Sunday 5 June 2011

Are the upcoming environmental cabinet posts the most important and world changing Presidential cabinet posts?

I am talking about the Secretary of the Interior, which handles us public land and mineral deposits, Secretary of Energy, Environment Protection Agency Administrator, and Climate Change Czar.

|||yes. Right now the world is focused on the economy, and that is hella important. However, no matter what happens, the economy will fix itself. The right policies will determine how quickly it fixes itself, but it will get better. The environment will not. The right environmental policy will make the climate right for us. The wrong policy will make the climate right for other species. Getting the US climate policies on track could help lead the world in the right direction. With responsible investments we can fund and lead the way into technological improvements to make green energy the most affordable energy, and thus the most popular.|||Sorry, you%26#039;re just not that important.

The planet has been taking care of itself for a very long time. It doesn%26#039;t need our help as badly as that.

(At 59%, you probably vote best answer for yourself, don%26#039;t you?)|||There is a very real chance if Obama is elected that the ideas coming from these picks will set the stage for great positive change. I hope for Obama to have the chance to be as successful at this choice as he was in his campaign.