we wouldnt he having this discussion|||Duality we are still in duality here man!

In a duality-ruled world, there will be always better and worse, a struggle for expansion like two horses pulling in opposite directions, anyway ... to answer your question I would say worse since basically nothing has changed from an absolute point of view ... I would say better since the consciousness has raised.|||Under the present regimes in all countries, I would say the world is getting worse. Those in power only want one thing, to stay in power or to accumulate as much wealth as possible no matter who they screw up. Including this country. America. Since George Washington there has never been a President that didn%26#039;t have his own agenda for how the country should be run, not a consensus of opinion, just his opinion. And while he is supposedly running the country, who cares if he bilks millions of people out of there savings and destroys their puny lives, Georgie doesn%26#039;t. And neither do the factionary peoples of the world. They don%26#039;t care if the world goes down the tubes, as long as they get theirs. Usually in the form of money and power.|||Worse and it is because we are at war but not with humans but a spirit being that does not want us alive at all. He is evil and he is against God. The time of the Anti Christ is near. Keep your eyes on Europe.

Jesus%26#039; rapture of the church is very close and when the number of the Beast 666 disguised as something else is placed on you hand or forehead the end is but 3.5 years away for the Return of the King and his name is Yeshua (Jesus). For if he did not come back there will be no flesh left on the planet. And for those whom accept such a sign are truly lost and condemned. For there will be a judgment of the nations that fall in Leigh with the anti messiah and there will be a great Judgment after Jesus%26#039; 1000 year rein of the Kingdom of God on this earth.

This is truth and it is to come. Take it or leave it but, it is truth.|||Both better and worse, and even. Depending on the individualistic views or the majorities? People with money will say yes, people without will say no. Both sides will tell you about their complaints, neither is happy. Personally I think the pendulum swings both ways, and where it has been worse for a while it will change for the better, and where it has been better it will change for the worse. For in every life a little rain must fall. When the people who have it worse that had it better at one time will be telling you how bad it is but still will be complaining as they were when they had it good. And the people that have it great will be happy until they are bored and they will complain as well. Better or worse we have to live through it thick or thin. But it would be better if we are all just happy to be alive and without pain.|||It%26#039;s changing for the better in a bad way.|||In a long term approach or evaluation it is changing for better.

In a short term it varies.|||It is neither.

It is both.

This is not supposed to be heaven-like. It is a place of testing and learning.

If you study history, and prehistory, you can see that all times were good and bad. Like all things, and all times, life will find a balance in it.|||Its kind of going both ways.One one hand Science is improving our lives and on the other science is destroying our lives by war and other dangerous inventions like nukes.|||TECHNOLOGY IS THE ONLY THING THATS BETTER IN THIS WORLD, EVERYTHING ELSE IS GOING DONE A TOILET THATS GOT A HUGE TERD STUCK IN IT AND REAL SOON ITS GOING TO BE RUNNING OVER THE RIM!!!!