Sunday 5 June 2011

Sen. Obama supporters, is he really the best and most "world changing" candidate?

Or is he just the lesser of two evils to you?

In other words, is he just the best you have, no really that big of a CHANGE|||Since he has never attempted to %26quot;change%26quot; anything in the senate, and voted %26quot;present%26quot; on more bills than any other dem, I doubt his claim highly. He couldnt even change Chicago...|||best ther democrats have

which unfortunately for them aint good enough|||I think we are in BIG BIG trouble in this country.|||If he gets elected he will disarm us and get us all killed

It will be his supporters that will get fried in the cities and it will serve them right.

his own words鈥?/a>|||Definitely. Obama is going to change 845 billion of our tax dollars from being in our hands over to Africa.|||Obama is a scumbag. The filthy LIAR flubbed it again with that BOGUS story about his uncle who served in WWII and helped to liberate Aushwitz.

WHAT A LOSER!!!|||Obomba couldn%26#039;t change a lightbulb|||He is no change at all! Wake up! Look at %26quot;Old Washington%26#039; that backs him: Kennedy, Kerry, Biden, Durbin, Reid. The only change he wants is to change his Senate Seat for the Oval Office. The change he plans is:

Free College? Raise your taxes!

Prescription Drugs? Raise your taxes!

Health Care for Everyone? Raise your taxes!

Free Abortion? Raise your taxes Big Brother will pay for everything you need!!! Just ask for it and Obama will see that you get it.

..................Out of your billfold.

.........That%26#039;s the new %26#039;hope of change%26#039;!|||Depends on who he picks for his administration. I hope he doesn%26#039;t pick Karl Rove, McCain, Rumsfeld, Cheney. Anybody would be better than these lying, knifing, selfish, unpatriotic aholes. There%26#039;s tons of proof if you have been listening to the news the past 8 years.

However, what people say negative about Obama usually has no proof and is just propaganda.|||He represents everything that we should not vote for. He even puts himself above scrutiny. Is he really better than everyone else or does he just have much more to hide. His changes are not likely to be in the best interest of the United States of America.|||I don%26#039;t think we require him to be %26quot;the best most world changing candidate%26quot;. Wy would we? He%26#039;s simply a very good candidate who is clearly the better choice in this election. That%26#039;s plenty.

Obama 2008|||Hes the poorest candidate for president in the history of the United States. None have every been so Anti American as he is. None have lied so much and got away with it. There is no way he will be president and after this, I doubt if this country will every have a minority president. No black, woman or anyother race. Obama Peleosi and Dean have made a laughing stock of the Democratic Party.|||he, for sure, is not the best...and as for his so called %26#039;changes%26#039;, most of them are Jimmy Carter%26#039;s policies warmed over and presented as new..that only works for those too young to remember his administration and what dark days they were for America. he has taken Carter%26#039;s foreign policies almost verbatim...|||I think He has his quirks like they all do, but at the end of the day I think we need a change, and if he is the one preaching it, then folks are gonna listen... I also think Reps are going to be surprised in November, and this is where the Reps have lost touch... The Economy is going to be the biggest issue... Folks want jobs, and want to be able to put food on the table and gas in the car. The War is big, but it will be overshadowed by the Economy... I will say this, if the Reps want to win in November, they better stop relying on division in the Dem party, folks not wanting to vote for Obama, and better start coming up with a plan for the Economy.... At the end of the day, people don%26#039;t give a sh** about some of that other stuff, we are concerned about our jobs and sustaining ouf lives...|||Obama is sadly...going to win. Check out Bob Barr, voting for him wont do much since we%26#039;re about as democratic as China; but the ideas will make more sense.|||he%26#039;s changing what needs to be changed. out with the white, and in with the black!!|||I live in england, but the way i see it, i think he has made his way to where he is now, however i don%26#039;t think hillary would be, courtesy of mr clinton.

In other words, i think obama is the most authentic.|||just the democratic nominee. not the second coming or any of that nonsense. if hillary somehow manages to come out of this with the nomination i%26#039;ll vote for her. %26quot;change%26quot; is no more offensive than any slogan that politicians have used. and that%26#039;s all it is, a slogan. Y!A is not an accurate reflection of the real world, it%26#039;s mostly the extremes.|||He will be play-doh in the politico machine of Washington.|||No, I believe in him fully. Our country is hurting for a leader that will not only listen to, but will reach out to his advisors, fellow politicians, experts, and most importantly, the American people. Obama%26#039;s movement is not about him. It%26#039;s about a large percentage of Americans who are fed up with Washington%26#039;s current state. Whether he truely represents these sentiments can only be proven with time.