Sunday 5 June 2011

Repeated dreams about this world changing?

okay, so for the past month i%26#039;ve been having repeated dreams about tidal waves, and the world coming to an end, which is unusual because I%26#039;ve known about 2012 since last year and haven%26#039;t really paid much attention to it, and never really dreamed anything about it, but it seems lately that%26#039;s all that is coming to me, as if these visions keep getting stronger and stronger. I had another dream last night, except it was a pandemic, and everyone was zombies, except for I. Has anyone else been having weird dreams like this lately?|||the world is gonna end but not in 2012 becuz NO ONE knows when the world is gonna end but god|||have you been worried that one of your friends or family members is going to pass away anytime soon? or a pet? something you might loose? someone might be moving away?|||Very rarely are dreams simply about what they depict. Odds are, your subconscious is trying to tell you that you are not as prepared for something as you should be. That might be college, a job, parenthood or something as meaningless as a football tryout. I don%26#039;t know that part, but I guarantee you are not seeing the future of the world, just the future of your own emotions if you don%26#039;t heed their warnings.