Sunday 5 June 2011

What is the gretest world changing invention?

What is the greatest world changing invention? It could be the Automobile, Printing Press, Light bulb, Electricity, the Wheel, Computers, Telephone, the internet, or even something else|||I would have to go with the lever! Sure the board, or whatever is used as the arm, and the stone, or whatever is used as the fulcrum, were discovered and not invented. But using them as a tool was an invention.

Yay for lever!

Or perhaps the inclined plane... Hmm...|||wheel|||Electricity!|||Soap|||Without question, it%26#039;s electricity. Without electricity there would be no auto, no computer, no internet, no telephone.|||i would not classify the wheel and electricity as inventions but discoveries more akin to fire. Knowing this I would have to say writing/reading is the greatest invention, being able to record our knowledge and information for future generations. and writing would include drawings and pictures, reading is just the interpretation of writing|||There have been many great, world-changing inventions and discoveries throughout human history. These are some:

o making fire o computers

o horticulture o powered flight

o agriculture o assembly line

o bronze o automobile

o writing o gunpowder

o steam engine o moveable type

Some actually kicked off revolutions that completely changed how we live (such as the Industrial Revolution) or became the main definition for an entire age of human culture (such as the bronze age and the space age.)

Some were ideas or belief systems (which are harder to trace to a specific point, but seemed to have caught on over relatively short periods), such as Christianity and democracy.

I would be hard pressed to pick just one.|||I think electricity for the same reasons already stated Great question!|||The Wheel, according to %26#039;Shirley Valentine%26#039; - it was the wheel, miss.|||cell phone


all media converged !!!



simple to use...

the list goes on ...and u can come up with soooo many advantages...|||The shopping trolley we drag on wheels i used to hate pulling my heavy shopping home and pushing a pram on wheels has well has trying to keep a toddler safe has well. so i do say the wheel.|||The telephone.

It lets people communicate.

everything id easier

people are less distanced|||the computer, without it you would not be answering this question|||All inventions change the world for the better , except for some like the AK-47 !

To say that any one invention is the greatest invention , is like saying Newton was the greatest scientist ; probably he was , but only till Einstein came along !

A lot of inventions have built on other inventions ; in fact the greatest world changing invention may be Man%26#039;s decision to pursue the scientific path ; but for that we would still be little more than animals !|||The Cotton Gin- which helped to herald in the coming of the Industrial Age, allowing more cotton to be grown cheaper, thereby increasing the need to better and faster spinning wheels and looms....|||To the extent that inventions tend to stand on the shoulders of earlier inventions (and may therefor be innovations), I agree with Milton. The invention of language and writing led to the dissemination of knowledge without which other inventions are unlikely to have occurred.|||All of them are equally important, but I would have to say the printing press. It enabled people to spread their ideas over far distances, allowing people to hear about new inventions and discoveries.

P.S. Electricity wasn%26#039;t %26quot;invented%26quot;, but discovered. Humans just learned how to manipulate and control it after we discovered it%26#039;s existence|||The wheel, sponge toffee and the Internet for sure, in my lifetime. This is the greatest communication tool ever.|||MONEY!!!!! A standardized medium of exchange that is a good store of value and has a wide acceptability for any transactions is the greatest invention. Imagine living in a world where the only way to obtain the goods that we want is through barter. Money as well as other modern methods of payment (ie. credit cards) simplify a lot of things in our daily lives (provided that we are not too greedy ourselves). Our modern society would cease functioning without such an instrument of currency to facilitate running it.|||sliced bread because everyone says Its the greatest thing since sliced bread|||The printing press and the discovery of chocolate|||the harnessing of fire