Sunday 5 June 2011

Does anyone else feel the need to prepare for our changing world?

There is little doubt that our world is changing. Global warming and climate change, war, and the natural distructive behavior of humans threaten every aspect of the world as we know it. Does anyone else see a change in our very way of life being necessary to survive the coming age?|||I think what many people in my generation fail to realize is that the world is changing, but it%26#039;s nothing new. The world has always changed over the years, it is not something unique to our lifetime. War has always been around since humans have walked the earth. Humans have been destroying natural habitats for generations, again nothing new. Then you come to the big climate change question. I admit it could very well be that humans are directly responsible. BUT what many people fail to realize is that we have only been recording temperatures for about 200 years, a very short time in human history. It is just as possible that climate change is a natural occurrence. Study the earth and you%26#039;ll see that different animal species have migrated to different parts of the globe over the thousands of years because of changing weather. North America and Asia were once joined between Russia and Alaska many years ago. The ice sheets that joined these 2 continents melted over time. Theirs natural climate change for you at a time when humans were not polluting the earth. For every argument for man made climate change there is an argument to disprove it. I simply wish people would swallow their pride and admit that NOBODY KNOWS 100% either way. Another thing to remember is that many of the people supporting climate change stand to make a lot of money with the new carbon trading scheme that the Kyoto Protocol introduced. We should all be more enviromentally responsible, but nobody should believe a theory blindly without looking at all sides of the story which unfortunately most people don%26#039;t do.....Thanks for listening take care.|||yes,i feel like so. But, I wonder is the people changing the world or is the world changing?|||Fa shizzle! We won%26#039;t be able to rely on the weather to consistantly provide us with good farming conditions. We should build giant, indoor farm/labs. GM (genetically modified)vegetables are much more acceptable to the American consumer than GM meats, for obvious reasons. Hydroponics and soil engineering stuff would require some science guys. Heck, these type of farms could even be prototypes for growing food in space colonies on places that don%26#039;t have weather like we know it. Climate%26#039;s changing, we can%26#039;t stop it or reverse it, so lets make sure we can feed everyone and avoid the future mass starvations. Whether or not we are the cause is unimportant now. Adapt or die.